Reaching the ballroom, Eve smoothened the front of her dress which was already perfect. She wondered what would happen if she were to leave the ball right now by saying she was unwell, but she doubted it would go well with Lady Annalise. But she was no coward to run away from here.
Stepping back into the room, which was filled with creatures apart from humans, her eyes quickly looked for Noah. Unable to find him in the room, she wondered if he had perhaps already left the mansion.
"Milady," a man came to stand in front of Eve. Bowing his head, he courteously asked, "I am Henry, the Earl's son. May I be graced to have a dance with you?"
The man was polite, and Eve didn't find a reason to refuse as she was still busily looking for Noah. She gave him a nod, and together they walked to the dance floor.
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