When Eve's head touched the pillow, she immediately fell asleep. And while she slept, Vincent searched for her through the lands restlessly.
The following day, Noah arranged one of his carriages so that Eve could travel to Berkshire in it. Noah and Lady Anaya accompanied Eve as they led her to where the waiting carriage was. But on their way, they met Noah's parents.
"I wasn't aware that we had a guest in the mansion," Lady Hilda commented on seeing the beautiful young woman.
Eve offered a bow to Noah's parents and greeted them, "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan. I am Gene—"
Noah interrupted by giving her name, "This is Genevieve. A friend of Lady Anaya."
Lady Anaya nodded, going with Noah's words, "Yes, she's a friend of mine. We met at one of the soirees."
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