Music Recommendation: Piano Sonata in C Major- Ludwig van Beethoven
When the Lowe's servant took Eve's trunk and bag from Noah's coachman, she said to him,
"Why don't you rest a bit and eat something before you ride back?"
"Thank you, milady, but it would be best to return to Woodlock. The Duke would be worried if I didn't return as expected," the coachman politely replied, and he bowed, "If you give me your permission to leave, milady."
Eve gave him a nod, "Thank you again, Kieran. Please convey my thanks to the Duke and Lady Anaya."
"I will, milady," the coachman turned and climbed back on the driver's seat.
Theophilus stared at the fancy carriage leaving the front of his house and commented, "I didn't know you had such high connections, Eve. You must be close with the Duke for him to lend you his carriage."
"He's a good and considerate man," Eve responded.
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