In the dark of night, the stars light up the sky, twinkling with the light of their own, flaying in the faraway sky.
The twinkle of the little stars, the winds of the cloudy night, the lights of the faraway stars reaching this planet, gracing the earth with their beauty.
A blue moon shins among them, smiling down at us from his high stage. His light glistens the Gaia, the gentle, cool, caring moonlight blesses the organisms of this world.
Night arrives at her regular time, after the passing of a beautiful sunset, which shows the fall of the eternal sun.
The night that blesses the world after the downfall of an all-powerful being that homes the sixth heaven…
The night was cheery, there were faint clouds, but the stars were all visible, and the moon was, as always, smiling down on me. I was sitting on the chair of her house's terrace, the same place we first had our first private conversation.
She wasn't here yet and it will soon be midnight.
Well, this chapter was too long so I just chip chopped it.
Scissors Scissors chop chop
So, anyway, I did my assignment all day yesterday so couldn't write but than again, I will have to copy what I wrote on laptop on the paper.
It's tooooooooooo booooooorrrrrriiiiinnnnngggg!!!
Anyway, have a good day~!
(Thanks for reading~!)