Like many other guests in the mansion, Eve and Vincent walked to Quintin's family dining room.
On their way, Eve saw Allie with her mother and sister. The little girl slightly bowed in greeting and Eve returned it. Lady Annalise only glanced at them, while Marceline offered a sweet smile while taking note of the governess's bland clothes.
The women of the Moriarty family walked past them, which was when Eve's eyes fell on a couple and she quickly stepped behind Vincent. It was the Walsh's whom she had threatened to hit in her umbrella.
Eve turned, ready to walk away, when Vincent caught hold of her wrist. She asked him,
"What are you doing?"
"Thank you for asking my question. Now the answer," Vincent waited for her to reply and uncurled his fingers around her wrist.
"I don't think I am hungry," she replied, subtly looking at Walsh's couple talking to Henry's parents.
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