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Shopping and leaving

They spent close to an hour at Twilfitt and Tattings getting their sizes taken and trying a various colors and styles of robes among other things. Paid and left, telling they will come by later to pick up the clothes.

After that Harry told Sirius to follow him, and they went by Knockturn Alley. Which put Sirius on edge looking at both sides like a kitten next to a full tub full of water, but seeing no one looking their way he left the air he didn't knew he was holding.

They went by Borgin and Burkes where with a little bit of Reiatsu been thrown forth they got him to make a wand for Sirius. Surprise, surprise his wand was 13 inches fairly flexible made of Dogwood with the tail hair and a whisker from a Grimm. "It's much better than my old one" said Sirius with a stupid smile.

They then went to a shop to buy a trunk for Harry because Sirius already had one. Harry bought one with 5 compartments, for clothes, books, potions, ingredients, and one for random things. It had a lot of protections and was able to shrink and you could carry it like a necklace.

Then passed by Flourish and Blotts where Harry bought a lot of books, new editions of knowledge he already had from the memories of Dumbledore and Voldemort. All stacked nicely on his trunk for leisure reading later.

Finishing the shopping at the alley with all sorts of ingredientes and tools for potions from the most common to the rarest they could find, went back at Twillfit and Tattings to get their clothes and they went out of there by the Leaky Cauldron to get a cab and headed toward Harrods to buy muggle clothing. After finishing all that they went back home where Sirius collapsed on a couch "I swear you are worst than your mother. when she got us to go with ver shopping!!"

"Stop being a pansy Sirius, you'll thank me later when women eyed at you for being nicely dressed, because with that face I find it hard it could happen otherwise"

"Oy! I inform you that women find me to be a charmer and can't get enough of me."

"Yeeeeaaah sure. Okay serious talk, and don't you dare make a joke, where do you want to go? According to the information i got with the rings, i got property at America, France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Spain, Brazil, Italy and Greece."

"Well pup we also got Black Island by the pacific."

"Alright so let's take a day or two to decide where to go and if we don't like it we can go somewhere else. Kreacher make lunch for us, and get me something to write a letter on please"

"Who are you writing to?"

"To Madam Longbottom, to take her grandson to the goblins to check for blocks on his magic and to get her son and daughter in law to the goblin healers. Supposedly they went insane from overexposure from the cruciatus curse but the old fool has them under a rare coma curse to hopefully if the old woman dies get Neville under his thumb like he did with me."

"He has fooled all of us huh"

"Indeed. So what do you think of this letter? If she does this, the old fool will be pissing his horrible robes"

'To Madam Longbottom

You probably don't know me, and have no reason to trust me Madam, but I would recommend you get you grandson to the goblin healers as someone has placed illegal blocks on his magic that if left unlocked could probably turn him into a Squib when he is older. If and when you confirm this after his blocks are removed, you should reach a deal with the goblins to heal your son and daughter in law. Supposedly they are at St. Mungos for overexposure of the cruciatus curse, but that would be a lie. They have been under a very rare coma curse. Your grandson is one of two subjects of a Prophecy made to vanquish the Dark Lord that has been plaguing this Isles for a while and even if his body was destroyed that night on Halloween he is not dead, yet.

By the time this letter reaches you I have already left the Isles with my great-grandson who destroyed his body, I advise when your family if fully healed you do the same, for a while. There are forces at play that wish to control both children to mold them into HIS weapon so he could again be seen as good grandfatherly persona by helping one of them to destroy another Dark Lord.

If you decide to follow through this, I would recommend doing it with the cunning of a REAL Slytherin and don't confide in anyone until you have left. And leaving fast when your family is healed.

Best Wishes, and good luck


"Damn pup you are not pulling your punches. But who is your great-granfather? And do you think she will take up and leave?"

"Well, the illusion of the old man would be him. And I don't know, she is to ingrained on this fucking country to pack up and leave like that. I only wish she would do as I say and do it fast. Kreacher.. Do you know where Longbottom manor is located at?"

"Yes master. Do you want me to deliver that?"

"Yes Kreacher please. To Madam Longbottom hands only, and never tell them who you are, or who we are. Just tell her she should read this at her earlier convenience when she is alone" and as Kreacher grabbed the letter, Harry put an illusion to make the elf look different. While leaving he only said "Master said please, good master. Unlike filthy dog" leaving with a pop.

"That thing hates me!"

"Can you blame him? You where never the most nice to him padfoot."

-----------------------------------------Scene change------------

Madam Longbottom was on her manor drinking tea when an elf popped in "Yes Tipsy?"

"Mistress there be a strange elf outside with a letter. Said your hands only."

"Hmm, let him in please Tipsy."

"Yes Mistress."

A few seconds go by and Tipsy comes back with another elf with brown hair slicked back like Draco Malfoy and a suit.

"Mistress Longbottom my master asked that I deliver this letter to you. To be read at your earlier convenience alone." and with a pop the letter appeared in her table while Kreacher left with a pop.

She was stunned, she didn't even knew house elfs with hair existed nor one that dressed like that. In all that she didn't even check the letter for curses or jinxes and started reading it. The more she read the more pale she became.

She went running towards the floo, throwing a pinch and calling "Amelia! Could you come to the manor please."

"Augusta. Sure give me a minute." Said Amelia Bones from the other side of the floo

As she passed through the only thing Augusta said was "Read this" and gave her the letter she just received.

"Augusta do you know what it would mean if what this letter says is true?"

" I know Amelia, and I don't know what to think! I guess we both know who the boy who left with his supposed great-grandfather is."

"Would you come to Gringotts with me to check on Neville if it's true? After that I'll see what to do from there."


A.N. : After this chapter comes a little filler and a grand time skip to what would be Harry's 3rd year at Pig Warts. Hope you don't lynch me, love ya all. Bye bye

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