Music Recommendation: Evil in the deep- ASKII
In the Dungeon in Raven's town, Eve sat in the same position as she had earlier. The pain inflicted on her skin didn't let her rest, and the slightest movements of her body rubbed against the fabric of her dress.
The guard named Deacon hadn't returned to her cell. Eve couldn't help but count every second without his presence as a blessing. She stared at the dark wall that she rested the side of her body against.
Eve used her strength to push herself and take a look outside the small window. She tried to see where the sun was now positioned in the sky, and though she couldn't see it, the colour of the sky had softened as if it was preparing for the time of evening.
She keenly tried to listen to every conversation that was taking place in this passage and the distant voices that came from the guards at the end of the corridor.
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