As she stared back into Vincent's coppery-red eyes, Eve felt her heart race. Time seemed to have stood still between the two. She wondered if she had imagined what he said. He hovered in front of her as if waiting for his words to sink.
She wasn't naive to not understand what he meant, but she stared at him with doubt instead of welcoming his words.
"You wound me… looking at me with distrusting eyes, little girl," one corner of Vincent's lips subtly curled. He picked up a piece of her golden blonde hair resting on her back, feeling the length and placing it in front of her shoulder.
The action was delicate, and it had Eve's heart skip another beat while neither of them looked away from the other.
"I don't think anyone can change their feelings in such a short time. Especially someone who rejected me firmly," Eve breathed the words.
3 chapters will be posted tomorrow. Thank you <3
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