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95.74% Destiny Harem Remastered / Chapter 45: Breaking Through The Ceiling

Bab 45: Breaking Through The Ceiling

Day: Tuesday

Location: Heavenly Beach

Time: Afternoon

Today was more or less a relax day for me. I had to take some time for me and me only. I laid on my lounge chair and had my sunglasses on, just sunbathing. As I was sunbathing, I sensed an object flying towards me and held my hand out, catching it. It was a volleyball. I opened my eyes and noticed a group of women playing. Amongst those women was Valentine and Melissa.

Valentine hurried over to me. "Sorry Shiro! We didn't mean to disturb you in any way!"

"Nah it's fine." I smiled at her then handed her the ball back to her.

Valentine smiled then looked back at her friends. She looked at me. "Uhm...If you want we can hang out after I'm done with this game..~"

"Yeah sure~" I smiled.

Valentine nodded then hurried back over to her friends. They played beach volleyball for a while longer and finished up their game. Valentine walked back over to me and I pushed up my sunglasses to look at her. She smiled and watched me sit up.

"So who won?" I asked.

"Me and Melissa did. It was a pretty close game, but we pulled through." Valentine smiled. "Wanna walk with me around the beach?~"

"Sure~" I smiled and stood up.

I held Valentine's hand and we walked off and began to stroll around on the beach. Valentine looked at the ocean and began talking about her experience with this island so far. She loved it and said this was probably the best time she's had in forever. I agreed with her and told her about the activities I've done around the resort, telling her about all the many attractions there were.

"Wait you can actually go on a rollercoaster on the Cruise Ship?! How much money did mom spend on that custom Cruise Ship? Is the ship really that big..?" Valentine asked.

"It's massive, that Cruise Ship has at least ten different things to do alone there." I chuckled.

"I've never been on the cruise ship myself, I heard mom has been on there at least a couple dozen times." Valentine smiled.

"I can take you there if you'd like~ I don't mind paying for the two of us~" I said.

Valentine looked at me and smiled. She nodded happily. "I'd love to go. I wanna see why everyone thinks it's so amazing~"

"Wanna go right now?~" I asked.

"Yeah sure! Let's go!~" Valentine smiled.

Day: Tuesday

Location Cruise Ship

Time: Afternoon

We arrived on the Cruise Ship and Valentine looked around in awe. We walked ahead and Valentine followed closely behind me. She pointed at someone and I looked at the person, noticing it was Blanche.

Valentine hurried over to her mom and Blanche looked at Valentine and smiled. "Mom! This place is massive! How much did you spend on this ship alone?!"

"This ship wasn't cheap I'll tell you that, maybe two million or so. Also, how did you get here? Are you here with one of your friends?" Blanche asked and looked around.

"I'm here with Shiro, he brought me~" Valentine smiled.

I walked over to them after checking in with Lustie. She told me Luckie was also here running the Casinos. That could only mean Luckie has actually spoken to Blanche to get the job.

[Compatibility Detected - Blanche x Valentine: 90% Compatibility]

"Well well, if it isn't Mr. Casanova himself~ Managed to steal my daughter's heart huh?~" Blanche chuckled and sat up to look at me.

"Well...what can I say?~ With a face like mine and features like this...it's hard for a woman to turn me down~" I chuckled.

[Blanche's Bond Percentage rose to 36%]

"Well Mr. Arrogance..~ I like that attitude of yours, that's the reason you even got lucky with me anyway~" Blanche smirked.

"I still can't believe Dad doesn't know you had sex with another man, especially someone like Shiro." Valentine smiled and crossed her arms.

"Let's just say...Shiro has much better features than any other man I've wedded in the past..~ Sadly I can't take him as my sugar baby..~ I already have one..~" Blanche smiled.

"Ugh that annoying weebish bitch Baylee...I have never in my life met someone more annoying! She has such a punchable face! I just wanna give her a good one right in her mouth." Valentine said.

"She's not THAT annoying." I chuckled. "Yeah she has her moment where she can be the most insufferable woman on Earth, but honestly it is a part of her unique charm, at least she actually takes showers and keeps up with her hygiene. I've met weebs who don't even shower at LEAST four times a week. They take one or two showers a week and call it a day."

"Ewww.." Both Blanche and Valentine said at the same time.

"I could never let myself get that filthy or have my pussy smell badly...I have my standards." Valentine sighed and stretched.

"Oh Blanche, care to join us for some activities around the Cruise Ship? There's a lot to do and we have a lot of time on our hands." I said.

"Mmmm....I like you so why not?" Blanche smiled.

"Now don't get too reckless, Mom. I know how you were in your prime~ Just as reckless as Krystal~" Valentine giggled.

"Ha!~ You don't think I can handle myself, sweetheart~ I'll just have to show you how it's done~" Blanche chuckled and got up.

The three of us went to explore the Cruise Ship together. The first part of the date was just me and Blanche showing Valentine around and getting her used to the Cruise Ship experience. She was surprised by the different layers of the ship and there was even a layer I didn't know about. The submarine layer where you could see the the different aquatic creatures swimming around. It was like an aquarium in the Cruise Ship.

"Yeah, now I can see how you spent millions on this now~ This is actually pretty freaking cool~" Valentine smiled.

"Now how about we actually do some activities?~" Blanche smiled.

"Yeah!~" Valentine said excitedly.

We went to the upper layers of the ship and began to do various activities. We went go kart racing, rode on the roller coaster, went on the bumper cars, scavenger hunting, and indoor skydiving. Our last stop was the casino where Blanche stopped at.

[Blanche's Bond Percentage rose to 48%]

[Valentine's Bond Percentage rose to 40%]

[Blanche x Valentine Compatibility rose to 100%]

"Oh man I had a great time~ It's unfortunately mom can't last as long as she used to now..~ It would be nice to do one more thing with her..~" Valentine smiled.

"Well we can always do one last thing together~ Wanna go dancing with me?~" I asked and smiled.

"Of course~ Let's go!~" Valentine smiled and giggled.

The two of us went back to the top layer of the ship and went out on the dance floor. The DJ began to hype up the crowd and played the next song. Valentine and I danced together and hung out with each other until the cruise ship went back to the resort.

Valentine giggled and held my arm as we walked off the ship. "I had so much fun, I can't believe it's already the evening..~ My agent is gonna be so pissed off, but I don't evening care..~ I'm happy to have spent this time with you..~"

I smiled and looked at Valentine. "Same here..~ We should do this again sometime..~"

"Definitely..~ I should probably go explain to my agent why I didn't show up~" Valentine giggled. "See you around~"

I watched her hurry and and noticed Blanche walk by me.

"You have a special talent..~ I've got my eye on you, my big plaything~" Blanche chuckled and walked ahead.

[Date Successful]

[Valentine's Bond Percentage rose to 57%]

Day: Tuesday

Location: Courtyard

Time: Evening

I walked back towards the Hotel Lobby before Alisha stopped me and placed her hand on my chest. I looked at her and placed my hands in my pockets. "What are you doing?"

"Feeling your power level...You are strong, and have an extremely strong heart. I'd like to test your abilities in battle. If you don't mind that is." Alisha said.

I looked at her then closed my eyes and shrugged. "I could use the workout."

[Alisha's Bond Percentage rose to 37%]

Alisha smiled and nodded then lead me to a place only she knows about on the island. A place where no one else resides in. It was a secluded beach area where no one is located.

[New Location Registered: Secluded Sands]

"Alright...we are far enough to where no one can see us, hear us, or find us. We can go all out here and not worry about putting anyone else at risk." Alisha said.

I held my left shoulder and rolled it. "So Alisha, what exactly are you? Since it is the two of us, you don't have to hide your secrets anymore."

"I suppose I could tell you. I don't sense that you are like the other 'Chosen'. I am indeed a Superior Human like you, except I am a human experiment. I am a Psychic Human...an Esper if you will." Alisha explained.

[Espers are fairly powerful and extremely rare. They come from the Spirit Realm and the Spirit Region. The Spirit Realm's Espers are Transcended Espers while the Espers from my homeworld, Esoria, only becomes as powerful as a Superior Esper. Alisha is a normal Esper but isn't to be underestimated. She can sense our kind. She knows of us. She knows of you.]

"I see...What can your kind do to be exact other than sense people like Love Demons and people like me?" I asked.

"Aside from having all Mental Powers and Psychic Powers? People like me who are Psychic Beings have a Third Eye or Ajna, which gives us a Supernatural Mind. It makes us the smartest beings in this world, possibly even smarter than you are. Not only that, but we have Astral Manipulation which grants us a variety of abilities such as Empathy, Precognition, and other abilities. I am the peak of my kind so I am called a Full Power Psychic." Alisha explained.

[Full Power Psychic...From using my Data Warping to turn myself into a Psychic Human, it would appear she has no limitations...no weaknesses. She can only grow stronger from here. I'm assuming she's gonna be going all out in this bout so do your best.]

I nodded and prepared myself. "Well I'm ready when you are, Alisha."

Alisha nodded then got in her battle stance. I scanned her and got a reading on her power level. It was 875. She was stronger than me, but I always have room to improve. I haven't even reached my peak yet. I summoned my katana then unsheathed the blade. Alisha watched me then her eyes shined.

I dashed towards her and she grunted a bit at my speed. She barely maneged to dodge my attack then gasped when I appeared behind her. She surrounded her body in Psychic Energy and reinforced her defenses to tank my attack. She captured me in her psychokinesis then lifted me off the ground. She grunted as she sent me crashing into a rock formation.

I grunted and landed on my feet. I looked at Alisha then dashed towards her and noticed her eyes shining purple. She dodged my attacks flawlessly as she was using her Precognition. I feinted my attack then vanished. I appeared behind her and went for an attack. She caught me in her psychokinesis once again then flung me in the air. She clapped her hands together and a tornado was summoned and trapped me inside. She set the tornado ablaze and caused a massive explosion.

I descended to the ground and she dashed after me. She constructed a sword from her psychic energy. She spun in a circle and bellowed then slashed at me. I opened my eyes and palmed her sword, causing it to stick to the ground. She looked surprised and looked at me. I slid backwards then my Crest of Lust shined brightly and my hair slowly turned red.

Alisha looked at me and picked her sword off the ground and grunted. She felt extremely turned on and panted. "My body...what...what is this..?"

I looked at Alisha and walked forward then twirled my katana in a circle and it began to emit dark red aura. She grunted and resisted the feeling the best she could, turning her sword into a cannon then took aim at me. She unleashed a beam of psychic energy and I dodged it.

[What is this power..? His power was boosted by 20%. His power level spiked up to 922..]

"Haaah!~ I...have to...resist whatever this is...my hormones..are going crazy..!" Alisha grunted and moaned softly. She aimed her cannon at me again and tried to focus. She moaned and lowered her cannon then fell on one knee. "This...isn't fair..! What is this..?!"

"The Eye of Lust. If you look into my eyes, you will be induced with uncontrollable amounts of lust that causes you to be immobilized. I guess your Precognition couldn't predict that, that's because you don't have Perfect Precognition. You can only see so far in the future.." I said in a serious tone.

Alisha looked at me and had hearts in her eyes. She was on the brink of an orgasm and couldn't take it anymore.

"This is what I'd like to call my Lascivious Form. And here's...my special move!" I said then held my hand out then snapped my fingers.

There was silence and Alisha stopped moving. She looked at me then the lustful energy inside her burst from her body and she orgasmed, moaning loudly. She fell on her back on the ground then panted heavily. Her panties were soaked and she was extremely tired.

I walked to her and reverted back to normal then kneeled down beside her. I placed my hand on her stomach and smiled at her. She looked at me and blushed a bit. "You alright..?"

"Y-Yeah...I just...never felt like that before in my life. That...was amazing. Slightly annoying, but extremely amazing. That orgasm was...fuck.." She smiled and looked at the sky. "I really needed that unironically...it kinda made my body really happy afterwards. How powerful is that Eye of Lust anyway.."

"It only works on women, since I don't have Meta Lust Inducement yet. Because of that, I am still weaker than my targets since they do have it. They can induce me despite me embodying Lust. I need to go through lots of mental training to resist them." I said.

"I can train you, but it's gonna cost you." Alisha said then sat up.

"What do you want?" I asked and sat beside her.

"A kiss." She said.

I stayed silent and smiled, closing my eyes and lowering my head. I chuckled and inhaled then looked back up, opening my eyes. "Alright yeah...I'll kiss you."

[Alisha's Bond Percentage rose to 47%]

Alisha smiled then felt a bit embarrassed. She rubbed her arm then looked at me.

"So, are you gonna make you more or should I?" I teased at her hesitation.

"H-Hold on! I'm just...preparing myself. I don't know if you're gonna play a trick to induce me with lust again..." Alisha said.

"Hey I might always be up to no good, but I do have self control..~" I chuckled.

Alisha crawled in front of me then looked into my eyes and I looked back into hers. She leaned forward and pecked my lips then pulled back quickly.

"That was hardly a peck.." I chuckled.

"L-Look! I haven't kissed anyone in some time..! My last boyfriend was when I was 18...so I am rusty.." Alisha said then felt my hand touch her cheek.

"Then allow me to take the wheel..~" I said then pulled her to me then laid her down on the sand and brought my face to hers. She felt her heart racing as my lips came dangerously close to hers.

I kissed her lips gently then pulled away a bit. She gripped my shirt and pulled me down then made me kiss her once again. We ended up making out for a while on the beach under the rising moon. I broke the kiss after a while then opened my eyes, looking at her. Alisha opened her eyes and looked at me as well then sat up slowly.

"Wow.." She said in awe. "I've...never kissed anyone for this long before.."

I smiled and stroked her hair. "By your reaction you've never had anyone kiss you that good either..~"

"No...I haven't.." Alisha blushed and cleared her throat. "W-Well I've gotten what I wanted. Now it's time for you to get what I promised."

I nodded and sat down in criss cross position and began my mental training with Alisha. She taught me ways to improve Emotional Resistance and being mentally stronger. She was also using her teachings to make herself stronger, but the way Inducement Powers worked was it never fails if you're stronger than your opponent. You could only realistically resist it for a certain amount of time before it becomes futile, but it was good training on emotion regulation.

We trained mentally for a good hour before calling it a night and heading back to the hotel.

Lane looked out the window of a corporate office and heard the door open. He looked back and noticed Kismet walking in the office.

Passion was filing her nails and looked at Kismet then smirked. "I don't sense your Crest nor Luckie...so that only means...you lost her. The LUCKIEST man alive people! HA! What a fucking joke."

"Shut the fuck up, Passion. We have trouble on our hands. Shiro is....he's undergoing a transformation that could potentially cause trouble for all of us." Kismet said.

"Transformation?" Lane asked and turned around.

"I saw it. His hair flashed red and his eyes and his energy just becoming something fearsome. He has pure control over his power so he was able to stop that transformation, but I fear him becoming something bigger." Kismet said.

"Ugh, don't even worry about that right now. We have our own issues. Just send Yasahiro to Heavenly Bay or something. Caden has his own mission, you have yours. I guess you could send Micah to Heavenly Bay as well. Romeo is also a good option, but it's up to you." Passion said then went back to filing her nails. "We both know what would happen if I went."

"What?" Lane asked.

"I'd have sex with Shiro. Plain and simple. His aphrodisiac bodily fluids can make me more powerful and become a Super Inferno Dragon. I'll be practically unstoppable but sadly I can't strike until Felola tells me to sooo...you lot are stuck getting your asses beat until Felola gives me the signal." Passion said.

"It's been two fucking years. Just go there and kill him!" Lane said.

Passion shrugged her shoulders. "You don't call the shots bad boy."

"I command you to go to Heavenly Bay!" Lane yelled.

"Sadly our bond isn't high enough for you to dish out commands. That's why Kismet lost his little friend to Shiro. Shiro has so much charisma, just saying his name makes me wet. Soooo...you're on your own buster." Passion said as she looked at her nails and blew on them.

"Dammit Passion! Why won't you listen to me?! I WANT you to go to Heavenly Bay!" Lane said.

"HA! Let me let you in on a little secret, my baby..~" Passion said then stood up and made her nail filer disappear. She walked over to Lane. "You wanna know why Lustie will do whatever Shiro wants? You wanna know why Lustie and Shiro gets along so much? It's because they've actually spent time with each other. Yes I love sex, but it isn't what I WANT...I want Shiro...that's what I want but I can't...why? Because I'm stuck here with you. You know what else I desire, I desire for you to become MY puppet and that I can make happen."

"What..?" Lane looked at Passion surprised then grunted when she used her Wish Manipulation to make her wish come to life.

"What the-" Kismet looked surprised. "What was that power you used on my friend?!"

"Wish Manipulation. I am the Embodiment of Desire. Whatever you desire I can make happen and I desire you to become a part of MY harem too!" She said then snapped her fingers and brought Kismet under her control. She laughed and held her face. "Now my loves...tell Mama what you wish for..~"

Day: Wednesday

Location: My Hotel Room

Time: Morning

"Shiro...I am having a bad feeling." Lust-E said as she stood beside me in the bathroom.

"Yeah me too..." I said.

"Let's...be careful today. I don't know-"

[L0V3.DEM0N.F0UND: Error Code 123.45 T4L3NTA.D4NG3R.D0NT.C0M3.H3RE]

I looked at my phone and set it down. "Talenta.."

"Let's go. If she's here then her Master has to be here more than likely." Lust-E said.

"Right." I nodded then finished preparing and rushed out of my hotel room.

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