Music Recommendation: The Burnt Orange Hersey theme- Craig Armstrong
When the siren had opened her mouth, there was a glimmer of cunningness in her snake-like eyes as if she knew Eve was not a human and was ready to tell her secret. For a moment, it had Eve's heart stumble in her chest, fear forming in her own eyes, which disappeared on seeing the siren's head being severed from her body.
"Was she your friend?" Vincent casually questioned her while taking another drag from the cigar and blowing the smoke from his mouth.
"We have exchanged a few words in the past. Pleasantries," replied Eve, softly gulping at the sight of the dead body that the people of the Meadow now surrounded.
Eve watched the guards catch hold of the dead body, and the head of the guard caught hold of the siren's head, where her eyes had turned opaquely white and her jagged teeth clearly visible.
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