"Help me!"
Upon noticing the arrival of new players, the others screamed for help. The few groups with Isolde and Leonel didn't hesitate, charging at the vampires and monsters, eager for the candy points.
The creatures of the dark naturally wouldn't just stand still and do nothing.
Though seemingly weak because of their thin and frail-looking body, the vampires were creatures that had very high STR and AGI.
Upon the sight of more players, their supple skin quickly reverted to dry and wrinkly, and their ethereal faces seemed to age a thousand years, with their mouth almost ripping half their faces when they bared their sharp teeth and fangs.
Some players paused and got frightened, while the others who had a high tolerance for horror stuff weren't deterred and attacked the vampires.
The players who had their ATP nearing hundreds had no problem dealing with the vampires and easily dealt out damage from their weapons.
Still, a lot were surprised at the damage ditched by the dwarf defender. That player had his stat nearing the hundred but the Dwarf still reduced his HP to single digit?
They hadn't even recovered when they heard loud hissing and shrieking from a distance. Before they could figure out what happened, the floor-to-ceiling French windows broke into pieces and came pouring in vampires that transformed into terrifying beings that would make even the strongest among them tremble in fear.