A carriage quietly moved through the roads of the Darthmore town before it came to a halt. The coachman stepped down and pulled open the carriage door. The people inside it didn't step down, as in their Jeffry Sullivan appeared reluctant to watch his wife's execution.
Noah, who sat next to him, said, "You don't have to come if you don't want to."
Jeffry pursed his lips and replied, "It wouldn't be right." Half because Hilda was still his wife and he couldn't break the vow he had made to her when they married. Another part of the reason was that sending his son to deal with everything felt unfair. He took a deep breath and then said, "Let us get through this, shall we?"
Before Noah even stepped out of the carriage, some of the laymen and the councilmen were already staring at the fancy carriage. Carriages that were this big and beautiful only meant that it belonged to one of the high-standing families.
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