Hydra Kingdom
General Alphard was sitting with King Felis narrating the latest developments. "When do we attack?" he asked. "The army is ready!"
Felis was sitting with all his Generals and commanders for a meeting. The army was ready and raring to go ahead, but this time he wasn't going to waste his resources in just small attacks, he was going to plan something big. He was already into it but he needed more information. "I heard that King Mintaka is dead," he said to Alphard, narrowing his eyes.
"He is!" Alphard replied, afraid that the king would shout at this missing information.
"How is Prince Rigel taking it?" Felis was still furious about how he had taken Lerna from right under his nose. He was dying to meet Rigel and kill him only to teach a lesson to Lerna.
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