In the living room of the Dawson's residence, the fire crackled in the fireplace. In front of it sat Lady Aubrey on a chair, holding a book and reading it. The evening had passed, and the chatter of the people and sound of the carriage on the streets had decreased with the night that had come to fall upon them.
She heard a slight sound of scrunch near the entrance of the house, where the house's main door was left open. Eugene stood outside with a worried look, craning his neck every once in a while to check if he could see Eve. The lantern that hung outside their house burned brightly.
"You should get back inside," Lady Aubrey suggested to Eugene from the living room, her voice reaching the man, who stepped back inside the house.
"This is the first time she's been late since she started to work," came the concerned voice of Eugene, whose eyebrows were closely knitted. "What if Miss Eve is in trouble?"
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