Unduh Aplikasi
81.81% The True Dragon (TenSura – Hiatus) / Chapter 15: Ch. 15 Five meeting's

Bab 15: Ch. 15 Five meeting's

"What's the situation of the town and was my evolution successful" said Rimuru waking up from his sleepy state.

<{The situation of the town is that it's fine and with your evolution being successful}>

"Wait, what happened to the Goblins and Hobgoblins that died!?".

<{The Goblins and Hobgoblins were revived by Chimon before you evolved into a Demon slime. Some also evolved into Wicked Ogres while others are now Wicked Hobgoblins}>

Satisfied with that answer he sees that he's in the embrace of Shion.

Shion, seeing that Rimuru was awake she says "Good morning. Rimuru-sama".


When Chimon got the two Ultimate skills from when he evolved them, the Kijins had all evolved into Fair Oni's making them ever more stronger. They also got closer to being full spiritual life forms.

The Unique skill that Benimaru got was called [Generalissimo]. It's sub-skills are [Thought acceleration], [Thought domination], [Predictive calculation], and [Inspire forces]. The title that Benimaru had was still the Ogre King.

Shion's Unique skill was called [Master chef]. It's sub-skills are [Guarantee results], [Optimal action], and [Chaotic fate]. It was a skill that could stand on equal footing with an Ultimate skill, or could be even better. The title that Shion got was Tyrant since she acts like one.

Souei's Unique skill was called [Shadow striker]. It's sub-skills are [Thought acceleration], [Ultra acceleration], [Insta-Kill], [Shadow domination], and [Espionage]. The title he got was Dark Shinobi. The name came from Rimuru's mind since he got permission from [Sophia].

The Unique skill that Shuna got was called [Manufacturer]. The three sub-skills are [Transmutation], [Fusion], and [Separation]. Shuna already had a title and of which was the Ogre Princess.

Hakurou got [Martial master] as his new Unique skill. It had [Heaven gaze], [Thought acceleration], [Ultra acceleration], [Foresight], and [Mystery]. The title that he got was Sword Demon since that's what he was.

Kurobe didn't gain a new Unique skill, but [Researcher] had evolved into [Godly craftsman]. Kurobe didn't get a title since he already had the title of Blacksmith.

Zegion was gonna evolve soon so he stayed inside Chimon's [Stomach]. He gained the Unique skill, [Spatial domination] by using Chimon's spatial skills as a base. He also gained [Multilayer barrier], [Thought acceleration], [All of creation], [Magic manipulation], and [Haki]. Chimon gave him the title of Insect Kaiser.

Ranga's Unique skill was called [Magic Wolf King]. The sub-skills are [Ultra instinct], [Possession identify], [Summon comrade], [Restore comrade], and [Control common Will]. He also gained [Multilayer barrier], [Magic sense], and [Spatial travel]. The title that he got was Chimon's pet, and it seemed like he didn't mind the title.

The title that Rimuru was given was the Strongest Slime.

Geld's Unique skill was called [Guardian]. It's sub-skills are [Giant protection], [Substitution], and [Iron wall]. The title that Geld got was the Orc King.

Gabiru didn't get a new Unique skill, but already had one which was [Tuner]. The two sub-skills are [Unexpected results], and [Fate change]. The title that Gabiru got was Dragon Warrior.

Souka's new Unique skill was called [Hidden in the Depths]. It's sub-skills are [Shadow manipulation], and [Silent kill]. She didn't get a title but instead got Unique grade equipment.

When Arakan was in Ingrassia he had evolved into a Gehenna Paladin because his use of <[Holy magic]>. All his equipment had evolved and became Legend grade too. The Unique skill he gained was called [Fair fight] since he was always fighting alone. The skill is based off of [Unlimited imprisonment], and [Generalissimo]. The sub-skills are [Isolate], [Overwhelmed], and [Army]. For [Isolate] he can isolate him and whoever he's currently fighting with, go inside a complex dimensional barrier. For [Overwhelmed] it gives him a tremendous boost when fighting more than one person. [Army] summons Low Disaster class Death Paladin's that are sentient while also being immune to physical attacks, and can only be destroyed once his soul gets destroyed. The army that he summons gains a 30% boost whenever Arakan is in a 500 meter radius of them. He didn't get a title because he was far away to get a title.

Kami didn't get a Unique skill but got the title of a Daemon Lord.

Diablo didn't get a Unique skill since he was named after the acquisition of the skills, but he got the title of Daemon Lord. He also didn't really need another Unique skill since he was the third strongest, being behind Rimuru.

The Daemon Lord title are given to Demons that have reached Demon Peer.


Rimuru was talking with Grucious and the three Beastketeers since Milim attacked Eurazania.

Albis gave a recap of what happened to Eurazanua with Suphia almost running to Clayman's territory.

When their little talk had ended [Sophia] notified him that the skill, [Unlimited imprisonment] was no longer active. Praising [Sophia], she corrects him by saying Chimon took the skill and made it his own.

Ignoring that Rimuru teleports inside the cave, looks around and thinks about the memories that happened here.

Turning into his human form he tells [Sophia] to make a clone of himself.

Putting Veldora's soul inside the body [Sophia] tells him that he made a soul corridor with Veldora.

With the body getting bigger, hair turning yellow and short, gaining muscles while getting tan is Veldora.

Laughing, he says "I am the Storm Dragon, Veldora Tempest. I am fully revived! All who defy me will be slaughtered!". With him laughing more while also releasing his aura.

"Uh, old dude... how do you know that line?" said Rimuru looking confused.

Punching the air and firing laser beams Veldora says "Well, I was bored, so I analyzed your memories and read all of that manga stuff you had in there! Not only that... but I play shogun at the master level now, too! No, since I'm the Storm Dragon, I've reached the Ryuo level!".

"I see. Well, I'm glad you enjoyed life in my stomach so much".

Looking away and looking back at Rimuru he says "I'm back after all this time, and you're being so cold".

With Rimuru slightly looking away Veldora says "That went a lot more quickly than I expected, though!".

Walking towards Rimuru and putting a fist out he says "I thank you, Rimuru Tempest! My BFF!".

Looking at the fist he says "Did you really say BFF? That's so old".

"Oh, I almost forgot. Did you not get my gift?".

"I'm glad you asked. Thanks to you, My Unique skill, [Inquier], evolved into the Ultimate skill, [Faust]. It is the power to reach the ultimate truth" said Veldora still while Rimuru was ignoring him.

<{Analyzing the remains of Veldora has given you the Ultimate skill, [Veldora]}>

Veldora, remembering something says "Oh, right. My new younger brother over wrote the name I gave you, but since we're family I won't punish him!".

Rimuru, confused by who Veldora's younger brother is says "New, younger brother. What does that mean?".

"My new younger brothers name is Chimon Foley with him also being a True Dragon. The specified element he was given was Chaos, as long as Chaos never ceases to exist he can never die".

Rimuru was baffled upon belief because he thought Chimon was only a Dragon Lord. Now knowing why Chimon was so strong he slowly came to believe it.

Rimuru teleported both him and Veldora outside the cave, but when they got out they saw Chimon looking at them.

Veldora, seeing his younger brother walks up to him he says "Come here my younger brother!"

While Chimon was looking at Veldora, he was beyond dissatisfied. The big clump of energy when he arrived was this muscle head.

"Hey! That wasn't nice thing to say that to your older brother!" said Veldora while pointing at Chimon.

Confused of how he knew, he gets his answer from [Raphael].

<{Veldora's Ultimate skill, [Faust], likely has a skill that can tell him information because I negate mind reading skills}>

"Yeah, lady that's talking to him! It is exactly as you've said. I can know anything with my sub-skill, [Pursuit of Truth]!".

Stopping him from going on any further Chimon says "Aren't you gonna suppress that aura of yours? My, oh so beloved older brother?"

"Very well. I shall try".

"I'm going to do it like that".

Rimuru was confused so he says "Like that?".

Getting into a crouching position he screams while also sucking in his aura.

Suppressing his aura he gets a praise from Rimuru with him saying "Thank the wisdom of the sacred texts that contain all knowledge of the world!".

'He just tried something he read in a manga, didn't he?' thought Rimuru with a smug face.


The three of them were walking towards the center of town and saw a lot of people who seemed to be waiting for them.

Rigurd, Rigur, and Benimaru ran up to them with Rigurd saying "We were so worried! We suddenly sensed signs of the return of the Storm Dragon, Veldora...".

"We were gonna explain that right now. But first let me introduce you" said Rimuru.

With steam coming put of Veldora's nose and patting himself, Rimuru nudges him to next say "This is Veldora-Kun! He's a tad shy around new people, bit try to make friends with him!".

It was silent until Veldora said "Wait! I'm not shy around new people at all! It's just that not many people ever actually reached me alive!".

With leaves appearing comes Treyni.

"Treyni-San!" said Rimuru.

Getting on her knees while putting a hand on her heart she says "Our guardian, Lord Veldora, I congratulate you on your return from the bottom of my heart".

Having his arms crossed he says "Oh, the Dryads, right? I remember them. Thanks for taking care of my Forest of Jura!".

Putting her head lower she says "I am unworthy if such praise. Such a task is in no way enough to repay you for taking in my sister's and me when we were separated from the Queen of Spirits".

"Dont worry about that!" said Veldora looking up while continously laughing.

Everyone except Diablo, Kami, Grucious, Youm, and Mjurran got on their knees while saying "Our Lord!".

"You gotta be kidding me" said Youm with a defeated look.

"Keep looking out for Rimuru for me! You'll be looking out for me now, as well," said Veldora.

Since Chimon was also standing with them Rigurd asked what their relationships were.

Veldora replied by grabbing both Rimuru and Chimon's shoulder. He then said "Rimuru is my bosom buddy! My other half! And Chimon is my younger brother!".

Chimon had his arms crossed while he had a look that said he wanted to leave.

Rimuru was blushing because his thought of this right now was an embarrassing sight.

Everyone had stood up to celebrate what Veldora had said while Treyni asked "Incidentally, why have you taken this form?".

Tossing Rimuru while barely nudging Chimon he flexes to then say "Rimuru had prepared this body for me! Well?! I look awesome, right?".

"Yes, you look wonderful!".

"Don't I? Don't I?!" said Veldora while laughing.

Since Rimuru had control over the town when Chimon wasn't there, or Chimon just didn't care Rimuru threw a festival.

He gave a speech and was now in a monologue talking to himself.

A lot of the monsters were watching Veldora do a reenactment from a manga.

Rimuru and Benimaru were going to eat Shion's cooking since something happened. Rimuru berated Shion on not cutting the vegetables properly but got told she used Hercules' Edge when cutting. She said she wouldn't use anything else other than Hercules' Edge since she hates infidelity. Gaslighting her into saying he was gonna give her a cooking knife as a gift, she bangs her head on the table saying she was wrong and it was a mistake.

They both eat it and to their surprise it tasted good.

"When I got the gift from Chimon-sama I gained the Unique skill, [Master Chef]".


<{Notice. The individual called Laplace is talking about Rimuru Tempest}>

Ignoring that he was talking to [Raphael] about the 50% that Veldana had put in him. [Raphael] said that Chimon had gained all of Veldanava's memories, but it was sealed and he would only get it when he becomes stronger.

As Chimon was doing something else Rimuru was in a meeting with the Beastketeers, Benimaru, Shion, Shuna, and more.

He decided to become a Demon Lord, but not of his own volition though. He was gonna declare to the whole world that he was now a Demon Lord. With fighting other Demon Lords he specifically meant Clayman.

Rigurd was to handle the negotiations with the nations to the west.

Benimaru's job was to see all those who evolved so they can fight Clayman's forces.

Rimuru assigned Shion, Youm, and Mjurran to help Chimon if he needs an extra hand with the war prisoners. Though Rimuru doubts he would need their help at all.

Rimuru asked the three Beastketeers an sought their help for the battle.

When Rimuru was gonna continue the door slammed open with Fuze yelling because the security pact between Blumund and Abyss. Saying that fifty fully armed are already there and that the king would mobilize it's knights. With Rimuru saying that he wiped out Falmuth's army Fuze looks around to get confirmation if it was true.

While talking about having those fifty people go to an inn Rimuru says "Oh, more visitors?".

<{Notice. Thirty knights approaching. They are led by the king of Armed Nation of Dwargon, the individual called Gazel Dwargo}>

Walking outside while looking up he mentally says 'Hey, Sophia-san...'


'It's gonna be a hassle to have you giving me details on everyone who comes here, so keep it short, okay?'.


'You can save it for when someone hostile toward me is coming, can't you?'.


With Gazel coming off his Pegasus he says "Long time no see Rimuru. I heard you've become a Demon lord".

"Yeah, some things happen... you know. It's gonna be a pain, frankly, but we were having a meeting to discuss future plans".

"Perfect timing. I will take part in this meeting, as well" said Gazel until he turned his head to face hooded figures.

'Wha-. When did they get here?! [Universal sense] didn't detect anything!'.

<{Notice. I detect no hostility in this group}>

'Oh, right... I said it was a hassle earlier... I'm sorry, okay? Please give me clear reports from now on! Okay, Sophia-san'

"Who are you people?" said Gazel.

"Well, well, if it isn't the king who likes to live... hidden beneath the ground. I'm surprised. I never expected a coward like you to back a Demon Lord" said a blonde Elf as he took off his hood.

"Ah, it's you. The descentdant of the Elves who likes to live in ridiculously high places. You came down from your city surrounded by divine trees? No... With that body, you're more likely...".

"Yes, it was made using an artificial human, a homunculus. I can't be careful enough when meeting one who claims to be a Demon Lord, after all".

'Wow, a homunculus so elaborate that I couldn't tell it aprt from a human... I wonder if he'll teach me how to make one'.

Turning to Rimuru Gazel says "These people come from the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion. You haven't changed, Elalude".

"Neither have you, Gazel. And who might this be?".

"Nice to meet you. I'm the Chancellor of this forest, Rimuru. I hope-".

"You! You're the Demon Lord that seduced my youngest daughter?!".

"Er... H-huh? But I don't even kno-".

"I hope you've made your peace!" said Elalude getting closer to Rimuru.

Jumping away from Rimuru he began chanting a spell while doing hand signs "O flames, burn, dance, and rampage! Gather, flicker, and pour in a rain of violence! Scatter my enemy to the winds! Burn him to ash until not a single shred of flesh remains! O flames, burn, dance, and rampage!".

'What's he doing!? Sophia-san, will that hurt me?'

<{Notice. This is an extremely High-level explosion spell, but it will not hurt you in the slightest}>

'Okay, good to know'.

"Gather, flicker, and pour in a rain of violence! Scatter my enemy to the-".

"You idiot!" yelled a particularly angry Elf named Rene as she hit Elalude's head with her wand.

"Dad! What the heck are you doing here?!".

"Huh. Rene! you're alright!".

"Of course I am! I came here of my own free will!".

"Ah... I'm so sorry. I recieved a report saying my youngest daughter had been taken by a Demon Lord, so I couldn't help but panic".

'So that's who you were talking about. She was the one I met while I met my father one'.

"I see you're still an overprotective father, Elalude".

"I am not overprotective! Rene is just so adorable, there's nothing else I can do. Though it has been two years since I've spoken with Eren. She hasn't even visited us, maybe I should send another search party?".

"That's what most father's would say. No, nothing I say will do any good".

"Rimuru! This is my father and archduke of the Sorcerous Dynasty of Thalion. His names Elalude Grimwald!".

Clearing his throat he says "Chancellor of the Great Forest of Jura and ruler of the monsters, as my youngest daughter Rene had just told you, my name is Elalude Grimwald. Please, call me Elalude".

Asking if Rene was all he was here for Elalude says it was to see Rimuru with his own two eyes.

"Now, I will also be taking part in this meeting".

'Why do all these guys just do whatever they want?!'

They were doing introductions of everyone present, so everyone now knew each other.

Rimuru was told to say that Chimon was an Enlightened while also saying he was a mercenary that was currently living in Abyss.

Surprised by this Gazel, Elalude, and Fuze quickly evaluated that Chimon was likely equivalent to a high Disaster class threat.

With introductions over comes in Veldora. Rimuru, saying that this was Veldora made Fuze faint. Gazel and Elalude brought Rimuru to the previous meeting place to talk about Veldora.

He told them everything, since when his journey began and to right now, except him being reincarnated. They accepted that that was actually Veldora, but also kept denying it.

They were troubled with Veldora because of the Western Holy Church. But, Rimuru was already gonna spread Veldora's name since there was gonna be no avoiding them.

Since the number of casualties were 20,000 they needed a different story for Rimuru. The bodies were gone since Chimon burned them. They had a very detailed discussion, then headed back to the meeting.

He told them that he had fought and escaped Hinata. He had more skills and better defense than Hinata, but she had more strength, speed, and experience. Though now that he evolved his strength, and speed were better other than experience, but he doesn't want to get cockey just because of a small boost.

Going back to what she said the only person he can suspect is Yuuki. This was just a guess and what does he gain from having them fight each other.

"Now, let's get down to business" said Rimuru and as he was about to begin he saw Ramiris fly into the glass roof.

Getting her down he says "What the hecks going on?".

Flying closer to Rimuru she says "I heard everything! This country, Abyss... is doomed to fall!".

"Wha... What did you say?!" yelled Rimuru, Shion, and Veldora.

"Yes! It's doomed to-" said Ramiris as she was picked up by Diablo.

Squirming she says "H-hey! What's the big idea?! Even with all my mana, I still can't escape!".

"How shall I dispose of this ridiculous little bug?" said Diablo as he spoke to Rimuru, but was actually directing the question to Chimon.

"Excuse me?! What is your problem?!".

"This is clearly no ordinary man!" said Ramirus as she was squirming around.

When she said she was a Demon Lord and the Queen of the Spritis nobody really had a reaction until someone said Veldora had been revived. Saying that she beat him with one punch in the past Rimuru puts out his hand as Diablo put her on it.

Walking towards Veldora and placing her on Veldora's chest she passes out.

Now getting to the real meeting Rimuru's plan was to state that he is now a Demon Lord, but not how he awakened. The new story was that the greedy king of Falmuth attcked Abyss, started a war, and lost. The next part was that the battle was enough to revive the sleeping Evil Dragon, which was Veldora. Then Rimuru and Youm worked together and, at the cost of many sacrifices, convinced Veldora, and made a deal by calming his rage and honoring him as a guardian. With Rimuru going into more detail about the story they agree.

They then move onto Rimuru saying he was now sponsoring Youm as the new king of Falmuth. They talked about freeing the king so that he could pay reparations as they had invaded Abyss. Rimuru, knowing that they wouldn't actually pay the reparations his goal was to start a civil war within Falmuth. It was to destroy the inside of Falmuth and rebuild it and because Youm was popular with it's citizen's.

Gazel had accepted the plan itself but wanted to test whether Youm could hanled being a king, so he stood up and used [Hero's Haki] on him. They had their little speech as Gazel accepted him as the new king.

Fuze also wanted to back Youm as Blumund had two nobles that they were on good terms with, and when Youm becomes king they could support him. Rimuru was untrusting of these two nobles, but when Fuze reassured him he accepted the nobles and asked him to contact them in secret.

With the talk of Youm becoming the new king. Elalude made a scene, asking if he trusts Rimuru because he's a monster. Fuze, deciding what to do he said his true feelings about what he thought about this nation. What he said was good and Gazel said that he ge decided when he came here.

Elalude had his answer but he wanted to hear what Rimuru was gonna do. Rimuru, asking what he was gonna say activates [Demon Lord'd Haki]. Elalude wanted to know what he was gonna do with his Demon Lord powers. Asking if that was it he simply answers the question.

Elalude, satisfied with that answer praises Rimuru on why he had become a Demon Lord. Getting on his knees he asks for diplomatic relations with Abyss. Rimuru then walked toward Elalude, brought out his hand and accepted the offer.

Thus that was the end of the meeting between nonsters and humans.

<{Notice. The individual called Demon Lord Clayman is talking about Rimuru Tempest}>

Seeing Beretta and Ramiris, Chimon and Rimuru walked up to them. When Chimon said that he was the one who named Beretta he was quite shocked. He asked how he got the name Beretta, but Chimon just said he got it from the freedom guild.

"Hey? So, why'd you guys come here, anyway?" said Rimuru.

Beretta, upon getting asked that says "Lady Ramiris, we have no time to waste on a thing like this. You must inform Chi- Rimuru of that matter quickly".

"Oh, shut up. I'm very busy right now" said Ramiris as she was reading manga.

"Please remember our purpose for coming here".

"Look, I've just had a meeting with my destiny!".

Ramiris, with her eyes getting bigger she says "Who is the heroine in this fantastic text they call manga going to choose?".

"Hey, Ramiris! If you don't want me to spoil who she ends up with, tell me why you're here right now!".

Flying towards Rimuru she says "Ahem. All right, I'll say it again. This country, Abyss, is doomed to fall!".

"Heh! Are you surprised?".

"Okay, enough of that".

"Yeah, well, the thing is, I don't want Abyss to fall! That's why I came all the way out here! You should be grateful!".

"Why is it doomed, though?".

"Don't panic! Just calm down! Now, listen! This story has to be told in order!".

"I'm not panicking, actually...".

"On Demon lord Clayman's proposal...".


"Walpurgis has been set in motion!" said Ramiris as she put her hands in the air.

"And... what is Walpurgis?".

Ramiris said that it was a banquet while also being a very special event that all Demon Lords attend.

While talking more and more she proposed that she would make her Labyrinth here.


Walking inside the room he says "Diablo, Kami, do you guys want to have a go?".

Diablo declined because he said Chimon was giving them divine punishment. Kami also declined because they were weak.

He then kept walking back and forth between five prison cells deciding what he was gonna do to them.

Shion, Youm, and Mjurran came and told that if he needed any help they would do their best.

All the cells had <[Anti-magic area] active so they couldn't use magic. While also having [Law manipulation] active so the otherworlder couldn't use his skill.

The two otherworlders were scared while the King and Archbishop were terrified beyond beliefs.

Chimon still had the otherworlder's body who's name was Shogo. The Unique skill he had was useless so he didn't use [Gluttony] on him at that time, or rather he didn't ask. The first he went to was the Wizard called Razen who was staring bullets at Diablo and Kami.

He knew that he could posses people's bodies from his information that he got. Taking out Shogo's body he says "You can go inside this body, right?".

Razen was shocked at how he knew but didn't comply until Chimon said he was gonna kill the king.

Quickly taking possession over the body he felt rejuvenated so he activated [Berserker] and attacked Chimon, but suddenly stopped when Diablo cleanly sliced his arm off. He was screaming until he saw Diablo put a finger over his mouth.

Chimon could heal him using <[Holy magic]> since Diablo made Chimon a god in his mind. The other person who could use <[Holy magic]> was Shuna as she had put her faith in him.

Going to the brown haired otherworlder's cell he opened it and he took the girl by the neck and while walking back he says "Kill this girl and you'll live to see another day".

He didn't hesitate since she was an otherworlder and now that he stood up he grabbed her neck with his left hand, and as he was strangling her for 7 seconds they heard a crack as she stopped struggling.

Because of his strong desire to survive he obtained the Unique skill [Survivor] which had [Ultraspeed regeneration], [All attributes resistance], and [Pain nullification].

As he gained the new skill his arm had begun healing. Razen- or now Shogo had definitely confirmed Diablo was a Primordial who's alias was Noir. But, now that he found that out his pupils shrank and he passed out.

Diablo grabbed him and threw him back inside his cell.

Deciding that he won't be needing the guy who had his eyes closed he says "Shion, you can do whatever you want with that guy".

Shion had a happy face because she was thinking of different ways with what her [Master chef] could do. Going inside the cell she activates [Master chef] and morphs his body while he was screaming.

Chimon later told Shion that she had permission to kill him which she swiftly did.

Chimon's [Death benefit] activated and this time [Emotions] didn't auto activate. He could actively choose which emotion but it would take two days for him to use it again.

Bored of this job he assigned to himself he left the interrogation to Shion as Diablo and Kami followed after him.


Everyone at the meeting except Chimon, Diablo, and Kami were all sitting after they were in the spa.

Ramiris decided that she was gonna live in Abyss with Rimuru telling her not to decide things by herself. The trya sisters told Rimuru that they were gonna keep watch on her with Rimuru saying he'll think about it.

Rimuru asked Shion if she got any information out of the war prisoners. Looking at Youm and Mjurran they don't even know if what they did was an interrogation.

Shion read out what she wrote with Mjurran also explaining things Shion couldn't read.

Knowing that Reyhiem wanted to gain favorable reputation Rimuru says that there might be a way to negotiate with the Western Holy Church.

Fuze, Gazel, and Elalude were going to help Abyss to the utmost they can.

"So we're going to say Youm rescued those fiv-" said Rimuru as he was informed that two had died.

"Ahem. So we're going to say Youm rescued those three war prisoners and give him what looks like a triumphant return... Wait... King Edmaris, Archbishop Reyhiem...Who's the third one?".

"He was the one that was seized by you".

"Ah, so you mean the old guy who looked like a magic user, right?" said Rimuru as he remembered that Chimon told him to capture the guy.

"Hhm. If it isn't Folgen then it is likely the champion who's name is Razen" said Gazel as he was stroking his beard.

Everyone who knew of the name Razen praised him because of his control of magic

"Eh? But he was a young man? That's right! He was one of the people who attacked this town! He's not the magic user they all say he is!".

<{Notice. Using a secret soul magic ritual allows one to possess another's body}>

"Okay, Youm!".


"You're going to be taking King Edmaris, Archbishop Reyhiem, and Razen back home to get our plan rolling-".

'You can tell them that they can take Diablo with him. He's perfect for this" said Chimon through [Thought communication].

Rimuru was a little surprised but nonetheless said "And you'll take Diablo, too".

Done with that they move onto Clayman.

With Rimuru saying Souei's name he appears. "Give me a report on what Clayman's army is doing".

"At once. His army... numbers about 30,000. They are currently organising within Demon Lord Milim's territory".

"Thirty thousand, huh? That's not more than we can handle".

"It appears the army is not being led by Clayman himself. The one in the army with the most magicules is...".

"So that's their commander?".

"The Middle Finger, Yamza".

"Middle Finger?".

"Yes. The strongest of Clayman's subordinates are known as the Five Fingers. The Middle Finger, Yamza; The Index Finger, Adalman; The Thumb, Nine Head; The Pinky Finger, Pirone... and I was the Ring Finger".

"Yamza recieved a magic sword with hidden ice powers from Clayman. He's known as the Magic Swordsman of Ice. He's cruel, and he plays dirty. He's practically a master of immortality but his skills are the real deal. Since he swore loyalty to Clayman on his own, he and I didn't get along. He's the strongest Majin among the Five Fingers".

"I see. But it doesn't seem like we have too much to fear. Clayman is the prudent type. I'm sure he knows that the Animal Kingdom's Warrior Brigade is here in our city. Given that, an entire army of 30,000 is too weak".

"Perhaps Clayman's target is not this city?" sad Benimaru.

"I see, that's possible. I was convinced he was coming after Abyss, but if he's not... The Animal Kingdom?".

"Are you saying it's Eurazania he's after?! But the capitals been destroyed, and only refugees remain in the surrounding towns and villages..."

"Why would he do that?" said Phobio.

<{Answer. One can speculate that Demon Lord Clayman's goal is to awaken as a True Demon Lord. But his methods are immature. His plan to snuff out the light of life in Eurazania seems based on an inaccurate inference}>

"Most likely... he plans to massacre the remaining refugees so he can awaken as a True Demon Lord".

"Clayman must know that the Three Beastketeers and Carrion's main army are taking refuge here" said Albis putting the pieces together.

"That gives him the perfect opportunity to overrun the Animal Kingdom. Clayman's army will likely reach Eirazania within two days" said Benimaru.

"Damn it he got a head of us!" said Suphia while say slammed the ground.

'That Clayman'.

chianlao chianlao

Next chapter


Chapter name is undecided

Sorry? For the long chapter. I was gonna go until Walpurgis but when I kept writing and writing I stopped because it's too much work. Note that some of the lines (a lot) are from the anime. There might be a lot of grammar mistakes (or not), and I'm too lazy to go through each paragraph and correctly spell them.

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