Music Recommendation: Andrei- Martin Phipps
After spending more time together in the water, they finally stepped out. Vincent covered her body with the towel he had earlier brought from the basket. He used another towel. They both dried themselves before wearing their clothes, while inside the cave.
As the weather was cloudier on this side of the land, it left a shadow on the forest and the land. Vincent had spread a blanket on the ground, while he placed the logs of wood that he had earlier chopped.
Eve asked him, "What would you have done if I refused to come out with you today?"
"I didn't doubt that you would refuse me," Vincent responded and rubbed the two stones against each other in his hands for a spark to erupt, and soon the logs of wood caught fire, emitting warmth in the cave.
Water dripped from the ends of Eve's hair, and when she went to pick up the towel, Vincent took hold of it. He said, "Allow me."
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