The Sloth Sage shook his head. "Look at me, rambling about the distant past. Rather out of character, I must say."
He glanced at Rui. "If my fellow leaders find out, half of them will not be pleased. There is an implicit understanding that you would do Martial Art and the Martial Union more justice as Emperor than the Emperor of Harmony who focused on balancing interests as per their importance and power."
Rui didn't reply.
He simply stared at the Sloth Sage silently.
He was waiting for the Martial Sage's decision.
The man heaved a sigh.
"Alright, I'll keep it a secret. In turn, you keep my, ahem, transgressions a secret. I'll declare that you were forthright and transparent with your intentions of becoming Emperor, and I'll owe you a favor, deal?" The Sloth Sage turned to Rui lazily.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!