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Fukurodani Academy vs Nekoma High (1)

"God fucking damn it…"

"Are you honestly still pissed about that?" Kuro questioned.

"Yeah cause it was fucking bullshit!"


(Flashback: A Few days Ago)

"It seems you brats were at least capable of choosing the class president and vice-president," Yashiro, our homeroom teacher, uninterestingly said as he wrote the two names on the board. I watched with an expression of confusion plastered on my face, anyone could've mistaken me as a toddler being taught quantum physics. Following that, my face had also contorted, taking form and manifested all of my internal thoughts into reality; which may I add that it just spells out every vulgar words and slangs that have ever set foot on this world. "Any complaints."

"Yes, I would like to step down from the position of vice-president. I believe there are other candidates other than myself that are far more capable for the position." I immediately raised my hand and file my complaint.

"I see. Well, does anyone want to step up for the position?" Yashiro turned to the class.

'These fuckers,' I cursed in my mind as I realized that none of these little shits would be stepping up for the position.

"Well, I guess that settles it. Congratulation, you two, you just gain another burden that requires you to waste a hefty amount of time in your remaining precious youth for." Yashiro said in a monotonous voice before beginning his lesson.

I was still in shock. Confusion was purging my mind. Yet, I knew damn well who was the reason behind this unfortunate circumstance.

"Well, I guess I'll be in your care, Aki-kun~" the white-haired girl, coincidentally my seating neighbor, slyly said as she turned her gaze on me.

"Ishizaki... you sly fox."


"Hehe" my ass. This... b-.... now before I say anything further, please keep in mind I am a man who have great respect for women. Therefore, in the most kindest and respectful way possible, THIS FUCKING BITCH.


"Haa… thinking about it more just pisses me off further," I sighed. "I hope she didn't actually decide to come to the game."

"Yeah, just forget about it and focus on the game."


"Senpai, we'll leave Bokuto for both of you to handle," Yamamoto said as he reached over from the seat behind us.

"Hey! What about me damn it!" Yaku shouted from the back of bus

"Hmm, I heard from Akaashi that Bokuto have been training really hard since we kicked his ass last year," Kuro said.

"Well, no matter. We just have to trap him like we did last year," I sighed.

"Even I was surprise to how you two were able to trap him so effectively that he barely was able to get a good spike in," Kai jumped into the conversation.

"His skill is the real deal, it's difficult for me to match up against him in terms of that area. But, Bokuto is a simple guy. Reading him and his action are easy. He's like an open book," I casually stated. "The only problem is Akaashi."

"He's right. Akaashi is like the brain and he even knows how to control Bokuto," Kuro agreed. "But, in the end, Bokuto is still the biggest threat."

"Boys, we're here." Naoi Manabu, our new coach, informed the team.



"KUROOO! AKII! NEKOMA! YOU GUYS FINALLY HAVE ARRIVED!" Immediately as we step down from the bus a loud voice greeted us enthusiastically. Following the source of the voice was the entirety of Fukurodani team.

"Loud as ever, Bokuto..." Kuro said with a smile. "Let's see how long you can keep up with that energy after we kick your ass again today."

"What did you say!?" The guy with spiky white-grey hair with black streaks that made him awfully resembles an owl shouted back. This is Bokuto Koutarou. The Ace of Fukurodani. Was acknowledged as one of the top 5 Ace in the nation. "Well, I have been training hard, so you both better be ready to get beaten hard with this hand of mine today…"



"Okay, that sounded awfully wrong bu- Hey! You know that I meant!"

"Yamiji-sensei, you seem to be doing well," it was then our coach, Nekomata, stepped up to kindly greet the coach of Fukurodani. "They say a bad day doesn't necessarily mean a bad life, so I hope you won't take today's loss too personally." Nevermind, the old man was actually provoking him with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, that should be my line, Nekomata-sensei. You better be prepared to treat me to some drink if you lose, you old fart." Yamiji retorted.

"Hoho, I didn't know I'm going to be getting some free drinks today, this is great."

"Why you…"

'Aren't these two supposed to be full grown adults?' I heaved a sigh.

"Bokuto-san, we should lead them in." It was then, a player with short, messy black hair stepped up to remind the noisy owl. This was Akaashi Keiji, setter, vice-captain of Fukurodani.

"Ah, right, right, anyways c'mon in, we don't have all day for this!" Bokuto enthusiastically shouted as he marched back into the school, and soon, the crowd followed.


"Woah! Fukurodani's gym is huge!" Inouka exclaimed as we entered.

"Their school invested a lot into the volleyball team, so it's no surprise their facility would better than us," Kai explained.

"There is a lot students here today…" Kenma raised an observation.

"Well, seeing as how they've been to national consecutively, their volleyball team are pretty famous, I guess. Not only that, although this match is just practice one, for them it's probably something like an revenge opportunity for defeating them in National last year," Kuro answered.

"Most likely," I followed and scan the audience.

"Oh, look! It's Akane." Kuro suddenly pointed towards a section of the student in the audience before waving at Akane who also returned the gesture.

"She really did came, and did she came with a frie-…" I stop mid-way through my sentence and my jaw slowly dropped as I finally identify the person standing next to Akane. "What… in the fuck…"

"Do your best, Aki-kun! Oh, and you too, Kuroo-kun!" The 'friend' waved at us with a smile.

"Ah, it's the class pre-" Kuro also waved.

"No, you must be hallucinating," I cutted him off and dragged him away, not even daring to look at her direction.


This is weird, now that I think about it. What's with her these past few days? She's been oddly aggressive with her approach towards me ever since we started our 3rd year. Ishizaki Miyu. She's not the type to take the time out of her day just to fuck with someone, let alone someone like myself. In my perspective, there has yet been a shred of solid connection between us or a valid reason that requires her to carry out such actions.

There must be a motive I am not aware of…


[General POV]

"Hmph." Kuro raised his chin up confidently as his gaze met Bokuto's.

"Heh." Bokuto also returned the formality and revealed a vicious smile.

The two then proceeded to firmly shook each other's hand.

"Better not whine when we defeat you today, Kuroo" Bokuto said.

"Hah? That's supposed to be my line. And also, who's the whiny one here?" Kuroo retorted.

"Alright, I'm sure you both know the drill by now?" The ref, that have been overlooking the many practice matches of Fukurodani and Nekoma, said as he looked at Bokuto and Kuroo earning a nod from the two. The ref then show a coin from his palm. After that, he signal that Fukurodani would be represented by head, and Nekoma, tail.

The ref flip the coin up and caught it mid-air. He pressed the coin down on his other and hand revealed the result. It was head.

"We'll take the serve," Bokuto confidently stated.

"Then, we'll be receiving," Kuroo said, his smile still unwavering.


"Alright, it seems that we're receiving this time," Kuroo informed as he got back to the bench.

"Yeah, yeah, we know already, you've never won a single coin flip," Aki said.

"Shut up, I've won quite a few coin flip, you know!"

"Oh yeah? When was the last time you won?"

"First year of middle school, a friendly match amongst the team in one of the practices," Kuroo proudly declared.


"Alright, anyways, everyone understood the plan?"


Kuroo raised his fist forward. Soon, the entire team soon follow after, huddling around in the group.

"We're like the blood in our vein," Kuroo, the captain of Nekoma began,". "we must flow without stopping, keep the oxygen moving, and the mind working!"

"Good, let's go hunting, shall we?" Aki said with a vicious smile.



Soon, the two opposing team and their respective players stepped onto the court and got into their position.

'I knew it,' Akaashi thought with slight worries in his eyes. 'No matter how we arrange the formation, Bokuto-san would be bound to go up against either Kuroo-san or Izaya-san. But, of course they would be having Izaya-san as the main blocker marking Bokuto-san from the start."

"Hey, hey, Aki! You ready for a rematch? I'm not holding back this time." Bokuto excitedly shouted as he met Aki's eyes.

"You better, or else, your defeat would be inevitable," Aki simply responded.

"Hehe, you cocky bastard."


*beep beep*

As the ref blew his whistle, Fukurodani's opposite hitter, Konoha, threw the ball up and performed and overhand spike, signaling the beginning of the match.

Aki realized, as the ball soar through the air, that it was approaching the front of the net, heading towards his position.

"Hmph," Aki raised his hands up and performed an overhand receive before retreating, getting ready for an attack.

Kenma, who was already under the ball, analyze the position of the players before making his move. He absorbed the ball with his fingers and pushed it forward.

"Someone, mark Izaya-san!" Akaashi shouted as he watch Aki who was performing his approach.

Aki slammed his feet onto the ground, his muscles tensed, as he began to soar up to the air with a loud bang.

'His vert increased again,' Akaashi thought. 'I had a feeling it was going to be like this, but this is really not going so good already…'

"AKI!!!" Bokuto shouted excitedly.

A two-man block was deployed in the attempt to stop Aki. However, Aki merely gaze at their desperate faces with a light grin.

"What the f-…?" Bokuto unconsciously muttered as he realized that he, along with the blocker, had already began their descend. And Aki? He was still hovering in the air.

"He's floating…" Akane uttered in surprise.

"What a nasty delay," Akaashi said with a bitter smile.

Aki's grin only widened as he swung his hand at the ball with all his might, slamming the ball on to the opponent's court with no obstacle.

"Tch, damn it!" Bokuto scratched his head in annoyance as he landed.

"Nice one!" Kuroo cheered from the bench. "Looks like all those time you forced me to to train with you like obedient slave is finally paying off!"

"…" Ishizaki revealed a mysterious smile. "As expected of the Uncrowned King of Nekoma… the one who was never destined to reach the top, yet, even so, that monster, with its iron will, still stubbornly continued to go against fate itself."

"It seems your prophecy may become reality after all, Nii-san…"

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