In one of the rooms in the inn, occupied by the pureblooded vampire and the mermaid, the burning woods softly crackled in the fireplace against the muffled sound of the snowstorm that tried to push against the walls of the buildings and its windows in the town.
The inn's servant had bought the hot water and poured it into their room's bathtub. Extra buckets of hot water were placed next to the bath, but it was quickly losing its heat because of the weather. The servant then brought the food to their room.
Vincent picked up the glass of blood, drinking it, but his darkened eyes didn't return to their usual coppery-red eyes.
Mr. Briggs arrived in front of their door with Eve's trunk and bag. The coachman had also received the key to his room after the inn's owner had screamed after being followed by him and had passed out.
"Keep it there," Vincent pointed next to the cupboard, and the coachman bowed, before stepping inside.
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