Lady Aubrey took a sip from her teacup, letting the warm liquid slide down her throat while looking at Eve, who stood in front of the stove, watching the milk heat up.
"Before the siren was beheaded, she—"
"I saw," replied the elderly woman. Having protected Eve all these years, the woman had turned sharper when noticing where people were looking.
"Until today, she never realised it. Do you think something happened that let her know?" Eve picked up the warm vessel of milk, and poured it into a glass.
Lady Aubrey asked her, "We don't have much information about mermaids or sirens. The local library in the town doesn't have anything about it, does it?"
Eve shook her head, "Not a word about any creatures."
The higher society held back all the information to themselves, while keeping the lower class in the dark.
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