Vincent walked through the grand corridor, with his shoes sharply clicking against the clean marble floor. When he reached the parlour room, the guests were drinking or eating, a few engrossed in talking.
On seeing Vincent in the room, one of the vampiress made her way to greet him. She bowed, "Mr. Moriarty, it is a pleasure to be invited to today's ball. I am Luisa Florence. Daughter of Duchess Theodora Florence."
Lady Luisa had been looking forward to spending time with the pureblooded vampire. Right now, she knew she was the prettiest woman in the room and was confident about it. She stretched her hand forward, waiting for Vincent to take it and kiss the back of her hand.
Instead of taking her hand, Vincent pulled out the cigarette case from his pocket and placed one of the cigars between his lips. In between lighting the end of his cigar, Lady Luisa cleared her throat and pulled her hand back to her side. She said,
Anda mungkin juga menyukai