Vincent's fingertips had only brushed the curve of one of her breasts, but it was enough to stir something so deep in Eve's chest that it started to spread through her body before coming to settle between her legs.
His eyes moved up to meet her blue ones, which now held a look of anxiousness and a hint of vulnerability in them. And the more those emotions came forth, the more it provoked him to unwrap more of her emotions as he wanted to see them all. Only for him to see.
"You knew something like this would happen, didn't you, my Eve?" Vincent questioned her with a heated gaze. "Or are you perhaps testing my control and patience, but you know I have none of those."
Eve's mouth and throat had turned dry to respond to him with words. Her chest softly heaved, breathing in and out, and because his fingers stayed close to her bosom, every intake of breath brushed the curve of her soft mound.
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