"You sure?" Vincent picked up her hand that was resting on her side, and he tugged it as he led her towards the couch that was placed in front of the fireplace. The logs of wood brightly burned in the fireplace, keeping the room warm.
Vincent knew that despite the hardships Eve had faced, she was mentally strong to stand her ground, and if she hadn't learned it before, she was now. It wasn't that he overestimated her, but the thought that she trusted him and he did the same, it had intertwined the understanding between them.
But Vincent didn't want to take advantage of that and cause pain in her and he wanted to know what she thought through her words. It was the smile on her lips that replied to all his questions. He took a seat on the couch while pulling her onto his lap.
"Did you forget that we aren't meant to spend alone time together?" Eve asked him when she sat on his lap with her knees resting on either side of the couch's surface.
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