"Before that, I would like to inquire on the whereabouts of Lord Menarx. As this critical situation is directly related to him, he should be present here to deliberate on it." Lady Diandre said, glancing around the hall.
"I will wait for his arrival." She added, when she realized Menarx truly was not anywhere in the hall.
"Menarx is at liberty to come and go as he pleases. If he does not deem it fit to be present for this council, that is not for you to demand." Kirgan clarified.
Lady Diandre frowned visibly, but she did not insist on it further.
"Word has reached the Fae of the breach of Lord Menarx's district. I must express my gratitude to the dwarves for bringing this to our knowledge, it is indeed a worrying occurrence...to see that Dragon Keep is no longer as safe as we have believed it to be." Lady Diandre began.
Her words were no surprise, the rider council had already anticipated this was precisely to be the topic of deliberation.
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