He closed his eyes, donning his most intense and powerful Mind Mask. Instantly, a Master-level aura spread across the Forest of Fear, sending shivers across the entire region.
Yet the wyverns just grinned at him gleefully, snorting and huffing.
Their non-verbal communication conveyed a single message.
"Tsk," Rui tutted, displeased, dispelling the Mind Mask.
Instantly, they spiraled around him, hoping to gang up on the stronger one of the two. They converged on him in one fell swoop, preparing powerful infernos to cook him alive. The prey would have no direction to escape while being subjected to the combined heat of all the wyverns of the Forest of Fear. This tactic ensured that no prey within the Senior Realm could possibly survive their prison of hellish fire.
The end was nigh, as far as they were concerned.
Yet, in facing the approaching wyverns, Rui didn't so much as twitch. He stood midair with closed eyes.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!