Unduh Aplikasi
49.27% The Spider. / Chapter 34: Chapter 34: The Parkers

Bab 34: Chapter 34: The Parkers

"I'm sorry we can't help more," Franklin said as the Fantastic Five, May and I all gathered around the veranda.

"No, you guys have done enough," I sighed, "honestly it's nice to know I'm going back home, eventually."

"Again, I apologize for not being of more help," came Reed's robotic voice before he turned away and floated back inside.

I eyed him and sighed, "Johnny, Ben, he needs help."

"Ever since Sue did he hasn't been the same," Johnny explained, "and frankly I don't think he ever will be."

"Relax web head, he has us, he'll be fine." Ben shrugged.

I nodded, "right...one of these days you're going to tell me how you lost that arm."

"Sure kid," Ben chuckled.

I turned to Franklin and smiled, holding out my hand which he shaked, "thanks Franky. For everything."

Franklin smiled back, "no problem...Spider-man."

"You could show some more enthusiasm kid," Johnny snorted, "isn't he like your favorite superhero ever?"

"Uncle Johnny!" Franklin cried out blushing a little.

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it's true, while growing up you were Franky's hero," Lyja replied with a soft smile, "he always used to go on and on about how amazing you were."

I smiled as I turned to Frankie, "heh, nice. You want an autograph?"

Franklin blushed as he looked away, "i-if you wouldn't mind."

I chuckled as I took out a pen from May's bag, 'hey!' and signed Franklin's uniform. He insisted. May and I wished them luck as we web swung away. I was kind of embarrassing having my daughter carry around town, but hey, that's what I get.

Suddenly my stomach began growling, "hey May, know any place we can eat?"

"I know just the place! Come on!" May called out as she swung back to Queens, landing on a Dinner named 'Jerry's'.

She then quickly put on her normal clothes over her costume, talking to me as she did, "my dad I and used to come here often, you know the place?"

I shrugged, "can't say I do. But hey, if I thought it was good, what the heck right?"

We climbed down through the back and walked around, entering the place and quickly finding us seats in one corner. We ordered quickly, she got some chicken drums and a salad while I ordered waffles.

"Why waffles?" May asked.

I shrugged, "why not? They way I see it you should never need a reason to have the food you like."

May smiled, "nice logic pops." I smirked, she sighed, "I'm sorry I couldn't help you out more."

"Oh please, it's fine."

"No, it's not. When I came over to your world you found Spyral in a few hours, now I can't even do the same."

I chuckled, "hey, relax May, I'll be fine," I held her hand tight, "knowing my luck though I'll be stuck here for a few weeks, maybe more. So you should feel less sorry for me, and more worried about how you're going to deal with a 16 year old version of your dad."

May's eyes went wide, "oh shit."

I chuckled, "yeah, figured you wouldn't have thought of that. Relax, I'll make sure to stay out of your hair. I can rent a motel or something, shouldn't be a problem."

"No," May snapped, "you can stay with me."

I raised an eyebrow, "I have the cash May, it won't be any trouble."

"Still no," she said adamantly, "like you said, we're family, I'm not just going to let family sleep on the street. You can stay with me."

"And how exactly are you going to explain me to your parents?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She shrugged, "hey, I'm sure they wouldn't mind, after all my dad is a version of you."

I smirked, "clever girl. Fine, I'll talk to your dad, see what he thinks about all of this. Should be fine."

"Parker?" someone called out.

May and I both turned, "what?" we asked at the same time only for us to realise what we were doing. I chuckled while May rolled her eyes.

She looked around and spotted the two blonde friends of her from school. "Hey JJ, Brad, what are you guys doing here?"

The one called JJ spoke up with a wide smile, "nothing, we were just in the area, looking for a bite to eat is all."

I raised an eyebrow, "Midtown is twenty blocks away."

"We really like this place," Brad spoke up glaring down at me, "what's it to you?"

I smirked, "kind of defensive there Brady. What's the matter? Scared I'm going to steal May from you?"

Brad immediately blushed, "w-what?!"

I huffed, "honestly May, you can do so much better than these blonde morons. One's way too into his own hair," I looked at JJ, "and the other obviously has issues admitting his feelings."

May put her head down embassered, "please, stop."

I chuckled, "right, sorry. Anyway, you two want to join us? We're having lunch!"

JJ and Brad looked at each other, gulping. Brad spoke up, "yeah."

I smiled, "wonderful!" I made room as JJ sat next to me and Brad next to May. I turned to the three, "so how long has this little love triangle been going on?"

"P-Peter!" May cried out.

I shrugged, "sorry, just curious."

"There's nothing going on," JJ spoke up, "we're just friends."

"Yeah," Brad nodded.

I rolled my eyes, "really? Then why do you two act so defensive?"

"Maybe because some guy we never met just came in and took away our friend without no rhyme or reason?" JJ speculated looking at me then May, "you never even mentioned him May."

May nodded, "yeah he's, he's kind of a distant relation."

I nodded, "yup, way distant. Also, you two really should just admit you like her. I mean you're never going to go anywhere unless you can't even admit that. Believe me, it helps so much."

Brad growled, "what are you? The love guru?"

I shrugged, "no, not really, but something tells me I might end up married to a total babe in the future, so fingers crossed." May groaned as he put her head down in embarrassment. Yes little one, give in to the hate!

We got our orders and Brad and JJ took turns interrogating me. What am I doing here? Why did I come here? What did May and I do when we left school? I obviously never gave them a straight answer.

"And for the last time blond 1 and blonde 2, you both really have taken an uncanny interest in me. Seriously, stop it," I grumbled, finishing off the last of my waffles.

JJ narrowed his eyes, "not until-"


May and I looked at each other immediately, that sounded close, very close. I shook my head, she glared and ignored me.

"I need to go," May said leaping over Brad.

"Where are you going?" Brad asked.

"Family emergency cupcake," she called out as ran out the back.

I sighed, "dammit May," I payed for the meal before leaping over the table and following May outside. I followed her into the alley where we climbed to the dinner's roof and changed her costume.

"It looks like it's coming from a block away," I told her looking at smoke rising into the air a street away.

"Right," May took off her clothes revealing her costume underneath, "I'll go ahead, you stay here. You don't have a costume, so keep yourself hidden."

"But I-" she didn't even listen to me, instead taking off, swinging away. I saw her swinging around a building and disappear. I waited nervously for her to come back, but a few minutes past and she didn't.

I waited, and waited. I couldn't do this, not again. I told myself I wouldn't be this city's damn scapegoat again...and yet….I grew worried. May...is she alright?

Growing too restless to care I took out my tablet and transformed it into it's helmet form, dawning it and leaping across rooftops, it was slower than web swinging, but it got the job done.

I leaped across a few rooftops, I could see smoke rise up a few streets over. 'There!' I realised as I leaped onto a tall building and ran to the edge of the roof, just as a car came flying through the air, over the rooftop and landing on the street on the other side of the building.

'What the fuck?!' I thought to myself as I looked over the edge down on the street. And there I saw it. It was huge, maybe 15 feet tall. Bronze scale covered with draconian arms, legs and head. It's eyes glowed like fire and it looked...deadly.

And standing before him was May Parker, the first superhero I ever loved. The reason I grew my sense of righteousness in the first place. The woman who inspired me, and she was standing alone against this thing.

"Don't do this!" May cried out, "these people are innocent!"

"No one is innocent!" he released a powerful laser beam that exploded on the ground before May, throwing her back into a light pole. "I am the strongest!" he cried out, "all will bow before the Dragon King!"

He reached around and grabbed a car lifting it over his head and throwing i at May. the girl was slowly move, I knew she wouldn't dodge it, she was still out of it.

I didn't realise I was leaping through the air before I was already halfway into the path of the flying car.

"I got you!" I yelled out as I landed before May, grabbing her in my arms before leaping away, just in time for the car to crash behind us in an explosion.

"Who are you?!" Dragon king asked as his fiery eyes light up as blast of energy came pouring out.

"Move!" May yelled as we both leaped away from the wall. The laser beams caused the entire wall structure to collapse, the derbies falling down onto the by standing civilians.

"NO!" I cried out, charging forward.

"I got them!" May cried out as she shot out a wide range of webs, creating a net over the civilians to protect them from debris.

"Thank God," I sighed in relief before turning around to face the giant figure before me. I growled, "you bastard!"


My bone claws popped out of my hands shocking May and the Dragon King.

"You think those claws of yours can stop me?!" he yelled as he flexed his arms bringing up his own claws, "mine are bigger!"

"What the hell are those?!" May cried out, pointing at my stinger.

"Insurance," I growled, "what are his powers?"

"Ah, well, he has super strength, obviously. He's sort of like a golden dragon hulk that can shoot out fire beams."

"Does he have a healing factor?" I asked.

"Ah, I don't think it's any more than normal," Spider-girl guessed.

"Stay back and distract him, web his eyes and nose. And don't worry about me, I have super healing."

"O-okay," May called out.

"Right," I rushed forward at the Dragon King. He looked at me and growled, he raised his fists and brought them down on the road. I leaped away, jumping to a lamp post before kicking off and landing on his back, thrusting both arms into his back, piercing my stingers inside him.

"ARGH!" he cried out.

"How's this bitch?!" I pulled out my left hand and reached around his neck, squeezing hard.

May shot out a web line pinning his feet to the ground. She did it over and over again, immobilizing his feet, forcing him to wobble about.

"Nothing can harm me-" I moved my right arm into his mouth and pierced his tongue, slicing it off on one sweep. "SKREE! NOOOO!"

"Spider-girl! Web his nostrils and throat! Cut him off!" I cried out.

"Right!" May cried as she leaped forward, landing on his chest. I held his mouth open, one arm wrapped around his throat with the other pulling his head back.

May quickly fired off several shots of webs into his nasal cavity and throat, closing it off. He quickly caught on, growling more and more violent. We were forced to leap off the struggling giant, but by then, May's job was done.

I landed behind him and landed on the road. I dashed forward, swiping my claws across his shin, forcing him onto his knees.

"Stay down!" May cried out as she leaped upwards, socking him across the jaw, sending him flying back onto the road.

"GR!" he cried out in pain as he struggled to get back on his feet, his arms going for his throat and nose.

"We need to stop him!" Spider-girl cried out.

"It's fine," I replied, "he can't do a thing."

"What do you mean?"

"You webbed up his throat and nostrils remember? His fingers are sharp, but they aren't long enough to reach inside and free himself. He'll suffocate in a few moments, once he's unconscious we can bag him."

Spider-girl stared at the Dragon Emperor as he wobbled around, looking distraught as he clawed at his throat, making no effort to break free. She gulped, "that's cruel."

I sighed, "I know, but if we actually engage him in combat a lot of innocent people will get hurt," I motioned around to the large crowd of people out little fight had gathered, "it's better one crazy man suffers for a while, rather than all these innocent people."

"But still," May said squeezing her hand into fists, "this….this is cruel."

"Sometime you need to be cruel," I saw the golden Dragon look at me in rage, "oh shit!" He roared as he pulled his legs up, breaking May's webbing around his feet. He then looked around desperately like a caged animal and grabbed a car, lifting it over his head and throwing it at us.

"I got this!" May cried out as she shot out two web lines to catch the car like a sling shot, only for a large bulky form to get in her way, landing on the airborne car and crushing it into the ground.

"No! We got this!" the figure called out as I stood up straight. He wore a silver metallic dome shaped helmet on his head, a black muscle shirt with his sleeves cut off and a flannel shirt tied around his hips.

"J2?!" May cried out in surprise.

"Hey Spider-girl, don't worry, I brought the cavalry!" the man smiled.

"Avengers! Assemble!" I heard a familiar cry as I turned around seeing a black and gold version of Tony's suit fly down with a female captain America with a familiar shield in toe.

"What the fuck?" I exclaimed as the woman dropped down and landed besides J2. Suddenly there was a silver blur that came around us stopping next to the new team. She wore a silver spandex costume and had dyed blue and silver hair with black sunglasses.

"J2, we need to contain him, tackle him down!" the gender swapped Captain America called out.

"On it!" J2 yelled out.

"No! Wait!" I cried out leaping in front of the big man, "I have the situation contained! He's going to go down any moment now!"

"Get out of the way kid, let the professionals handle this," the female speedster said with a smirk as suddenly I found myself pushed to the side, she had carried me aside in seconds!

J2 roared as he charged forward, pummeling into the Dragon Emperor. They ran backwards into a car, J2 smashed him downwards over and over.

"Get back J2, I got this," said the black and Gold wamm be, firing off rockets into the nearly unconscious Dragon Emperor.

J2 stepped away just as the missiles hit, causing a big fiery explosion that rocked the streets. I watched in horror as slowly the silhouette of the monster rose, it threw it's head back and roared, taking a deep breath, sucking in all the smoke around him.

"I'm free!" he cried out.

"Not good!" the female Cap cried out, "everyone, get him!"

"No!" I yelled, but they didn't even bother.

They charged him like a bunch of rookies. The black Iron man fired off repulsor beams randomly, trying to tire down the Dragon Emperor. J2 tackled him into buildings and cars while the speedster, to her credit, got people out of the way.

"Those idiots!" May cried out, "Spider, we need to help the civilians out!"

I made myself look away, "r-right." I followed May's lead as we went into the crowd. May created a giant web around the civilians, protecting the people from falling debris.

When these so called Avengers were done that entier street looked like a war zone. Building destroyed, people hurt. May and I did our best, she used our webs to bangae people's wounds. Luckily no one was too badly hurt.

"They did it! The Avengers saved us!" someone cried out. People began to swarm the team who now stood triumphantly over an unconscious Dragon Emperor.

They smiled and waved, "you gaves are lucky we happened to come around!" J2 said with a grin, flashing a smile for the cameras.

"Can I have an autograph?" someone cried out, it was an old woman with a bandaged arm. She got hurt when J2 ploughed the monster into a building. But she didn't care. But I did.

I growled as I walked up to them, pushing past the people. May noticed me and quickly followed, "what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm going to give them a piece of my mind," I growled out.

"Spider don't, they didn't-"

"-You morons!" I roared out as I tore through the civilian crowds standing before them with clenched fist.

The 'Avengers' spotted me, looking confused as May quickly followed. "Who's your friend there Spider?" the female speedster asked.

"Ah, he's-"

"-I'm Spider-man," I growled, "and would you four mind explaining to me what the hell you were doing?!"

"Woah there little guy," J2 said as he stepped up, "no need to get loud."

"Do you have any idea what you just did?!" I cried out, "we had that situation handled! He would have been unconscious in seconds! And then you four morons had to show up and destroy have the street!"

"Hey who the hell are you buddy?!" a random civilian cried out.

"They are the Avengers'! They saved us!" cried out another.

"No, they destroyed half a city block!" I roared, "look around!" I pointed at a collapsed building, "you think that shit would have happened if it wasn't for them?!"

"And what brilliant plan did you have to stop him?" asked the iron wannabe.

I looked at him and growled, "Spider-girl had shot webbing into his throat and nostrils. His fingers were too big and short to reach in and rip the webbing out. He would have suffocated and fainted. And he was seconds away from going unconscious, until you decided to blow missiles up on his face, burning the fucking webbing!"

The people looked around, whispering to each other. The 'Avengers' looked at each other in surprise, not really knowing what to say.

I turned to the female version of Captain America, "you, who the hell are you supposed to be? Steve's clone? Cousin? Daughter?"

"I-I'm American Dream. I sort just took on the title," she said nervously.

"Figures," I scoffed, "you lack his battle tactics and frankly common sense. Do me a favour girl, learn to lead before you charge into New York with a freaking tank!"

"Hey! You can't talk to her like that!" J2 cried out stepping before American Dream who hangs her head.

"The hell I can't!" I yelled back, "do you four think this is a fucking game?! Do you even think before you act?!"

"Of course we do!" J2 cried out.

"Obviously you don't," I pointed at the crashed cars around me, "you could have jumped on the Dragon Emperor and knocked him down, but nooo, you had to make an entrance and show off! Kid, if you're anything like the real Juggernaut, you have potential to be a machine of destruction, so fucking use some goddamn common sense!"

I turned to the black Ironman, "and you. This isn't a war zone, you can't just randomly fire missiles like that! What if the giant golden lizard had thrown it aside? What if one had landed into a group of civilians instead?!"

"Impossible, my armour won't ever make that mistake," the guy shot back.

"Technology isn't perfect," I growled out.

"Mine is."

I looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Sexy, hack and disable his armour."

"Understood sir."

"Woah, what was that?" the female speedster asked as suddenly the Ironman wannabe began to twitch.

"W-what's happening?!" he cried out as suddenly he slipped over, "my armour isn't moving!"

"There, techonology hacked. Thanks Sexy," I spoke out.

"You're welcome," came her reply.

I turned to the 'Avengers', "I used to be an Avenger, the originals. And I know how it feels having that title. They way people look up to you and all that shit. But, you people are a bunch of jokes. You use the name as a crutch to act like idiots! This isn't a game, so act like it!"

I turned back back on them and looked at May, "we need to go." She didn't say anything, but nodded slowly as she looked back at her...friends? Damn it, I just insulted her friends...again.

As May swung away I followed behind, leaping through roof tops. I looked back to see the 'Avengers' looking defeated. Mainframe got his suit back online, but didn't seem to follow. Hm, something's off about that guy.

We made our way over to a building as May landed there, I quickly followed. I sighed as I walked up to her, "are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"I'm fine," May replied, "it's just….you're a little harsh on them."

I sighed, "if their feelings get hurt because of a few words then they aren't ready for this life May."

"But still-"

"-But nothing," I snapped, "they were reckless and endangered lives. I'm sorry, I know they are your friends, but they are morons if they think they can just charge into battle like that without a plan. I know this might be new for them, but if they are going to call themselves Avengers there is no room for them to make mistakes, ever."

And damn them for not showing up sooner. If they had...I wouldn't have had to step. I told myself I wouldn't fight again but now….

May sighed, "yeah...I guess. My dad actually said the same thing."

I rolled my eyes, "well duh, I just said that didn't I?"

"Not you, I meant...argh, you know what I mean," she sighed.

I nodded. We stood there in silence for a while before I sighed, "hey, you want me to give you some tips of kicking bad guy butt?"

May looked at me and nodded, "yeah, I need to let off some steam."

And we did just that. Till the late hours of the night we were out fighting. May eventually got into a better mood as I should her a few tricks of the trade, like laying down web traps for criminals to bumble into, or giving them a wedgie. Surprised she didn't know how to do that.

May did all the ass kicking though, I took on a strict onlooker role. I refused to be a fucking hero again, especially for something like street crime. Dragon emperor was the only exception I would allow myself.

Finally though it was time to go home. And both May and I were nervous. She changed into her civilian clothes and walked up to May's house, or my house if we were being technical about it.

May gulped, "this is going to be so weird."

I chuckled, "you're telling me. I wonder if I'm still hot after all these years."

"Dude, seriously, stop," May groaned. We made it to her house and spotted a car outside on the curve. She sighed, "dad's home too, yay."

"Relax, it'll be fine."

We walked up to the door, May walked in and called out, "I'm home! And I have company!"

"In the dining room dear!" came a familiar voice that sounded older. I blinked, 'holy shit, I almost forgot about MJ!'

We walked in and found an older looking couple sitting around a dining table, my dining table. The man had brown hair slicked back with hints of grey near the temples. He had a goatee and looked very tired, lines running down his face showed he spent a lot of his years frowning, not exactly what I hope to one day look like.

The woman on the other hand looked hot, like super hot. MILF hot. Like oh my God please let me one day be married to her hot. MJ grew only sexier with age, her facial lines made her seem more calm and controlled, she still looked gorgeous though, unsurprisingly.

"Ah May, we need to talk about," future me looked up and stopped mid-sentence as his eyes landed on me, "what the heck is going on?"

"Peter, what are you," MJ stopped as well as she stared at me, "P-Peter? What's going on?"

"Ah, mom, dad...this is ah," May looked at me, "well..." I smirked, time for some fun! I've been thinking of this moment all day!

"-Daddy!" I cried out rushing towards Peter, hugging him tightly, "I missed you daddy!"

"What?!" Peter and MJ cried out in horror.

"Peter! Stop it!" May growled out.

"Daddy! Big sister May is mean! Can't you tell her to stop?" I asked putting on my best puppy dog eyes, "also, when are you and mommy getting back together?"

"W-what?" older Peter asked in terror, "who are you?!"

"I'm your son!" I smirked, "I'm Ben Hardy! Son of Spiderman and Blackcat!"

"What?!" again, both Peter and MJ screamed.

"Alright, that's enough!" May grabbed my by the ear and pulled me off her dad, "you are so annoying! Did you have to do that?!"

I laughed, "sorry, I could' help it! It was so easy! Plus he looked like he had a stick up his ass, no future version of me should look like that!"

"May what is going on here?!" future Peter cried out getting on his feet, "who is this?"

May sighed, "dad….this is Peter Parker. He's you from another dimension."

I smiled and waved, "heya! Sorry about the little heart attack there, couldn't help it!"

MJ rubbed her temples, "I swear Tiger, everyday it's something else."

Peter blinked, "so you're not my son?"

"Nope. Clever lie."


"No. Well, even if I was I don't think I would know, but yeah, definitely not a clone."

"Sigh, remember that time I went after Spyral?" May spoke up.

"Yes..." MJ trialed off.

"Well, I ended up landing on his dimension. He helped me get back home. Now he's stuck here and I figured we could give him a place to crash for a few days."

"I-I see," MJ said before looking at me, "he really does look like a younger version of you Peter."

"Maybe," he squinted his eyes at me, "how do we know you're not lying?"

I blinked, "well...you like Felicia's breasts but you always thought her butt was three times better. You think Liz Allen was hot, but extremely annoying for your taste. You always wondered why Shocker gave himself that stupid name when his powers are based on vibrations. But when you realise the Vibrator sounds like a dildo. Oh and you also think Sue Storm is super hot, but you're too scared of Reed, Johnny and Ben to mention anything."

Future Peter looked horrified, "my daughter's right there!"

I blinked and turned to May, "yeah, about that, can't you like ge her a better costume or something? Honestly man, you want your teenage daughter jumping around New York in skin tight spandex?"

"Yup, he's you alright," MJ said as she rubbed her temples.

I grinned, "hey MJ, huh, guess in some world we do end up together huh?"

MJ blinked, "you aren't with me in your world?"

I shook my head, "no, we're just friends. But honestly if this is how you're going to look in 20 years I'm totally changing my mind."

"Was I really this annoying?" future Peter asked with a groan.

"Yes," came MJ's sharp reply.

We all sat down around the dining table as I told them my story. How my Reed created a portal that sent me here and how I would automatically return home, but no idea when that would happen.

"So you need a place to stay?" future Peter asked.

I nodded, "yeah, just for a few days, hopefully. I have cash, so you don't have to worry about that. Honestly I would be able to make due living in a motel, but May insisted."

"She was right too," MJ spoke up flashing her daughter a smile, "you're family after all."

"From another world," future Peter corrected.

"But still family," MJ glared at her husband, "you can stay for as long as you want ah...Peter."

I smiled, "call me Bruce Wayne, it's a lot less confusing. Don't want to accidentally call me honey bunny or something."

MJ chuckled, "yup Tiger, he's definitely a younger version of you."

I smiled, "yup, anyway, I have to say, all this is kind of surprising," I looked around, "didn't think you would still be living here of all places."

"I got it after aunt May died," future Peter explained, "is she...is she still alive in your world?"

I nodded, "yeah, her, uncle Ben and dad. They're all alive."

"What?!" Peter's eyes went wide in surprise along with MJ's.

I nodded as I took out my phone and opened the gallery. I showed a picture of me with the entire Parker household and showed it Peter, "yeah, May told me he's dead in your world?"

"H-he is," Peter gulped, eyes slowly watering, "how?"

I raised an eyebrow, "how what?"

"W-when I first became Spider-man I was irresponsible with my powers. Use it to gain attention for myself and money. That indirectly caused uncle Ben's death."

I blinked, "damn...I'm sorry to hear that Pete...I...when I got my powers I didn't even actually want to be a superhero."

MJ gasped, "a Peter Parker that didn't want to be a hero? Now I've seen everything."

"It's true," I nodded, "I...I was scared. It wasn't an appealing life really. I figured I could do a lot more good with any tech I build, making the world a better place once step at a time. But then….MJ changed my mind."

"She did?" MJ asked in surprise, "how?"

"She told me that heroes were needed, that people need something to believe in," I sighed, "we actually went out on a date, but at the end the Hulk kind of crashed it by dropping into Harlem and fighting Abomination. I saw so many people hurt...I just knew I had to do something to help. So...I became Spider-man."

MJ and Peter looked at each other. The redhead sighed, "all these years I wanted to keep you away from that life, I'm surprised to find there's a version of you out there that became Spider-man because of me Tiger."

Peter sighed too, "I know….and...your father? How is he still alive?"

I sighed hard, "he and mom were scientist...is it the same in your world?"

Peter shook his head, "no, they were agents of SHIELD, they died on a mission."

May gasped, "dad...I didn't know that! Is everyone in my family a badass!?"

MJ smiled, "you betcha kiddo!"

I nodded, "well, it's something similar with me. My mom and dad were working on recreating the super soldier serum that gave Steve his powers. They succeeded, but they later found out they were actually working for HYDRA. They ran, but HYDRA caught them. My dad was taken in alive, but my mom….she committed suicide in order to insure the formula would never reach their hands. My dad didn't know the whole formula, the only physical sample they made they inserted into me. When that spider bite me it activated the formula, mutating it into giving me my powers. Same with you?"

Peter blinked, "no….they just died for being spies. They came back at one point, but they were just androids."

I groaned, "fucking hate that trick….having my dad back is weird...but, I think I'm finally getting used to it."

Peter smiled, "it's funny, when I was your age I always wondered what it would be like to have my parents and Ben back...and you know."

I chuckled, "yeah, guess so….you know, if you want, I can bring him a message," I offered. This was Peter Parker, the real one. Not a fake taking his place and taking the love of his father. No...it wasn't fair. This is the least I can do to make it up.

Peter smiled, "no, I'm over it. I have another family to look after now," he smiled at May and MJ, "I'm content."

I smiled, "I have to say, I never imagined I would ever become so...normal," I chuckled.

"I'm sure you find it difficult imagining a life without the webs. But you will," Peter smiled back, "being a hero is a great responsibility, but now I got a bigger responsibility," he turned to May, "that trumps everything else I could ever be."

I snorted, "believe me, giving up the webs won't be that hard," MJ and May just chuckled, but Pater narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

I cleared my throat, "anyway, what I'm really having a hard time getting over is the fact that MJ and I got together."

MJ smiled, "why? Who did you think you would end up marrying?"

I shrugged, "Felicia."

MJ's eyes went wide as Peter coughed in surprise, "you and Felicia are going out?!" he asked in disbelief.

"Were," I sighed, "we broke up."

Peter blinked, "why?"

"She broke her father out of prison and became a fugitive on SHIELD's shit list. Obviously she couldn't stay with me…." I grumbled, "look I don't want to talk about it."

"Right," May said getting up, "I don't know about you guys, but today has been weird enough, first my dad from another world showed up, made fun of my friends, insulted the Avengers and is now in my house."

I snorted, "oh please, those wannabe's don't deserve to be called Avengers. They're reckless, and yes, I understand how ironic it is that I'm saying that."

"You're not wrong," Peter said with a chuckle, "those kids have no idea what they are doing."

"Ah! I'm surrounded by judgemental people!" May cried out as she walked away to the stairs, "I'm going to bed."

I blinked, "really? It's so soon."

"It's been a long day!" she yelled back going upstairs.

I chuckled as I turned to MJ and Peter, "5 bucks says she's going to sneak out dressed up."

Peter shook her head, "probably. So that was you today fighting Dragon Emperor?"

I nodded, "yeah...May and I had the situation handled, but then the Avenging morons came in and mucked everything up."

"I can understand your frustration. So...what are you going to do? Just wait to be flung back home?"

I shrugged, "that's the plan. There's nothing else for me to do.."

Peter nodded, "hm, I see." We talked into the night, telling him about my life. Honestly I was excited, this was Peter Parker, the real one. I was so excited to finally meeting my idol. My hero, so in order to impress him I told him everything I felt comfortable telling him.

"So Fury recruited you?" Peter asked surprised, "damn, that's surprising."

I nodded, "you're telling me. One night, bam! He's there and I'm staring at this dude who's sprouting out something about Avengers."

MJ nodded, "still, trained by the Black Widow, impressive."

I shrugged, "Fury didn't want me to be out there untrained. He figured I was safer under his eye than out there wild."

Peter chuckled, "I wish I had that chance. I can only imagine what you know."

I leaned back, "yeah, I guess...but, in the end, it just wasn't worth it."

Peter and MJ looked at me. Peter cleared his throat and spoke, "what happened?"

I looked up, "what do you mean?"

"I've had that exact look on my face many times before," Peter explained, "and that was when I was getting ready to give up. And from what you said earlier...you stopped didn't you? You stopped being spider-man."

I snorted, "figured I couldn't hide it from you...yeah, I did. I gave up the webs. That's why I don't have my costume or shooters on me."

"What about the helmet?" MJ asked.

I took out my red tablet and expanded it into the helmet, "a prototype I was working on for super heros, heroes other than me. I just had it on me when I was sucked in here….it was a coincidence really."

"Then why did you step in to help May?" Peter asked.

I looked at him, "what else should I have done? Let my daughter die?"

MJ and Peter were silent. They looked at each, MJ motioning to me. Peter sighed, "listen...Peter. I've been where you have been before...I understand what you're feeling. But...running away from your problems will never solve anything."

I narrowed my eyes, "what do you know? Did you nearly die at the age of sixteen? Did your life flash before you as a mad man stood over your corpse ready to end you as easily as he breathed?"

Peter was silent. And then he got up and pulled up his pant leg showing his metallic peg leg, "yes Peter, I have. Many more times than I care to count."

"Then why the hell should I do the same?" I asked him, "if you were me, what would you do? What would you do if you lost the reason to put on that mask? What would you do if you lost the will to fight?"

MJ looked at me and smiled, "that's good."

My eyes widened, "what?"

"If you lost the will to fight, then you can simply find it again. Believe me Peter, if you're anything like my husband, you won't let something like a near death experience stop you," she smiled, "you'll find a way, you always do honey."

I blushed, "P-Peter, I think you're wife is hitting on me."

Peter chuckled, "don't get cocky kid. She's mine, get your own."

MJ rolled her eyes, "you both are exactly the same."

I smiled, thought slowly it melted away. I sighed, "look….I just can't anymore. I used to say to myself that the reason I fought was to protect people. But then...Doom nearly killed and I couldn't stand the sight of the costume. I just….I just can't is all."

Peter nodded, "I understand Peter...come on, I'll show you where you can stay." I followed him, waving MJ goodnight.

Peter showed me to the attic, lucky for me they still maintained the place, even if no one lived there. We spoke for a while, he was curious about my life. And then, he wished me a good night and closed the attic door behind him.

I sat on the bed and looked around. There were several neatly sealed boxes pushed onto one corner and a table with an old computer and a chemistry set. It looked like...something I would use...no, not me. Peter Parker.

I walked up to the table and looked the instruments over, they each had the stain of chemicals on their glass walls, each a visibly different cover. This must be where Pater made his web fluids, strange, it all seems so...complicated.

I then noticed a trunk under the table, it was unmarked, unlike every other box in this damn attic this one was locked. Luckily for me, my metal manipulation allowed me to be a great lockpicker.

I pulled the trunk out and grabbed the lock, feeling it's metallic components in it's structure, using my powers to open it up with a quick snap. I took the lock out and threw the truck open, revealing a red and blue costume that looked awfully familiar.

I picked it up and looked at it under the attic night light. It was old, and covered with stitches. Whoever stitched it knew what they were doing, they made it in such a way the stitches matched the way the webs moved, making it a part of the costume.

As I pulled the costume out I noticed two metallic bracelets underneath it along with various other toys and gadgets. These were his gear, his tools. I bent down and picked up the mask underneath it all, and out came the classic red mask with sharp glass eyes that seemed to be both serious and charming at the same time.

"I see it didn't take you long to stick your nose where it doesn't belong," I turned to see Peter leaning besides the wall with a smile on his face and blankets tucked under his arms.

"I'm you, technically it's mine," I responded.

"And I thought you said you wouldn't pick up the costume ever again," he chuckled as he placed the sheets on the bed, "here, I thought you would need it."

"Thanks," I put the costume away and shut the trunk before kicking it under the table, "sorry."

"You can use it if you want," he told me with a shrug, "I'm not using it and May has her own costume, so I wouldn't mind. Thing needs to be worn, not thrown away and hidden like a shameful secret."

I sat down on the bed, "why...why did you stop?" I asked him.

He looked me over and sighed, sitting down next to me, "May told me in your world you don't have a Green Goblin, yes?"

I nodded, "yeah but...I mean I just started. I have only been Spider-man for around a year."

"So you might face him one day," Peter sighed, "he was….he is my greatest enemy. He's a genius that acts the fool so that you would underestimate him before he split your head open like a coconut. He...he was a monster."

"Did you kill him?" I asked.

Peter looked at me, "yes….I did."

I looked down at the trunk, "is that why you gave it up? Guilt?"

"No, no, I dealt with the guilt a long time ago. Spider-man was a responsibility I had...but then I came upon an even bigger responsibility and soon the risks just didn't seem to be worth it."

"And what was this new responsibility?" I asked.

He smiled as he walked away, "being a parent….But for you...you have a responsibility towards the power you possess. That costume means something to people, not just you. Think about that. I'll see you tomorrow Peter," he shut the door behind him.

He might be broken physically, but I can see the same spark that dove me to jump around and save people's lives inside him, even now.

Was this the difference between the real Peter Parker and me? The guy who refused to give up and a cheap imitation? Maybe, but then again, I never never had any business taking on that title did I?

But as I slept away that night Peter's words haunted me, 'anything that is broken, can be fixed.' It was strange, that was almost exactly what Charles told me word for word.

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