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52.52% Head-Patting in Marvel / Chapter 125: Chapter 125: Isaiah Curwen

Bab 125: Chapter 125: Isaiah Curwen

Landing at Nevada's airport, the Cardinal, Isaiah Curwen checks into a hotel and sneaks out later after telling his escort that he needs to rest. After all, he is a 90 years old man.

Wearing combat clothes, the old man is headed into the hidden cave where the guilty should be judged. On the deserted road in the rocky areas, the old man suddenly stops in his tracks.

"I know that you're there," Isaiah said to the shadowy spots of the rocky path.

The ones waiting for him didn't take long to reveal themselves. In a fully covered, UV-resistant, carbon-based anti-sunlight suit, a team of 10 men appeared and surrounded the old man.

"You should have waited for your time to come peacefully, old man," The 2-meter tall, buff leader growled at the Cardinal that always hunted down their species. Before they had to deal with Blade, they had to withstand an onslaught from this old man for more than decades!

"I couldn't die yet. Not when the world is still full of sinners …like you," Isaiah said without fear. Taking out a silver dagger with an eye sculpted on its hilt, he twirls the dagger in his hand, waiting for the enemy to attack first.

"Kill him," the vampire leader ordered. The vampires take out their weapons – the ones which are specially made to kill the old man.

"Hmm?" Isaiah is confused when the vampires take out modern-looking rifles. His eyes are darting between the attackers, trying to comprehend what is going on. The vampires had never done things like this before.

"Welcome to the 21st Century old man…" The Vampire leader said in a cold tone. Bazooka's artillery, machine guns, and the new era's weapon that they bought from the McAllen group – a tactical pulse rifle with destructive power!

The artillery is shot to the ground where Isaiah Curwen is standing. The bazooka artillery exploded the rocks, making projectiles that can turn an ordinary human into swiss cheese.

The old man jumped upward to avoid the explosion. Mid-air, he is welcomed by the rain of bullets the machine guns are firing toward him. Two vampires are holding the big, 500-bullet machine gun with two hands. They could barely move when they started shooting.

Guarding the bullet against hitting him by covering his fatal area with his hand, Isaiah Curwen throws his silver dagger toward the vampire holding the machine gun.

"AHHH," The vampire screamed as the dagger ignored his defense suit and penetrated his forehead. He turns to ash as the silver dagger is the bane of all things chaotic.

"Return," Isaiah gestured with his finger and the dagger flew back toward his hand. He landed on the ground and threw the dagger at another vampire with a machine gun.

Standing in front of the enemy, he bellowed, "Rejoice, ye children of the Lord, for the hour of righteous retribution is at hand!"

Isaiah is confident in facing these vampires. The bullet couldn't penetrate his defense that is imbued with the god's grace(dark magic). The old man thinks he won't die, as he is the one chosen by gods.

God also allows him to sin – it won't be counted as he is using the path to rid the heretics of this world. Killing witches, non-believers, dark magicians, and so on – it was never personal. He only did that to ensure that they repented for their actions, and returned to God.

The vampire leader aimed his pulse rifle toward the confident old man. "Retribute on this," he exclaimed as he pulled the trigger.

A threatening pulse was generated from the rifle. Circular shockwaves are seen on its path toward the old man. The rocks are obliterated, and the old man is engulfed in the shockwaves. The projectiles ripped apart his magic-imbued gear, the pulse shaking his brain.

Blood drips out from his ear as he was able to withstand the pulse attack of the vampire.

The Avengers headed to Buffalo, New York to search for Blade. They were able to find him quickly as Shield has been monitoring the dhampir and has records of his whereabouts.

"What can you tell us about this?" The captain asked and pulled out the clothes for Blade to have a look.

"That is a bra," Blade answered curtly as he only glanced at the clothes on the captain's hand. He only talked to them because they said Kai was captured. He is in no mood for their pranks.

"Captain got it from one of the nuns," Natasha tries to explain to Blade. Only Captain and Black Widow are talking with the guy. Tony and Bruce are still trying to find out the escape route of the nuns in the Avenger tower.

They had shared what they know with Blade, but it is hard for the dhampir to pinpoint which organization it is. After all, he had clashed with a lot of religious organizations before.

Blade is thinking deeply. Natasha and Captain are waiting for him to reply to their question.

The dhampir got a light bulb in his head, but his face is still stoic when he faces the earth's mightiest heroes.

"What does this cloth smells like?" Blade asked.

Steve is flustered. "Smell?"

The captain looked at the bra in his hand. He knew that Blade needed to know what it smelled like, but he couldn't bring himself to sniff it. Blade is the same, that's why he didn't touch it.

"Seriously guys?" Natasha becomes fed up after watching Steve and Blade trying to avoid this action. She snatches the brassiere from the captain and sniffs it slightly.

"There is… a sweaty smell… a flowery scent… possibly hyssop, and a hint of lemongrass…" She reported as she sniffed it multiple times for confirmation.

"It is possible… that the nuns are from the Sword of the lord. They served under the mad-man, Silver Dagger," Blade gives out his hypothesis.

He had clashed with the madman before. Blade didn't know his true identity, but the old man wanted to kill him multiple times to 'return him to the lord's embrace'.

He also knows that nuns there didn't use soap during their bathing sessions – only took a bath using flowers and herbs to cleanse themselves. They rejected any modern things and stuck closely to the teaching of the 14th-century church.

" I don't know their main base, but there is one base in Nevada."

Blade told them everything he knew about the organization. He didn't know the exact location, only the area it was in.

Natasha sends this information back to Tony and Bruce.

"Cave? That is a little-bit difficult…" Bruce said as he opened up the maps of the numerous caves in the area Blade told them.

"I will cross reference any carbon footprints and do a satellite infrared scan on the area," Tony is moving his finger quickly on the holographic keyboard, putting the perimeters he wanted and starting the scan.

After a few minutes, the monitor is showing two possible locations.

"There are traces of battle in these areas. I guess that is the one," Bruce hypothesis after reading the reports. Also, there is a rental RV that was lost near the area.

"RV… did I skip through it?" Tony is confused as to why the transportation didn't appear in his previous scans. He thought he had done it detailed enough.

"Maybe it's an illegal one?" Bruce tries to comfort Tony.

"That is impossible. I even scanned the illegal ones," Tony said as he checked back the logs. The record of the RV rental didn't register until noon today. Was it done on purpose? Or is the rental system so old that it confuses 12 am to 12 pm?

"Find out the cause later. Right now, we need to get Kai," Bruce put his hand on Tony's shoulder as he jolted the obsessive man back to reality.

"That's right," Tony said as he realized his priority. But he swears that the matter isn't over.

In Blade's base.

"We got a location, Stark will pick us up in the Avenjet," Natasha notified the men. On the top of the Avenger tower, a jet that can even survive being in the exosphere is activated. Tony and Bruce are boarding the jet to pick up the rest of the team.

"Avenjet?" Steve is intrigued.

"A gift from Ryan Knight to the team," Natasha explained. Steve nodded when he heard it.

"Barton, you can come down now," Steve said to the earpiece.

"Roger that Captain," Hawkeye who is perching on the roof with his bow drawn, finally eases up his action. Blade might be trustworthy to Shield, but they didn't know much about the guy. They needed a little bit of insurance.

"You're coming?" Steve asked Blade.

"Yes. Kai saved me once. I'd like to return the favor. Although I don't think he needed saving," Blade replied.

The group waits for Tony to arrive with the jet. They boarded at the rooftop of Blade's base and are on their way to Nevada.

Inside the hidden cave.

The vibration from a nearby explosion during the battle between the old man and the bloodsuckers is causing the water to fall rapidly from the stalagmites.

The loose stalagmites fell on the temple ground, however, the nuns who were kneeling there didn't even react to the danger near them.

"Tsk tsk tsk," Shiklah clicked her tongue in disdain as she saw the sight. "You know the lord will want you to run if something falls on you. That is why he gave you instinct," the succubi yelled at the nuns. She is, however, ignored by the nuns there.

"Are they always like this?" Kai asked the succubi who was hanging out in front of his jail cell.

"Not always. It is worse now that the old man learned brainwashing magic. He made them kneel in the church and repent until their knees are bloody and can only eat when they almost lose consciousness."

Shiklah converse with the jailed angel without hiding anything. It's been decades since she talked to someone who will treat her normally.

She had to admit that she is missing the connection with other people. The succubi didn't realize it, but when she talked about what the nuns went through – Kai no longer had a genial look on his face. The nuns are taken from their families as a child. They are forced to grow up to only serve the lord.

When they rioted, they will be punished harshly. A 5-year-old will be caned until their legs are bloody, a 10 years old will be locked inside a standing chamber, and so on.

A ruthless glint flashes in Kai's eyes that disappear a moment later.

Minutes passed, and the vibration had stopped now. The old man Isaiah Curwen arrived at the temple after battling the vampires. Traces of battle can be seen in his clothing. His injured ears are healing slowly with the use of dark magic.

The vampires are all dead after the battle with him. With the grace of the lord with him, there is no chance that he will lose.

"Our holy base position is now found. We are to abandon it. It is the will of the lord," Isaiah ordered to the nuns.

"It is the will of the lord," The nuns replied with the same voice, finally standing up to get moving.

"Maria. Is he?" Isaiah asked with anticipation. Unfortunately for him, Maria shakes her head.

"No, he isn't an angel."

" I see. Let him repent in front of the lord for misleading the believer," Isaiah ordered with a hint of longing in his tone. He too wants to return to the lord – clean and rid of sin.

Maria nodded and was going to go to the jail cell, however, she heard a laugh from the jail direction. She turns to look at the demon who is laughing her ass off.

"HAHAHAHA, you really think you can do that?" Shiklah mocked the voodoo sorceress.

"Shiklah, shut your mouth!" Maria Laveau scolded the demon. She didn't mind her acting frivolously with her, but not in front of the cardinal.

"Demon, what do you mean?" Isaiah Curwen asked. His attention is attracted to a man who is holding the steel bar in the jail.

The sound of a metal bar creaking filled the temple. Using his extraordinary strength, Kai bent the metal bar and walked out casually from the jail under the widened eyes of the religious people staring at him.

"So, you're their leader?" Kai said to the cardinal as he pulled the handcuff chain apart to separate his hand. The weighted chain on his leg didn't even bother him so he just kept it for now.

"HAHAHAHA, their face…my stomach…it hurts," Shiklah laughs out loud as she rolls on the ground, holding her stomach.

Isaiah heard the sound of a jet coming from outside the cave. "Maria, bring the demon and go take care of our visitor outside. Leave him to me."

"That works for me," Kai said as he watched Shiklah leave. She told him about her coffin before this, and he also has some good impressions of the demon.

Maybe it is because she killed the hydra agent who is annoying him or she didn't force people to f*ck(kiss) her if they didn't want to, Kai is letting her go. If she stayed and obstructed him, she would…die here.

Isaiah and the 9 nuns are confronting Kai.

"What is your identity," Isaiah asked in a cold tone. Kai managed to break the holy imbued stone handcuff of the Vatican proving that he is a powerful being. Or the handcuff didn't apply to him in the first place – but Isaiah didn't think that.

The handcuff is only for dark or chaotic creatures… and possessed humans. Kai is only a human. For him, the handcuff is only a stone handcuff.

"Me? I am a father, a teacher, and a doctor. I am also an Avenger…I think," Kai replied playfully.

"Do you serve…" The old man wanted to ask Kai's pantheon, but Kai guessed it and cut him off.


"I see… then you can't be allowed to live," Isaiah Curwen takes out his silver dagger.

"Not only you kidnapped me, in which I came peacefully. But you are going to kill me on what charge? Misleading the believers?"

Kai is a little pissed. The old man seems to have never heard the word freedom of religion before. Also, the biblically accurate angel didn't even look like a human. It is unfair for him to get the accusation.

"I summon the crimson band of Cyttorak," The old man moves first. Fiery restraint comes out from his palm and tries to chain Kai. However, his figure disappears when the restraint is inches away from him.

Kai reappears in front of the old man. His fist is cocked and his eyes are ruthless. He punches the old man's face until his teeth fall out.

Isaiah flew backward but he landed on his feet. "Sckill hurm (Kill him)," He yelled urgently as he is trying to heal his mouth.

The nuns are just ordinary girls, controlled and brainwashed by black magic. They surrounded Kai and stabbed him with their silver daggers. 18 daggers stabbed various parts of Kai and it reached his skin.

That is it. It reaches his skin.

Kai is standing calmly as the nuns are trying their hardest to penetrate his skin. Their hands shiver and they gritted their teeth to push the knife in, but Kai's skin is impenetrable.

If looked closely, Kai's skin has a scale-like pattern that provided him with extra defense.

[Epic companion beast - Adult Sea Serpent. Companion form - skin armor]

Kai looked toward the girls with sadness in his eyes. He can sense it, deep down, the girls didn't want to do this.

"You have suffered enough," Kai said as he summoned his wings to cover the girls around him. His life soul name is Wings of Redemption. The desire in the heart of the girls is unleashed after they enter the embrace of the wings.

Tears start to fall from their eyes, however, the dark magic keeps them from breaking free.

"Let me help you," Kai said as the girls held his hand in their minds to break free of the brainwashing. Flames come out from his hand, the same flame that had helped Ryan burn away the demonic energy in his house.

"AHHHH," The girls screamed as the fire licked their bodies. Isaiah couldn't see what was happening as Kai's wings were obstructing the view.

The screams died out a minute later. Kai opened his wings and retracted them back inside his body. Isaiah Curwen widened his eyes as all the girls were now gone. Burnt in the flames, the dark magic that was controlling the girls has disappeared.

"You…have sinned greatly!" Isaiah is mad. The girls have been cultivated by him since they were young. Now, all of them are dead – he thought.

What really happens is that the girls are transferred to the hidden Island, Paradiso, in the recuperation room. They will sleep for almost a week before their mind is healed. At that time, Dawn will be awake too so Kai and Ryan don't have to do anything.

Kai feels that someone is probing his mind and is trying to control him. Seeing his wings, Isaiah wanted to take them for himself after learning Kai's secret. Only the chosen ones by the gods should have the holy wings. He is furious, but he is still thinking rationally.

"Too bad for you. You are beyond redemption," Kai said to the old man as he rejected the mind probe, causing backlash into the old man's psyche.

"Ku-heuk," The old man spit out blood as he faced the backlash. Seeing that the one in front of him is stronger than he thought, he decided.

"UAHHHH," the old man screamed loudly and he took his dagger to stab his forehead. Blood gushed out of his head as his dagger penetrated his skull.

"What?" Kai is confused. Did the old man just kill himself?

Author: I am thinking about changing the name of the fic to [ Marvel: Heroes of Trinity.] What do you guys think? If you have any suggestions, comment below.




Alittlepiggy33 Alittlepiggy33

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