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3rd Pov

A great change occurred in the world, foremost was the surrender of the world's strongest Kingdom Asura, which became a direct part of the Camelot Kingdom, and the entire Kingdom's name was changed from Asura to Camelot. Secondly, the Nobles who surrendered to the Camelot and betrayed the Asura Kingdom where the first to be offered to become the Nobles of Camelot, however the terms where something that they didn't like.

"What the meaning of this Princess?!!", shouted the Astor Eurus with anger, after all the promises made to them were not fulfilled and in fact even their previous political power was about to diminish." This are the rules for the Nobles of the Kingdom of Camelot, they are equal for every Noble regardless of the rank they possess", she said with a smile unbothered by the angry looks of the Noble.

" Princess are you kidding us?! You promised us more power! more land! more money! But instead of that we get some restrictions that bind us greatly! We have to surrender half of our private treasury to the Kingdom instantly and our taxes increase from the usual of 20% to astonishing 80%?! If that wasn't enough here are various laws that bind us from enjoying women! We can't force any woman from now onwards and consent will be needed?! What is this bullshit?!", he continued.

The other Nobles too followed the suit raising their voice, Luke meanwhile looked at the Nobles with narrowed eyes,' Filthy beings, they have got the courage to make demands to her Highness ', he thought. It was obvious that despite the sadistic personality of his Princess, he had fell in love with her. Now, he was filled with the thoughts of how to destroy King Arthur the man who had gained immense affection from the Princess.

' Luke you control yourself, even if the plan was a failure I doubt he could fight against the Human God ', he thought greedily glancing at Ariel which she didn't miss but decided to ignore it for now. Pilemon Notos suddenly raised his voice," Princess! Unlike them I believe that our demands might have been lavish, but if you talk with King Arthur it should be possible for us to retain our previous prosperity!"

" Are you an Idiot Pilemon?! Princess had used us like some useless pawns and now had discarded us after she became the Prime Minister of Camelot! Can't you see this greedy bitch had taken advantage of us?", Astor Eurus said in anger, berating Pilemon for his meekness." Well, well I guess that's enough- Infact the show you all presented was quite good! At least I know whom should I get rid of now!", she said, her words scaring the nobles.

" Yo-You can't do this Princess! You need us! Do you think this newly built Kingdom will be able to hold itself together without us?! ", Astor Eurus said in a fearful voice. But unfortunately for him, his fate was sealed as his body including many of the Nobles rose up in the air helplessly, then under the horrified eyes of remaining Nobles their necks snapped, and they died falling in the ground.

Ariel rose up from her Throne," Kneel down or perish like them!", she said in a haughty tone, a cruel smile forming on her face as she glanced at the dead nobles with slight pity,' Hmm, If only I didn't needed to do it fast I could have tortured them before killing them, what a pity ', she thought while the remaining Nobles including Pilemon quickly went on their knees.

" Good! You have saved your life and your position from this surrender! Be proud to become the Nobles of this mighty Kingdom! Hail King Arthur! Hail Goddess Minerva!!", she said and Nobles reading the mood started chanting after her with bitter expressions," Hail King Arthur! Hail Goddess Minerva!!", her smile widened as she thought,' Good, now it's time that I completely annex the Asura Kingdom and finish up the small rebellions '.


The destruction of Two orders of the Holy Milis Kingdom and the show of might of Goddess Minerva had made the entire country's order disrupted. " Damnit! Why I made such a rash decision back then?! As the Cardinal I could have intercepted his decision! ", Cardinal Leblanc Mcfarlane said in a regretting tone. Others didn't have a good expression as well after although their biggest enemy the Pope Harry died in that war the presence of Goddess Minerva was extremely bad for them.

Afterall the Sophia religion had started corroding the beliefs of Milis devotees and in fact many have shifted from Milis religion to Sophia religion and had started travelling towards the Camelot to declare their devotion to Goddess Minerva. " Lord what shall we do? ", asked one of the supporters of Cardinal Leblance who revealed a helpless expression.

Infact as a great believer of Milis religion his own believes where shaken the most by Goddess Minerva's descension and the annihilation of the world's most mighty army, even the death of Perugius and one of the seven world powers was a complete shock, because they were killed with no room for retaliation, like some insects showing the authenticity and prowess of Goddess Minerva.

She was really a divine being no matter how much they tried to deny. Thus Cardinal remained silent for a moment before finally replying," I feel-", suddenly he was interrupted with a sudden change of atmosphere. Because the room they were before vanished and now they were in a unknown palace. " Where we are?!!!", someone shouted.

" M'Lady be near me!", said Therese as she grabbed the hand of Miko of Memory who looked at the scene before them baffled," Beautiful", she muttered as she glanced at the place. The ground below them was filled with several colors shimmering with several dots, the place seemed to expand infinitely and the roof over them seemed to black and filled with sparkling dots as well. Their were several white pillars with intricate carvings that seemed to rise up infinitely and held the roof.

" On your Knees, Mortals", a Divine voice boomed and their figure fell down, bowing instinctively as they remained helpless, their body trembled and they looked above to see the Divine figure of Goddess Minerva, she was wearing a lose Golden-white robe, shimmering with sparkles as well covering her entire body. Her face expressionless, a Holy Aura radiating from her.

" Yo-You are Goddess Minerva!!", Cardinal Leblance said in shock. The others looked at her fear on hearing his words, as they took a glimpse of her their faces turning into one of a horror. " Foolish Mortals! Be Glad as thee had been given a second chance!", she said in her Divine voice. " Tremble with reverence for thy Creator is here!", she said further shocking them more.

Suddenly Cardinal started crying as he knelt and said," What sin I have done?!! How could I not realize who stands before me?!! ", the others looked at him in shock and confusion. He suddenly said," Forgive me, for not realizing that you were the God we prayed to!!", his words shocked everyone. 

" Sir Cardinal what are you saying?! How can she be the God we prayed to?!", a man asked as he knelt, suddenly Cardinal said," Lord, forgive their imprudence as they remain unaware of your identity! Give this unworthy servant of yours a chance!", she looked at him and said," Granted", he burst into tears and then wiping them he said," You fools! Even as she radiates that Holy Aura! Do you not realize who she is?!!".

Suddenly they had a revelation as their faces turned into pure horror," She is the 'God'?!!" and the Cardinal nodded with utmost seriousness," I always felt a holy feeling as I prayed to the Lord, when I used Magic on patients, it is same feeling of Holiness! It took a bit of time for me to realize but can't you feel it as well?! The Holy feeling we feel as the proof our God's existence?!!", he continued and their expression turned of one into devotion as they looked at Minerva.

" It would seem you have deciphered the truth! Then let me reveal the truth, I have created thy world and thee. Blessed the great Saint Milis who formed thy religion! But I am disappointed! Truth seems to be obscured and heinous practices seemed to take place! ", she said and they heard with shock, many emotions flashing one of which was guilt and shame.

" I blessed the world with the second chance and you shall grasp it!", she said as they all went into tears. " Now you all shall return to the land of Mortal but before thee leave, remember to put your King with highest regard! Worship him as you might worship him! For he is my husband who took a mortal form", she continued and they returned back into their place and found three people to be dead. At that moment Cardinal made a decision," That's it! Let us quickly contact the Camelot!"


Minerva did same with the Dragon King Kingdom, granting their 18th Princess a Divine revelation and Holy Powers making her the new priestess and Ruler of the Kingdom. " Do you think you we will accept you?! A mere 18th princess as the new ruler just because you god some divine powers?!!", shouted the First Prince. " We shall not believe in the lies shown by that bastard Arthur, I am pretty sure that was lie and Arthur had destroyed the army with deceit!", said the Second Princess.

On hearing such insults towards King Arthur, Benedict Kingdragon's eyes narrowed," You filth! To insult him! Is the greatest sin you all have committed!!", she said and then the next moment beams of light fell on their figure incinerating them. Some Emperor ranking swordsman tried to attack her but much to their shock they were incinerated the next moment as well.

" So? Who dares to challenge the Lord?", she asked making others silent," No- You all shall be purged for insulting him", she said her eyes turning dangerous and then to their horror she incinerated everyone in the Royal castle who insulted Arthur. Finally she sat upon the throne as the new ruler of this mighty Kingdom, which was soon to be a part of the Camelot Kingdom.


Few days later,

" King Arthur we declare our submission", said Benedict Kingdragon, her figure kneeling before the King Arthur, the Kings of the vassal countries of Dragon King Kingdom followed after her. In another side the Cardinal Leblanc barely hid his devotion and tears as he glanced at King Arthur and then glanced at Benedict who looked at him with blush and devotion. 

' So she is the priestess chosen by Goddess! ', he thought, while Benedict's attention was completely on Lord Arthur,' Truly a God, for a useless girl like me to have a chance to be his priest! There is no greater joy in this world! ', she thought recalling how she met Goddess Minerva who granted her Divine powers, and how she gave her the chance to be her priestess and much to her joy she passed the test!

After that she revealed how the current King of Camelot was her husband, who descended in a mortal body to help the current world and cleanse the filth. She knew all the new doctrines of Sophia religion, and knew there was no greater joy for a priestess or mortal woman than to devote herself to Lord Arthur and make love with Lord Arthur!

' Seriously, you did it', Arthur meanwhile said to Minerva quite pleasant with her actions.[ With this, a religion that Dear desires shall form slowly, I already have created the most important aspect of Nuns, Priestess and saints devoting themselves to you], she replied. " I King Arthur, accept your allegiance, now you all shall take a seat", he said snapping his fingers as chairs appeared of thin air. 

" For there is a lot of discuss", he continued.


Arthur Pov

Now with the allegiance of both the Kingdoms finished, Kingdom of Camelot had officially become the strongest Kingdom. I also met with Isolte and Nina, and they have been leaving in this Palace in Heavenly Continent ever since, continuously training with their newfound powers in the Training ground that Minerva made, which could take up blasts that can destroy solar system.

Anyway, I am in the void where the Human God, Hitogami is sealed. I have already killed Orsted so he doesn't creates any mess in the timeline and now it's time for me to take care of this final pest. I looked at the white void separated by the world with a spatial barrier created by the first Dragon God. 

I tore it off instantly appearing before the Human God," It's! You!!", he shouted in surprise, I glanced at his white figure and just muttered," Devour him, Beelzebub", a purple haze came out of my hand and devoured him within a few seconds, though I had made sure to accelerated his mind, giving him thousands of years of pain of his soul being getting destroyed a bit by bit. In few seconds, the strongest character of this verse was dead.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Do vote the powerstones!! If you want a chapter tomorrow!!)

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