Commissioner Justin Vaughn knew that there were some questions he should not ask, because the answers would lead to more questions and eventually to answers to things he didn't want to know. As the CO he would be the one stuck answering the tough questions. So it was better to just look the other way and have plausible deniability when it came to certain things.
"Thank you for the wonderful dinner Jr. Officer Demonbane. We should be off. It would not be right for us to keep up from enjoying the remainder of your evening. Remember to remind them that tomorrow is a training day."
"I will make sure they are at morning formation, Sir."
Shortly after Commissioner Vaughn and his pet Jade left Zeph turned towards the members of his squad, having finished escorting the two that just left to the telapod pad like a good host should.
"I am going to go wash before bed. Girls say your goodbyes to the guys and remember that we have training in the morning."