The young mermaid looked happy in the merchant's presence, smiling as the man patted her head as if she was a pet and offered her a treat.
Eve turned to Vincent.
She whispered so that the merchant wouldn't hear what she said to Vincent, "Can I get two minutes alone with her? Please."
Vincent tilted his head before he took a step forward and said to the merchant, "I hear that you stole this mermaid from a wealthy family and they want her back. Do you know what happens to people who steal? Their hands are severed."
"What? That's rubbish!" The merchant denied the accusation and said, "I have this mermaid with me since she was this small," he used both his hands to emphasise it.
"You don't believe me? They are standing right outside in the alley," stated Vincent, and without warning, caught the back of the merchant's neck and dragged him out of the building.
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