Music Recommendation: Forgiveness- Hyunpill Shin
The following morning, the old flowers were replaced by fresh flowers. There was a quiet peace that hung in the air of the Moriarty mansion, and news about Vincent and Eve's wedding had spread across the towns and lands, along with the news about the Hookes.
Alfie brought the town's newsletter from outside, walking through the corridor, and he stepped inside the drawing room where Lady Aubrey sat by herself with her morning tea. He bowed and offered the newsletter,
"Thank you, Alfie," Lady Aubrey smiled.
"Would you like me to pour you some more tea?"
"That's fine. I would like to have some room for breakfast," the older woman replied and watched the Moriarty's butler step out of the room. After two seconds, Eugene appeared in the room. "Oh, I didn't expect you to be awake this soon, Eugene."
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