Pandora wasn't sure what exactly happened.
It was just a second ago. No, not even that.
Just an instant ago, a period of time she couldn't even begin to comprehend, that spire was directly in front of her face.
She could still feel the blood leaking from her eye and painting her face.
It was not there anymore.
It was shattered into fragments.
No, were those…flowers?
"I knew you'd be the one to find it, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. Good job, Pandora."
'Hm? That voice is…'
Pandora touched her face in confusion as she looked up, seeing the familiar pink-haired figure standing there.
Rose gently descended to the ground, waving her hand in an equally graceful manner.
The deadly spire that was now just a rain of flower petals whooshed to life and blew past her. The vibrant scent of nature filled Pandora's senses, and suddenly, her mind felt amazingly clear.
Yes, the timeline is currently matched up. The past year for Damien only amounted to a single second in the universe.
Scary, right?
Anyway, just wanted to leave a note in case it wasn't clear, so that's all.
Adios :)