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64.94% Start of an Uzumaki Clan - Multiverse / Chapter 61: A Whole New World ~ 61

Bab 61: A Whole New World ~ 61

┏ Naruto POV ┓

⪼ In the Realm of Death ⪻

"Oh~ You came back~" said the crazy yandere.

Looking around, I noticed I was back in the same dimension that started my headaches.

"Hello, Mara… should I call you that or was it a joke you asked me to name you last time?" I asked.

I noticed Death/Mara seemed to have dual personalities. Mara is the persona of an aloof, innocent, and sweet woman. Death is the persona of a seductress, domineering and a crazy yandere who gets mad quickly.

"I like Mara, so you can call me that… and only yOu." Mara said, as her voice cracked in the end. I do not know why it cracked, but I am going to leave it at that.

Making a bold move, I closed the gap between us and came inches near her face.

Looking at her mesmerizing eyes, I said, "I am ready, Mara."

She bent forward and proceeded to take my lip. Both of us are addicted to feeling the same passion for kissing.

She surprised me with a bold move, taking my arms and placing them back on her plump buns.

Grabbing those two fleshy mounds, which seemed to shape the way I wanted, I proceeded to dive my tongue.

"I see you came prepared. A soul with the initial talent to Shadow Realm." Mara said.

Oh, I learned something new from her, and I will test it out later.

"I will give you the coordinates to that world, and I already know that your body won't have any consequences and isn't restricted. So I suggest sending that soul to hide somewhere, or he will die when he travels through the wormhole I have just made to let you through." Mara informed me.

I sent my shadow to {Kamui} to keep him safe, which caused Mara to raise her eyebrows and show she was slightly displeased. I guess she wanted me to ask her for help for another favour.

"It seems you have your own dimension… Interesting! Only a few are gifted with one, and seeing your abnormal body, it seems your race is gifted with one. I know a few races that come with a racial ability to access dimensions… Which one are you~" Mara asked.

I simply pecked her on the lips and whispered "Secret~" in her ear.

"p(◝~◜)q Boohoo~ Fine, I will find out myself," Mara said while making an adorable face.

"Well… off you go~ and good luck," Mara said, giving me the last peck as I got the coordinates in my mind.

Nodding my head, I used {Kamui} to send my body to the HP dimension.

"Oi Git, get off the middle of the road!" Yelled, a random person.

The first thing I noticed was the air. It smells disgusting. Well, I am not going to puke or anything since, as a ninja, I have done many missions where I needed to live in slums or pretend to be a dead body. I have gotten used to the smell of rotten corpses and many other things which smelled disgusting.

"You are blocking all the traffic on Monday morning. You Arse`hole," yelled another random person.

Looking around, I noticed I was around the 80s. The cars, buildings, and even the clothing choice resembles people living in the 80s.

"He is mad as a bag of ferrets, or he is wasted," said another person.

Noticing I was middle of the road, I walked off the roadway and got on the sidewalk.

"Wanker/Tosser/Prat" Many insulted me while they passed away.

I didn't mind since I realised I might be at the beginning of the Harry Potter series or a little earlier.

Turning to my side, I saw myself in the shop glass. I was thankful I was neither in someone else's body nor a kid's body.

I looked the same and got many looks from females passing by. Also, many males looked at me with suspicious eyes since I looked Asian.

Thankfully Japan hasn't started a war on Britain or I might have already been arrested by a couple of officers who passed by, or civilians might have commented.

I neither paid attention in class nor was interested in learning history, so I don't know when they launched the war.

Closing my eyes, remembering what Mother Magic has said.

╔ Flashback- ╗

"Welcome, champion~" welcomed me in a sweet voice.

Turning around, I saw nobody around me, and I realised that this might be Mother Magic that Death talked about. She even called me a champion.

But just in case, I questioned. "Who are you?"

"I am Mother Magic, and I was told that a champion of Death would visit me soon. I have already sensed a blessing from Death in you." Magic said.


[Death's Blessing: Death/Mara has given you her blessing. Since you already have a blessing which is stronger than her, that can hide you, and she has shared some of her essence to make your talent stronger in Dark Magic.

⇝ You can now overpower Dark beings without divinity who are weaker than you.

⇝ High Affinity with Dark Magic or anything related to Dark Power.

⇝ More will unlock when you finish the test you were given]


"Yes, please let me know what I need to do," I told her.

"Fate has messed up my world. The sealed gods will wake up from their slumber to devour all magic. I need to slaughter them when they wake up since I can not do it myself, as I am only a tiny wasp of my will." She said,

I nodded my head

"I have a tiny request… remove the curse from the queen of elves. As a last gift, I will bend some magic rules for you. I am putting my last hope on you, my chosen one~" Magic said as she disappeared into tiny particles.

╚ Flashback -Ends ╝

"(¬_¬) She didn't even tell me when they will wake up… or give me any additional information on gods or the supposed Queen," I said as I sighed.

I sensed everything around me, and I mapped out all of England in my mind. Then, deciding that was enough, I started to find anyone with magic since I was really in need to devour him and gain the power to use it.

Wait a minute. I have no political power, wizard bloodline, nor I was famous. And I am not even a kid and say I am an orphan. I am a grown a`ss man who looks around his 20s.

So how the hell am I going to Hogwarts?

First, I need to find myself a backer, someone who is famous and secretive at the same time.

Finding myself in a dark alley, I tried to teleport, but soon another note appeared in my hand.

[Note: Oh, I gave you this note in case you decided to activate your powers… I suggest not using abilities such as space-time or powers strong enough to break/bend space. The old coots and Fate might wake up soon if they sense a disturbance. You can hide tiny space breaks, but do not go too far. You are not strong enough to fight them yet.]

Okay, I can manage. I can use Jutsu, but not powerful enough to put a dent in space-time. So no teleporting myself, but I can teleport to my dimension and bring things out by placing a seal under me whenever I use {Kamui}.

Let's do things the old way.



After raising my hand for the past 30 minutes, finally, a cab came in front of me.

Rolling down the window, the driver asked, "Where to-"

I cut him short by placing him in {Sharingan: Genjutsu}. I was kind of salty that I wasted 30 minutes of my time that I usually spent with my family or did something productive.

I went inside the car and looked through his memories, and it was 1986 London. Exactly five years before Harry's first year at Hogwarts.

"To Leaky Cauldron, Leadenhall XXXX," I told the driver, who was in my control.

After arriving at the infamous Leaky Cauldron, I erased the driver's memories and sent him away after taking all his money. Even though I haven't read the book, I remember in my childhood, friends did talk about things about Harry Potter.

I didn't want to read the book nor like to watch all the seven movies. I just read some things on the internet to join their conversion, and even remembered my English teacher once also talking in the class.

So I kind of know the main plot, which is basically

Villain = Voldemort

Hero = Harry

Heroine = Hermione that is what I think at least

Sidekick = Old coot Dumbledore.

Some important things like there was a basilisk, phoenix, elves, and mention of dragons.

Now I am excited to meet elves since I think they are gorgeous and good at magic.


Going inside, I saw a barman. I went near him and noticed many wizards in this pub.

"Hello, give me something strong!" I asked him.

When I asked him, I looked him in the eye, cast Genjutsu and looked through his memories.

I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge from him. The knowledge of Wizarding World.

Tom, the barman here, is a squib. That means he either has magic and cannot access it, or doesn't have enough mana to learn magic.

I know the wizarding world is calling mana as magic, but it's confusing for me, so I am going to be the first person to name it mana, and by using mana, you can use magic, yeah!

Surprisingly, Tom here is a pureblood from a small family, but was cast out for being a squib. However, he was given a small amount of money to survive outside, so he started a business.

Tom here knew many things, since drunk wizards like to speak a lot. I saw a few elves mentioned, but Tom hasn't seen one.

The wizards like to live in secret, and there are even laws to hide the use of magic in the 'muggle' world. So they also call non-wizarding folk, muggles.

Many words are used to insult non-wizards or muggles, such as Muggle-born, Mudbloods.

The most important things I gained are how to behave in society and wizard culture.

"So, having a bad day?" Questioned Tom, seeing me ordering a strong drink.

I nodded my head and drank it one sip. Alcohol doesn't really do much for me anymore. I need to drink more than Tsunade to get a little drunk.

"You are not from here, are you?" Tom questioned me again.

I looked down at my clothes and cursed myself, and I completely forgot I didn't match the clothing style they were wearing.

I am wearing a red Uzumaki hoodie with Anbu pants and sandals.

The hoodies were not invented yet, so I looked like a wealthy beggar, if that makes sense.

"Just found out that my deadbeat dad is pureblood… So I am going to Gringotts to receive my inheritance!" I said.

Right when I said that, everyone started staring at me. Envy, happiness, and some greed were being sensed in me.

"Huh? Many orphans tried to claim that they were from an ancient family, but sadly, many were fake. The goblins hate lying to them… many lost their lives, so I warn you." Tom was warning me in case I was lying.

I nodded my head again and said, "More!"

As Tom filled my wooden jug, he said, "Blimey! Never did ask your name, huh? So tell me, mate, what do they call you?"

I replied, "Asura, Asura Uzumaki!"

I simply said my first name first, so he knows what my first name is. Not that I wanted to quote James Bond.

Tom was taken aback by my name, since never in his life had he heard that name. Looking at my Asian features, he guessed that I was foreign.

"Not much of a talker, huh?… Well, I won't take your time." Tom said before getting back to his work.

While drinking, I noticed a group of wizards keenly observing me. Deciding that it was time for me to leave, I paid and went behind the counter to the brick wall.

I discovered that this brick wall is the entrance to Diagon Alley, where you can buy all kinds of wizarding goods.

Tapping the bricks in a specific pattern opened a pathway to a market filled with Wizards and Witches.

'It smells like shit' I thought as I walked around.

Choosing a 'Cliché' dark alley, I decided to go inside. Suddenly, I was hit by a bright light.


"Hahaha, we got him, boys!" said a wizard with a scar on his nose.

"Well, he stopped moving! We should {Imperio} him before he runs away," hurried another wizard with blonde hair.

Slowly, two people made their way toward Naruto, laughing as they scored something big.

"{Imperio} Go to the bank and bring all the money!" said the wizard with the scar.

Seeing the {Imperio} hit me, and nothing happened. I was glad inside to see my {Gamer Mind} working. Even if I didn't have {Gamer Mind}, I felt I would have broken free with my sheer will.

"Ewan! After looking at his eyes and his magic, the Goblins will know, you fuc`king wanker!" said another witch who joined them.

When {Imperio} was used, the victims' eyes would be dazed, almost looking like they were blind. Goblins are very proficient in runes, so there are many ways to tell when someone is in {Imperio}.

"Piss off! I didn't know that!" said Ewan, the wizard with the scar.

"Alright, Penny! You should have told us before!" said the blonde-haired wizard.

"I would if you dimwits followed the original plan where we ambush him after he goes to the Gringotts for Merlin's nut sack!" cursed Penny.

Their original plan was to get Naruto after collecting the inheritance, since they thought Naruto might have some galleons (wizard currency) on him.

"So, what do we do now? Kill him?" suggested the blond wizard.

"Yes, Finn. We have to cock up and kill him dead. That's sh`it he needed to die, though," replied Penny.

Penny said Naruto needed to be killed for their mistake, and it sucks he needs to be killed.

Deciding that it was enough time to mess around, I said, "Oh, you wanted to kill me?"

"HUH?" exclaimed Finn.

Sadly, my chains killed them before they knew what was happening.

I sensed some change in my body, and excruciating pain went through my body. My skin was burning and turning black. Suddenly, I was hit with a refreshing feeling throughout my body.

'Status', I thought, after seeing that my pain stopped.

[Magic: After absorbing a wizard, your genes change, making you a person capable of using magic.

⇝ You have gained the magic of Harry Potter. Magic in the Harry Potter world is based on Will, Intent and Imagination. There is no magic core or a specific space where mana stays in the body. As long as you have the mental capacity to control mana, you can cast magic, as mana is everywhere around us. The more you practice, the more powerful the magic becomes.

Blood Sucker - Vampire: After gaining magic in your genes, they mutated and adapted to what your subconscious mind closely resembled. As whenever you kill an enemy you absorb their blood, and the subconscious mind changed because of that.

You are currently at stage one of vampirism. The more blood you consume, the more power you will get and the further you stage as a vampire.

Hypnosis: You can use magic to hypnotise and control their minds.

Blood Thirsty: %$%---- Got removed by Gamer Mind.

Sun/Fire Damage - ^%&$----- Got removed by adaptation.

Enhanced Body & Mind: Your body has been enhanced to hunt prey easily at night, such as heightened senses, nails expanding into claws, and night vision.

Blood Control: You can control blood.

Regeneration: You can regenerate easily with the consumption of blood.

All Speak: You can communicate with any animal and familiar.

Decelerated ageing: &%^*^------- You already have immortality.

⇝ You will need to consume blood to stay conscious, or without blood, you will go into hibernation.]

It looks like I became a vampire. Seeing the blood flowing down the body's veins, all I wanted was to suck all the blood dry, but soon my {Gamer Mind} came in clutch, clearing my mind.

Transforming a rock into a mirror, I saw nothing physically changed.

Nodding my head, I closed my eyes and said, "{Lumos}."

I was expecting a spark of light on my palm, but it didn't happen. So I took one of the wands on the floor and tried again. But this time, the wand attempted to resist by using my will to push the resistance, sadly breaking it to pieces.

I have tried another wand, but it too broke into pieces, so I decided to save the last wand to take it apart and experiment later.

From their memories, I got the location of Knockturn Alley, where all kinds of illegal things happen, but unfortunately, you need a special entrance to get in there.

I can't use {Apparition}, a wizard form of teleportation, and need to go back to Leaky Cauldron, where there was a special entrance to Knockturn Alley.

After meeting Tom again, I used {Sharingan: Genjutsu} to let me access Knockturn Alley.

Walking around Knockturn Alley, I noticed I was getting all kinds of looks. So I didn't bother changing my clothes to their smelly torn clothes, my hair, and features.

Not every day do you see a red-haired, unnaturally handsome, and buffed person walking with unusual clothing.

I was walking toward Borgin and Burkes, and after getting inside, I saw a middle-aged man with oily brown hair with shady vibes around him. His name is Borgin, you could guess by the shop's name.

"Hello, what can I get yo" Borgin couldn't finish his sentence as he was hit with Kotoamatsukami.

Unexpectedly, I encountered a shield in his head, and I guess it was some kind of mind magic since either of those knuckleheads knew from the dark alley. But I didn't need to worry; quickly, his shield broke.

"From now on, you will be loyal and follow my order unconditionally," So I ordered him using Kotoamatsukami.

Borgin nodded his head, and soon his eyes returned from being dazed.

"What can I get you, my Lord?" Borgin asked.

"Give me every book about magic; it does not matter whether it is light or dark magic! And find me a private space to read them" I ordered him.

Borgin went to the door, changed it to 'Closed', and took me to a separate section containing questionable items. I even saw a large-sized egg.

"What are those eggs?" I asked him pointing at a large egg.

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