Clean, black shoes clicked against the white marbled floor of one of the long corridors in the Council's building. The person's shoes stopped in front of one of the double doors. Vincent pushed the door.
When he entered the chamber that belonged to the Head of the Inner Circle and the head of the Council, he noticed four men sitting in front of Clayton's desk.
The four men belonged to the Inner Circle, where one of them was Mr. Hart. One of the men, with a moustache, said to Vincent,
"We are in the middle of the meeting. You can come back later."
Vincent smiled at the man's words, while Clayton informed others, "I am the one who told him to join us, Sylvester."
"You seem to like to bend the rules when it comes to Vincent, Head Clayton," stated another man, who wore glasses and the eyes behind it were downturned. "Allowing a non Inner Circle member to join the meeting that is supposed to be confidential."
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