When they reached the carriage stop, the carriage arrived on time. Rosetta said to Eve,
"Wait! Let me come with you."
"Will it be alright?" Eve didn't want Rosetta or herself to get into trouble. The vampiress quickly nodded and said,
"I don't think it should be a problem with me going and spending time with my friend, right?" And saying it, she quickly turned to look behind her, while Eve pulled out her little pouch and offered coins to the coachman for two persons to ride in the carriage.
Though Eve stepped into the carriage and took her seat, Rosetta didn't get inside. She looked back and forth, not behind her, but at the carriage that had 'only' two horses, and the terrible woodwork of the carriage, which wasn't like the carriage she was used to riding in.
The coachman asked her, "Are you getting inside, Miss?"
"Yes, I am," Rosetta tipped her chin up in pride, but she couldn't get herself to step foot on the carriage.
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