Eve didn't like what Vincent said, and she shook her head as if that would help rid the information he had just told her. She said,
"How is that possible though? It has been many years since the king and his sons have passed away. Even if the curse has passed on… isn't it supposed to pass through generations where someone might have killed the other?"
"None of them have shown any kind of abilities since the king's sons. The king's sons had offspring, and then their offspring, but with no credible traits of the ability like the one that was bestowed by Nerhys," Vincent explained to her, and he said, "Hold on."
Eve watched Vincent walk near the piano room and peek inside the room. On seeing Allie sitting at the table with a book in front of her. He said, "Hamster, why don't you practice the piano sheet, while I borrow Eve for a few minutes." He offered a smile to his little sister, who nodded at his words.
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