Lady Aubrey turned to look at Eugene, who appeared frozen in front of the door. Her eyebrows slightly furrowed, wondering why he looked as if he had seen a ghost. She placed the newsletter on the table before getting up to see who it was.
"Who is it, Eugene?" Lady Aubrey asked before coming to stand near the door. Her eyebrows rose on seeing a young vampiress standing at the front of the door.
Rosetta didn't know what this man she had met last night was doing and demanded, "What are you doing here?"
Eugene's breath was caught in his throat. Gathering his courage, he offered a bow and replied, "Good morning, miss. I work here at the Dawson's family." He then looked at Lady Aubrey and whispered, "This is Lady Rosetta Hooke. An acquaintance of Miss Eve," while a confused Rosetta's eyes moved to look at the houses on the left and right where she stood.
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