Word count [2968], YOU BETTER ENJOY IT!!, please😘.
Charging at Demigra, once we arrived near each other, I blocked the staff he attacked me with, while also kicking him in the stomach, he backed away just in time to dodge my kick, but I wasn't finished, as I shot a ki blast at him from the bottom of my foot, which he didn't manage to dodge in time.
Sage-'God Ki really is something, It took me practically no effort to form that ki blast.'
With a smirk, I flashed behind Demigra who had just gotten his bearings and tried kicking him in the side, yet before my attack landed, I felt my body momentarily become slow, and that window of opportunity was enough for Demigra to hit me with his staff, which I barely managed to block in time.
I didn't know what had just happened to me, but when I saw the evil smirk appearing on Demigra's face, I knew he had something to do with it, and from the knowledge, I know about Demigra I figured it had something to do with time-space magic.
Tilting my head to the side, dodging Demigra's staff, I reached my hand out to grab it and was about to pull him closer to me, yet when I did so, I felt that same sluggish sensation as previously, however, since I was expecting it, I didn't get taken by surprise.
Sage-'With the increased perception God Ki gave me, I can tell he is manipulating the time constraints around me to tighten, making time move slower around me, this could be a problem.'
As the battle waged on, his ability to slightly slow time around me greatly helped him in the fight, allowing him to escape from many attacks that would've caused injury to him, while also giving him a chance to land attacks on me. What made it worse was that I'd been the only one whose taken damage so far during the fight, from Demigra himself and also from my own power.
Throwing a punch at Demigra's face, yet like always, right before my attack connected, he slowed time around me and kicked me in the stomach, sending me flying several meters away before I manage to catch myself.
Demigra-"If this is all you got, then I'm disappointed, I thought you might actually give me a good fight, never mind, I'll just finish you off right now!"
Hiding behind a decently sized piece of a destroyed building that used to be a part of Tokitoki city, we watched the battle between Demigra and Sage, and even though we couldn't follow their movements when Demigra kicked Sage away, they momentarily stopped moving, allowing us to clearly see both of them.
21-"Ugh, this isn't looking good, Sage is the only one injured currently."
Vegeta-"Sage is fine."
XVegeta-"What do you mean Sage is fine!? Does he look fine to you!?"
Vegeta-"Tsk, what happened to him happened to Kakarot when he first attained SSG, he currently can't properly control his power."
XGoku-"So, do you mean this whole time he hasn't been using his full power?"
Vegeta-"You saw what he did when he went to confront Demigra, just by flying he was able to tear a hole in the very timeline, Sage has definitely been holding back, however, I just have no idea how much."
21-"Hmm, let's just hope the amount of power he has been holding back is enough to defeat him."
After that, we went quiet and continued watching the reality-deciding battle.
Sage-"hahaha, sorry about that, you see it's my first time using God ki, and even though I have a lot of knowledge about it, controlling it yourself is quite difficult, especially since my ki isn't just normal god ki, it's legendary. But everything's fine now, I've gotten it mostly under control, so I can finally start fighting for real."
Patting the area where Demigra kicked me, I stood in a 'powering up' stance and released my full ki, causing the space and time around me and Demigra to instantly get destroyed, however, I made sure not to go too wild as I didn't wish to kill the others.
Looking at our surroundings, I noticed we are no longer inside the same dimension, we are now inside the void, the same place where the TOP was held, a place where time and space don't exist, though since I'm standing here space should exist, but what do I know, I'm not an angel nor am I some genius scientist.
Sage-'Ugh, alright that hurt, probably shouldn't have done that, but I needed to move locations, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to truly fight against Demigra.'
Ignoring the pain my ki caused me, I focused on Demigra in the distance, who no longer looks as confident as he did before, now he seems to be taking this fight incredibly seriously.
Sage-"I told you, you'll already be dead before my time's up."
Smirking along with some blood dripping from my lip, I flash behind Demigra and kick him in the distance, and now since we're in the void, I don't have to worry about him trying to manipulate the time or space around me, which means it comes down to an old fashion brawl, something I'm confident I'll lose to no one in.
Flying after him, I punch Demigra's face, however, he blocked it with his staff, still, the force from the impact sent him flying in the distance once again. When I reached him again, he had just stopped himself, and I used that chance, to flash in front of him and land a vicious elbow in the stomach, causing him to lean forward in pain while following it up with an uppercut. However, I wasn't finished with him, as I grabbed his ankle, and looked up at him while an evil smirk adorned my face.
Sage-'Don't know if Kai's are biologically the same as Saiyan or human males' but it won't hurt to try.'
With that, I yank his body down with full force as his crotch land's on my knee while looking at his face to see his reaction, though sadly it seemed like he didn't have any reproductive organs, otherwise, this move alone would've ended the battle. Now I ain't one to fight dirty like that, but if your goal is to erase all of reality, the same reality where my family and friends live, then I don't give a FUCK!
Although it seemed like getting one sidely dominated in the battle had angered him as he violently released his ki, though my instincts had already warned me ahead of time, so I flashed away before he could hit me.
Looking at him, I saw him tightly grip his staff while looking at me with eyes filled with fury and madness.
Seeing that, I merely laughed before charging right back to him, intending to start the battle once more.
As the battle started up once again, I continued having the advantage in the fight, however, now that Demigra knew I was currently stronger than him, he stopped attacking and stayed completely on the defensive, most likely trying to survive until my body destroys itself. When I realized his strategy, I just smirked while forsaking any of my defense, going all out on the offensive, though that could've been a mistake as that did slightly decrease my time limit.
However, while I was fighting Demigra, I tried punching him with my left arm, but I realized that I had lost any sensation coming from my left arm, and soon afterward the same had happened to my right leg, nonetheless, I never once slowed down my attacks since having my body slowly shut down were just reminders to me that my time limit is nearing an end, and in fact, I became even more brutal during the fight.
After who knows long, the fight eventually neared its ending, with both Demigra and myself standing tens of meters away from each other.
Looking at the heavily injured Demigra across from me with just my one working eye that I can barely even see out of anymore, tried opening my mouth to speak, but I had forgotten I'd lost most sensations throughout my body. If you could see me from a third-person perspective, you would see every limb except for my right arm hanging beside my body limp, while my body is also entirely covered in chunks of organs and blood, mostly my organs and blood.
Sage-'I've reached my limit, I'm about to die, most of my organs have been destroyed and my heart is barely even beating anymore, but I still haven't killed Demigra yet, hehe, I've got one final attack left within me, let's finish him off with it!'
In the distance, I could see a blurry Demigra making some weird movements with his head, I couldn't deduce what he was doing but I just assumed he was probably doing some sort of monologue about how he's won, and my instincts were agreeing with me.
Moving my almost paralyzed right arm to my side, I start pouring the rest of my God ki into my hand and begin charging the strongest Plasma Stream that I've produced. Demigra in distance begins doing the same and converges all of his ki into a single point as well, after probably half a minute later, we both simultaneously stop charging our final attacks and launch them at each other.
Demigra-"ENERGY JET!!"
The moment my ki wave collided with Demigra's giant ki sphere, we came to an immediate standstill while the sheer power radiating off at the center of the collision caused distortions in the very void to appear, however, I ignored that as my priority was defeating Demigra right now, as every moment that passed increased Demigra's chances of winning.
Sage-'I'm going to have to use it, well that's fine, at least I know for sure I'll defeat him with this.'
While still in the ki struggle with Demigra, I close my one open eye, and picture everything I'm fighting for, Earth, friends, myself, Nala, and most importantly, my little girl Mia, who I had promised I would never allow anything bad to happen to her again.
Opening my single eye, I looked directly through all the ki flying everywhere, and focused solely on Demigra, before channeling in my true power, the moment I did so, I grew slightly in mass along with my hair slightly spiking up, and my ki greatly increased. Instantly I poured all my ki into my attack, using so much ki that it started pouring out from my entire body, as my one hand wasn't enough to expel all of it.
With the massive amount of ki I added to the attack, It instantly devoured Demigra's ki sphere while continuing to charge on its path to Demigra. As my attack arrived near him too quickly, he didn't have enough time to dodge, so he stood his ground and tried blocking the attack, but it was no use, as it quickly enveloped him as well. Several seconds later, when I no longer sensed Demigra's ki, I stopped attacking, causing my giant ki wave to dissipate, though the moment I did, I felt my heart explode in my body, informing me I'd reached the end.
While lifeless floating in the void, I sensed, 21, XKakarot, and both Vegetas arrive near me, though I couldn't see them as my one remaining eye has gone blind. They just floated around me trying to fix my injuries, but it was a wasted effort, I can already see the pathway to the otherworld forming before me right now, well not like I could tell them that.
21-'Congratulations cupcake, you've defeated Demigra and saved all of reality, though it apparently wasn't easy.'
Sage-'Hehe, I do wish I could live though, the zenkai I would receive would be massive.'
21-'Even when you're about to die, that's what you're thinking, you Saiyans truly are some brutes.'
Sage-'Whatever, anyways, I'm about to go to heaven, or hell, who knows, not like it matters, make sure to wish me back to life after a few months. I know Nala is going to be angry and sad that I died just a few months after our family reunited.'
21-'Well, even though you're my enemy, I don't mind doing this since it's your dying wish, besides, I'm about to have a feast with your body.'
I didn't respond to her as my soul had already left my body floating up to the otherworld pathway, looking down, I could fully see my incredibly injured corpse about to get devoured by 21 while the other three try stopping it, but it didn't matter as my body started disintegrating before everyone's eyes, much to 21's anger.
Sage-'Hahaha, did she really think I would allow for her to get a meal she didn't work for, greedy fool.'
Even though I could make my presence known as a soul, I decided to just go to the otherworld, and treat it as a vacation before they wish me back to life, though I'm going to have to deal with that fool Kakarot.
Sage-'Speak of the devil, hmm, wouldn't Demigra be considered the devil? Whatever, after that fight, I don't want to think about him anymore.'
In the distance, I could see a long ass line of souls, and rarely there will be a soul with an actual body like mine, and Kakarot, who is in the distance.
Sage-'Haaa, I don't want to spend a few months alone with this fool.'
Nala-"Where you going, Sage?"
Sage-"I'm going to fight 21, want to watch?"
Mia-"Can I go and watch!?"
Nala-"Haa, you two and fighting, no, I'll be heading over to Bulma's place soon to help with one of her projects, just make sure to keep a safe distance from the battle, Mia."
Mia-"I know mother, now hurry up father, I want to watch!"
After Nala kissed us both on the cheek, I quickly left the house along with a pushy Mia following behind me, shooting off into the sky, I look down at the Earth below and a slight smile couldn't help but form on my face.
It's been one year since my fight with Demigra, and 10 months since I was wished back to life, the after-life vacation wasn't too bad, but it would've been better if Kakarot wasn't trying to fight me all the time, usually I would comply, but I had enough fighting for a little bit after just defeating Demigra. When I was wished back to life along with Kakarot, Nala was indeed slightly angry, but she had cooled off during my little 2-month vacation, but I was forced to go on some human dates with her, it was annoying, but Nala was enjoying herself, so I stayed quiet.
After that everything pretty much returned to how it usually was, before everything went crazy from Mira's arrival, oh yeah, speaking of Mira, apparently after they broke the crack of time, they appeared near Earth. Since Piccolo was there, they had a fight and he killed him, but what's crazy was after burying their body, their corpses disappeared from the red planet a few days later, no one knows who did it, but we're keeping an eye out.
Also, the angels, I swear they are some motherfuckers for what they did, but you know what, whenever I think of them I get incredibly angry, so let's quickly change topics.
Since the ritual wasn't a complete success, I didn't have any god ki when I was brought back to life, which is good, otherwise, I would've died shortly after being brought back to life, besides if I ever want god ki, I can just do the ritual, however, I don't even know if it's possible without Yamoshi's spirit. Though I'm more interested in seeing how far I can take my mortal ki, it's much more challenging that way, besides with god ki, only the angels can give me a fight, and I don't want to interact with them for quite some time.
Mia-"Father pay attention we've arrived."
Snapping out of my thoughts, I look at the surroundings, and realize it's nothing but mountains and desert, landing on the ground right next to Mia before a large mountain, we both look up only to find 21 standing atop the mountain looking down on us.
21-"Finally, you've arrived cupcake, and it seems you've brought little Mia to watch, must be bring your kids to work day."
Sage-"Enough with your lousy jokes 21, since you wanted a rematch so bad let's start the battle, though I must say you picked one hell of a spot for a battle."
21-"Hehe, how could I not pick the place where our first encounter was, I remember toying with you during the battle, fun times I must say."
Scoffing at her statement, I motion Mia to step back, and afterward, I get into my fighting position while looking at 21 standing at the top of the mountain.
Sage-"C'mon, I don't have all day, I plan on going to an all-you-can-eat buffet later today, it's free if you can eat more than 5 pounds of food."
21 just rolls her eyes, and gets into her fighting position as well while looking down at me with her sadistic smile, seeing that, I couldn't help but smile back as well.
We stayed like this for a few seconds, it was so quiet you could hear the wind blowing, but then out of nowhere, we vanished from our spots and charged right at each other, both with large smiles on our faces.
Don't got much to say other than, I enjoyed writing this story, well at least most of it, but other than that, that's it. Make sure to tell me what you thought about the story, and if you got any questions just ask, I'll most likely respond, and to that I bid a farewell! YOLO.
(ps. Check out my second novel, "Elven legacy" you might enjoy it.)
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