After throwing sending the javelin right back at the Young Noble Marquess, the group made use of the opening to get away.
They ran and ran and ran, leaping from platform to platform. Even while in a rush, the butler and maid still managed to maintain their elegant and professional mannerisms up.
Xavier on the other hand didn't look so good, no one could place their hands on him as they'd get instantly zapped by strong electrical currents and there wasn't anyone with a healing ability around to treat him.
Viera and Elaine's abilities had awoken however they still couldn't manifest them, there was no telling what abilities they had.
Because they were high up in the sky, they were able to get a great view over the city and area in hand.
There were many buildings lit engulfed in flames around even with all the rain pouring down on them, upon a closer inspection, they could see squads of people wearing a uniform coloured differently than the Vampires night blue uniform.
I apologise if you spot a few errors in the chapters. These chapters will all be properly edited by the end of this week. I have not had much time to edit due to the mass-production of chapters and i dont have any editors to edit for me as of now.
Thank you, i am sorry for the inconvinience.