The following day, more snow covered in and around the town of Berkshire. Eve's clothes and other belongings she had brought with her were packed in the trunk and her bag. Someone knocked on the room's door, and when Eve raised her head, she noticed it was Lady Aubrey and Lady Paloma.
"How unfortunate that you are leaving this soon, Eve. I was hoping to celebrate your birthday as well as Christmas with you. Are you sure you cannot stay a little longer?" Asked Lady Paloma, who held a jar of biscuits that she had prepared early this morning. She handed it to Eve.
"I am sorry for leaving this soon, Lady Paloma. Maybe next time I will come visit you sooner than this time," Eve assured the woman, who offered her a smile.
"Maybe better. Come with the news of a husband, eh?" Lady Paloma, who didn't have daughters, had treated Eve as one of her own. Similar to how Lady Aubrey had loved and cared for her over all these years.
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