Eve's feet were quick to walk in the direction of where the young man had pointed his finger as if she was on a mission and would get to the bottom of whatever she was up to.
The women and men on the streets were quite a looker in their appearance, from their clothes to the other accessories that they carried on themselves. Some of the women were followed by their servants, who carried their things.
On her way, Eve couldn't help herself from staring at them as the whole town reeked of wealth, elegance along with arrogance.
Walking around a fountain that had no water in it, she climbed three stairs before noticing the Farrier's shop. Nearing the place, she noticed Mr. Morris standing outside. She quickly hid behind the pillar and took a peek. Mr. Morris was saying something to his coachman, but Eve couldn't hear a word of what they were speaking because of the distance.
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