Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~
"Telling the truth is not always the right thing to do"
-Tom Shredfield, Taboo Tatoo
Shortly after meeting Sir Nighteye. And before goes take care of the League of Villains
Returning to the lab with Eri in my arms I see a small problem. THIS IS A LABORATORY.
Eri has been suffering in a lab for a long time. Tch. What to do?
Finding an empty room, I start throwing in things that will give it a more homey vibe. It's lunch time yet. I think I'll take Eri out to eat. I don't care if they see me without my costume. They wont recognise me, only Eri maybe and they can't follow me if I want to teleport. And I'm so strong it's not funny anymore.
I no longer wear my Thor Suit, because I'm in this world to train and test my limits. I can't cheat any more than I'm doing.
Hmm... I need new clothes for Eri. With long sleeves. Hide the scars... When I train with [Overhaul] I will fix this.
"Eri… wake up. If you sleep now, you will not sleep at night." I say waking up the little girl.
"Un...?" She blinks in confusion.
"Eri. Listen to me. I'm going out to buy you some clothes. It will only take a few minutes. I want you to be strong and stay here watching that cartoon until I get back. And when I come back, we're going out to eat, right?" I talk to her keeping eye level.
"Are you really coming back?" she asks holding my mantle tightly.
"Certainly. Pinky promise" She looks at me confused. Eh... doesn't she know about Pinky promise? I thought it was common in Japan...
She really lived sheltered, huh?
"Pinky promise is like this... You hook your pinky finger with someone and you have to keep your word." I say teaching her how to do it. "I'll be back to take you out to eat. Trust me okay?"
She nods now.
After one last look at her, I quickly retreat. The faster I buy her clothes. The faster I will be back.
27 minutes later.
I'm at a family restaurant in civilian clothes. I keep Eri's quirk horn to pass as her older brother.
Eri is sitting next to me so I can help her eat and wipe her mouth occasionally.
Uh... there's a woman giving me coy eyes. Am I triggering her maternal instincts? Or something like that?
The time is still 14:06 in the afternoon. I have time until my League of Villains assignment. I think I'll go for a walk with Eri, buy more clothes, sweets... Am I spoiling her? nah.
After an hour of walking around the commercial district, Eri got tired again. Looks like she doesn't have much stamina. Today was also a roller coaster of emotions to her. So I decide to go back to the lab.
"Eri... I have to tell you something." I start by carrying her in my arms along with several shopping bags.
When she looks at me I keep going. "You know I would never hurt you, right?" she nods "The place I live is very similar to the place that man used to hurt you. I'm telling you this so you don't get scared. Hospitals are similar too... they are used to heal people. When I come back I will have to leave because of an appointment. So when you're alone, don't be scared by anything you see. You are safe." I explain. She is not stupid. I will be direct to avoid misunderstandings in the future.
When she nods I say "Then let's go back"
Placing her on the makeshift bed, I wait until she sleeps before moving out of the room. I told her I won't lock the door. But there's nothing fun out here. And to be careful not to touch anything for her own safety.
I don't know where I'm going with my decision to take care of her. But I'm the only person in the world who can help her control this dangerous power quickly.
Returning to my Central Computer I resend a message to Kurogiri with the identity of Dr. Daruma letting him know that in less than an hour I will pass on the coordinates of the meeting. And it is for him to take all the remaining members of the League of Villains to that place.
Because he needs to impress the person who is going to meet them.
I'm already going ahead to find that person... Gigantomachia.
In the middle of a forested area I arrive by levitating to the location indicated on the device in my hands.
In my inner world there is a screen in the ghosts room where they can watch what I see and hear what I hear. No sharing of my senes,this is the most I'll do for them.
Gigantomachia is a loyal servant of All For One. A guy with a simple mind. He just follows his master's orders. He walks around naked, with the exception of a occasional coat and the radio he wears around his neck. And in that radio is the tracker that Dr. Daruma put on him.
He is one of the characters with the most quirks in the series. He is definitely in the TOP 10 strongest. Now my goal beyond the League of Villains quirks, is Gigantomachia himself.
Gigantomachia place.
Clicking the button on the device I used to locate Gigantomachia, I hear a noise coming from underground.
The device controls Gigantomachia's radio, and I pressed the command for All For One's voice comes out and tells Gigantomachia to wake up.
Floating in the air. I see a naked man over 3 meters tall, dark-brown hair and with several protuberances on his back getting out of the ground. The radio around his neck repeating "Machia, wake up" with the voice of All For One.
He looks around and spot me..
Tch. Daruma told him, that complicates things. But it's still within my expectations.
In an instant he grows to 25 meters in height.
His head just a few meters below my feet. I know his height limit from the manga, so I'm already above his reach.
Surprising me, he jumps up and tries to grab me.
That's good agility, but jumping will only give me advantages, you know.
Before he reaches me I already move up. And I drop an Air Cannon towards him.
He is crushed into the ground.
But he gets up, unharmed. I took it easy, but that's good resistance. It's no wonder he singled out virtually the entire community of heroes of Japan. They had to put him to sleep with drugs to have a chance.
Before he starts attacking me I speak.
"Gigantomachia, calm down. I killed All For One yes. But I am his successor." I say
*Hector Inner World*
Several tentacles of water form around the room where All For One and the One For All users stay.
They all move incredibly fast and slam into All For One's immobile form, making him wince in pain.
"What's Happening? Will Hector finally erase this guy?" Banjo asks. But nobody has an answer
*Real World*
"This smell... You have the smell of Master." Gigantomachia says shocked.
"Yes. Think with me Gigantomachia... All For One wanted a worthy successor because of his injuries. I am the man who defeated him and stole his power. I talked to him, I am his successor now." I say grandly.
I'm using All For One's consciousness fragment within me to bring the villain's unique aura out, as if I'm wearing All For One. Gigantomachia proved to be quite sensitive to this in the manga. I will use All For One to earn Gigantomachia loyalty and then slowly pass that loyalty to me.
Gigantomachia will be my first subordinate.
With the Background Customization card. When I came to this world I noticed differences in Gacha. The first was that Gacha in-seting changed from Marvel to BNHA. And the other was the possibility to use the Background Customization card in the opposite way.
I can recruit and transform characters from this world, from the world I travel. In Summon Cards.
The only requirement is that they accept. And the restriction is that I can't assimilate them, when they become cards. Just re-summon them.
The moment they transform into Summon Cards, the Gacha will imbue the loyalty that all summons cards have on the character I turned into a card.
But he will have to accept. The character needs to accept is a very big requirement. Only people who have no connection to the world they live in, or have a very different way of looking at life or are simpleton like Gigantomachia would accept having loyalty implanted in their minds like that.
If I win Gigantomachia's loyalty. I will take him to the world of Marvel, as a card. That wasn't an original goal, but I decided to take it further when I saw the possibility and awareness of All For One trapped in my inner world.
When I saw this new Background Customization Card feature, I thought of many useful characters. Like Mei Hatsume, inventor Genius, Toga Himiko, Twice, Mirko and even Doctor Daruma. But I finally decided only on Gigantomachia.
Hardly others would accept. And Dr. daruma is pure evil. When I come back, I'll be part of the Mutant(meta-human) community, and it's a heavy taboo to experiment on mutants. Dr. Daruma just wouldn't care. It would be more trouble than it's worth. That's why I only take research from him. I'm pretty smart too. I can replicate everything he ca do, I'll just have to sacrifice my own time.
"Tell me, Gigantomachia... Who do you think would be the perfect successor to All For One? The answer is someone who can defeat him in his own game. Someone who has already proven himself capable of overcoming and surpass him." I say and I can feel him focused on every word I say. Fascinated.
This is easier than I thought.
But I also need to put the last nail in the coffin.
"I was All For One's chosen in death" I say picking up a smartphone "Why don't you take a look at the successor he chose in life? And check for yourself which one of us is the most worthy…" I say pressing the button and sending our coordinates to Kurogiri.
Unknown Place, Provisional Headquarters of the League of Villains
Kurogiri P.O.V.
"Shigaraki Tomura, the doctor sent the coordinates. We can go retrieve Sensei's gift." I say to the entire League of Villains group.
I look at Shigaraki and see him scratching his neck. His behavior has become more erratic since Sensei's death by the new Villain Dis.
Shigaraki Tomura is impatiently taping his foot.
"So let's go, I don't want to wait any longer. Let's take what the doctor sent and finish this Dis" Shigaraki says getting up
Since the incident on Kamino he has been this way. And my advice to wait in this hideout previously prepared by All For One didn't help him.
He wants to do something.
Gathering the rest of the League of Villains I prepare to open the portal using my quirk. Everybody is here.
They consist of Dabi, Spinner, Himiko Toga, Mr. Compress, Magne and Twice. Some of them may be having second thoughts about joining the League, but many have nowhere else to go. And it's not like the league ended with the fall of All For One.
I still have in my possession several accounts, contacts and properties left to me by Sensei. And mostly, besides Shigaraki Tomura, All For One always had three sidekicks who weren't arrested after his fight with All Might 5 years ago.
Myself the Doctor is the only one we're going to get now... Gigantomachia. That man is a force of destruction, it will be useful in the future. But he is difficult to deal with. His heightened loyalty to All For One could be a problem now that it has fallen.
I can only hope that Shigaraki will live up to the expectations All For One had in him.
"Get ready" I say to the group opening a fog portal to the coordinates.
After looking first, I see Gigantomachia sitting in the middle of a forest. It has some craters and uprooted trees. I think it's normal if he got the news of Sensei's end.
After checking that Gigantomachia is alone I allow everyone to go through the portal as well.
But when everyone crosses and the portal closes. I feel something hit me from an impossibly close distance, where I didn't even notice it approaching...
And then darkness.
Hector P.O.V.
First thing to do is always take care of the teleporter. Holding the unconscious Kurogiri for his metal neck brace, I begin to steal his quirk.
Observing from above is the best. I can already imagine how this will end.
"KUROGIRI! YOU...!!" Shigaraki says when he spots me, he seems pretty annoyed to see me, I can't even imagine why... I ignore him and speak...
"Gigantomachia…these are the League of Villains. You can draw your own conclusions in any way you want. Chat, test them.. The choice is yours. Don't kill them for now..." I say already knowing this will end in a fight.
One of All For One's advice is to give your subordinates the "illusion of choice"—you give them alternatives, but with only one good enough for them to choose from, the one you want them to choose.
Evil Empire management 101.
Am I evil for using your tactics? Maybe. But I can learn and adapt later. Everything is situational.
And as expected Gigantomachia gets up.
"SUCCESSOR! FIGHT ME!" He says growing just a little to 12 meters.
"Using me to brainwash Gigantomachia? I think I'm very proud of you, Hector-kun.." All For One says from my mind. Even in pain, he acts carefree.
"You teach me well, Sensei." I say sarcastically. "Aren't you worried that you'll have no more use for me after today?" I ask.
"Huh. This is something I'm already prepared for…" he says with the same infuriating calm expression as always.
"The League has no chance." Banjo-san comments watching the fight.
And it's true. Nothing works in Gigantomachia. Not Dabi's Fire and not Tomura's Decay. Why does Decay not work? Is it because Gigantomachia is too dense? Because he doesn't give it time to take effect?
Tomura hasn't freed himself from his psychological problems, so he's pretty weak... He barely destroyed Eraserhead's elbow when he invaded U.A.
And to say that the others are outmatched is the understatment of the fucking century. They can do nothing...
"Oh... This is unexpected." In their desperate moment, a rock ended up hitting Twice, causing him to bleed.
It made him have the confirmation that he was the real one, the original Bubaigawara Jin, overcoming his trauma... Now he's creating clones in incredible numbers. But...
Gigantomachia grows a little bigger and blows hard. Almost all clones turn to mud... But some don't. They're running away carrying the rest of the League of Villains.
This can not happen.
Moving very fast, I block their escape route, and touch my right hand to the fground. Ice starts to be generated in large quantities covering the clones being made. But many members escapes my attack due to the Twice clones throwing them out of the way while sacrificing themselves.
"Good choice. Blocking the escape route and you even froze the original Twice, preventing it from spawning any more of his clones. Impressive that you were able to tell him apart from all these." Shinomori-san, the user of [Danger sense] comments from my mind.
"The clones produced are based on the ideal image he has of himself... That is, they do not have the dirt and blood that he acquired during this time. During the fight." I answer.
"DON'T RUN, SUCCESSOR!!!" Gigantomachia explodes towards the reamining League members.
Meanwhile I approach the frozen Twice, I was lucky to catch Toga and Mr. Compress too. I steal the quirk of the three.
"Are you going to kill them?" Shimura-san asks from my mind.
"Today only Tomura dies." I simply answer.
Turning my eyes to the battle I see that it is already over. The entire League of Villains is on the ground struggling to get up. And Gigantomachia is crying rivers over there.
"Calm down, Machia. Tomura has potential... All For One didn't make a mistake. But is a pity Tomura will never live up to it." I say floating to the giant man, already treating him like my subordinate.
"Master..." he says to me. Yes. Huhu
As I float closer to the fallen opponents Machia places his hand as a platform for me and I land on his palm.
"I understand you all have your own circumstances" I say looking at the villains. "But now I will take your quirks and throw you all to the heroes. Except you Tomura... You won't see tomorrow and your dream of destruction will never come true." I say...
Now I move closer to remove their quirks, but my spider-sense and [danger sense] flare. He's not defeated yet, apparently.
But I don't stop walking confidently towards him. I will not show uncertainty now.
When I get to less than 2 meters, very quickly Tomura lunges towards me with a outstretched hand. He's faster than before... Some type of Power-up bullshit?
But I don't even seem to move, when he finally catches up to me... He no longer has both arms to use his quirk.
Watching him fall to the ground, I cover his body with ice, just in case, and touch his head. Stealing [Decay] for good.
Now removing Jackal from my inventory, I prepare to give him his merciful death.
"HECTOR!" I hear Shimra-san calling my name. I'm not surprised by her intervention, I already have a pretty good idea of her personality. She just can't stay quiet seeing this happen. But she won't change my mind.
Taking my attention to my inner world I say. "Shigaraki Tomura will not be allowed to exist Shimura-san" I say.
Seeing her in my mind I wait to see what reason she'll give me to convince me. The least I can do is listen to her.
But she just drops down to a dogeza.
"Hector…I know it's shameless for a worthless adult like me to ask for this. Just because he's my relative. My failures in the past now haunt the present. And it's up to people like you to solve them now." She says with her forehead touching the room floor in my mind.
"As a hero I cannot ask you to spare him. I understand that you are not wrong in deciding to kill him... But as his grandmother. I have to try to do this one thing for him. Please... I beg you. I am a failure as a mother and a hero. But I want to do this first good thing for Kotaro's family. Spare Kotaro's son. Spare Tenko. Please!" she says while in dogeza.
Damn... You can get really uncomfortable with someone bowing to you like that. Tch. What to do? While I'm shocked Yoich-san and En-san do a dogeza too.
"Please, Hector. Grant Nana-san's request." Yoichi says.
"..." Em-san just keeps silent in his dogeza.
Then Banjo-san and Shinomori-san prostrate themselves too.
"HAH. We can't stop you from doing it, but you can't stop us from begging either." Banjo-san speaks in his usual loud attitude.
"If I don't support my juniors in this, I will still be more of a failure as a former user of One For All" Shinomori-san says simply.
"You know that you all want Shigaraki Tomura spared just for your satisfaction, right? He will be imprisoned for the rest of his life." The second carrier speaks. "But… if you want to give him a chance. I will believe him too." He ends up prostrating himself. The third carrier followed shortly thereafter.
One chance, huh? It reminds me of what my grandfather said... Ugh
All former users are in dogeza now. And when I feel that All For One is going to do some unwelcome commentary I shut his mouth with the mental chains.
"tch..There's a way." I say running my hand through my hair. Everyone pays attention to that. "A way that can satisfy all of us. I don't guarantee the future. And honestly it won't be much different from killing him. But will give him a chance. But remember... I won't be here forever. You may be leaving problems for this world. I hope you are aware of the risk." I say.
Everyone nods gravely.
"Whatever... I don't have any personal vendettas against him, and it won't be my problem..." I say while returning my attention to the real world.
The time in my Inner world and in the real world are different. Speed of thought is much faster. So during all this conversation, not a single moment has passed out here.
"Well, Shigaraki... Today is your Lucky day." I say putting Jackal in my inventory again, "You won't die today. I have other plans for you now." I strike his neck leaving him unconscious.
After that I take everyone's quirk from League of Villains. And using Kurogiri's newly acquired quirk [Warp Gate], I transport them to special rooms in Dr. Daruma's lab.
"Why not hand them over to the police?" Shimura-san asks, referring to the rest of the League.
"They can be used to locate me," I reply as I access the central computer to gather the places of certain people of interest. Now that I have a teleport quirk, things will be easier.
"The League knows Keywords like 'Doctor', 'Laboratory' and I don't know what Shigaraki and Kurogiri revealed to them before our meeting. This might allow them to deduce the Hospital I hide in." I say as I reopen a portal to where Gigantomachi is.
"When I killed the Doctor, I don't even take his quirk. Because he would age considerably. Giving clues to the Police Force" I says "But All For One has the original [Longevity] quirk anyway"
"If they find out where I am, it will derail my final plan. I need the lab. So they will stay with me until the day I leave." I continues
"And what would be this final plan of yours ? Can you talk to us?" Yoichi-san asks.
"Well... something like ..."
After I say what I will do before I leave, they are silent.
Returning to Gigantomachia's place I have to engrave my superiority in his mind. Hit the iron When is hot.
"Machia... Fight me..." I say stepping out of the portal.
He doesn't think long before he launches himself towards me.
Later in the Lab.
Humming the season 4 opening theme from BNHA anime: Polaris. I do small tests on my body samples.
Using the database of Dr. Daruma I discreetly copy some quirks from some civilians. At first glance they are useless, but to me they are priceless.
Mainly two. [Custom Hair] and [Crystal nails]. The first one changes the user's hair, nothing like manipulation, it just allows changing the color, hair style and a little of the length with a lot of effort. Why do I want this quirk? Because the hair becomes a synthetic fiber with this quirk. A synthetic fiber with no trace of my DNA. That's mean no clones of myself will be made so easily.
And [Crystal nails] has a similar principle. My nails change to become a Crystal-like substance. They don't even grow anymore if I don't want to. And this Crystal doesn't have any traces of my DNA either.
These two passive quirks will allow me to be a little more relaxed when I return to my Original World.
I took the opportunity and did a test on things I produce with my body. Like Mochi and things in my Titan form. Not that I intend to use my titan form in Marvel. It's too weak for the fights there. And I don't have descendants to use the other functions. I like it because of the ridiculous regeneration. But I already have [Super Regeneration] that all the nomus have. So I'm really hard to kill.
Result: The mochi is just mochi, The mud that is formed with Twice clones too by the way. And several other secretions. Nice.
Looking at myself in a mirror I start to take a test. Due to the use of some quirks, mainly the one taht need to use my eyes, it became a nuisance to cover my entire face. Then I cover just the nose down. A ninja half mask.
I also think it might be a good idea to reveal some information. False information in the case.
In my normal appearance I have blue eyes, curly black hair, not too long, my hair goes down to my eyebrows and I wear glasses.
Now in my new identity. My mask will cover the lower half of my face. My eyes will change color depending on the power I use. I think that's cool, multi-colored eyes. My hair will become straight and long to my shoulders. I will use the famous eren man bun. Showing my sharp eyebrows. Maybe I will even be more edgy and turn my hair white. Storm of the X-men has white hair too and makes a good contrast with my black suit.
The two versions are very different. I will even grow a little in the hero/villain version, becoming very different from "Hector". Looking more adult. If I don't reveal anything about myself, people will try to guess. But if I falsely reveal something, they will be led to lose my trail.
The difference between my two versions is like: Aizen Captain of the 5th division and Aizen Leader of Hueco Mundo. Similar but difficult to relate. Superman Psychology. The famous change of: "Hello, it's nice to finally meet you, sir." to "She calls me daddy too".
Satisfied with the results I go back to play with Eri. I only have a little over two weeks, but with Machia and Kurogiri's [Warp Gate] quirk, I'll be able to accelerate my plans.
If this world thought I was trouble, they are about to find out what happens when I really become proactive.
Nothing to add here.
Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.
Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.
Till next time.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history have no interest in offend any party. Having the sole objective of only entertain the readers. Enjoy~
"Not many can do the right thing when it counts"
-Kuroh Yatogami
"NOO! You have to use your whole body to swing. Not just the arms. Gotta go with an IAARGH!" Banjo-san screams in my ear as I practice with the [Black Whip] among the trees.
Now I'm really like Spider-Man.
Even though I said I would be more proactive, I didn't move much. I taught Eri about [Rewind], worked in the lab, took classes with my ghosts teachers, and trained with Machia.
Machia is a good spar partner. The percentage of my cards doesn't increase much after 50%, my goal of completing them before coming back looks a little distant now.
"You have an insane amount of powers, but you can't ignore the basics. To use all that power well, your body must be in top condition" Shinomori-san says to me.
"But you have excellent physical conditioning and you are a genius. As long as you don't grow arrogant and never stop practicing. I don't see any problems in the future that you will have controlling your powers" En-san tells me.
"Did you know, that if you have to catch someone falling instead of flying towards that person directly, it's better to make a curve trajectory?" Shimura-san tells me about heroics.
"The Brachistochrone Curve?" I ask
"Exactly. You can not only descend faster, but allow you to catch with less damage to the person's physical integrity. If you take it from below and adjust your speed." She completes.
"I see," I say with my chin between my fingers. "It's a lot to think about and take into account during these situations with so little time."
"And that's why you need practice!" Banjo-san tells me "With practice and experience your body will move better before you even think. You think fast it's true... But you think too much. Sometimes you have to trust your instincts and reflexes! If not, you will waste precious time" he adds.
"The more powers you have the more at the moment of action indecision can take over you" Shimura-san says "A truck is heading towards a child. What do you do? Take the child? Stop the truck? How? teleport? telekinesis? Shield? Diverts the truck trajectory with Earth manipulation? With ice? Having a power and knowing when to use it and when not to use it will be very important to you, Hector." She completes.
Absorbing her advice I start to think. It's true, the number of power and abilities I will have in the future will be ridiculous and if I can't use them it's a waste...
"You can keep a certain group of powers and give the others to your subordinates" All for one speaks to my mind, as he is the only one with no freedom to materialize in my view in the real world. "Many powers will be similar. Choosing the strongest or the most compatible with you is important too. Don't be stingy and empower trusted subordinates too." He completes.
Everything they say makes sense. I'm glad I didn't delete them without giving them a chance. This trip is really worth it.
It's hard to make a copy of a power that I already have. is like having to grow a seed from the scratch. I don't have infinite resources to replicate powers.
Two days later, same routine
"That sword doesn't look very practical" En-san comments beside me as I hold the Sword of Actuation, but in its Sword of Thorns form.
His comment is because the grip is full of spikes.
"It's not a sword that just anyone can use." I say.
One of the advantages of coming to this world is that I have more freedom to test my assets. The Sword of Actuation was in card format until now, because I was afraid to use it and some demon or eldritch abomination seize the chance and invade my world. Like Femto took advantage of the slash of Skull Knight in Berserk.
This sword has two forms. The first is much more normal. The Sword of Thorns, following the name, is a longsword with the theme of thorns. The sword usually wielded by the Skull Knight in Berserk. Bathed countless times in the blood of apostles, it became a magic sword. Or was it forged like that. Hard to say, little is known about the Skull Knight Background.
And in its second form the Sword of Actuation, the handle changes like thorny rosebush branches. And the blade is made up of Beheliths that give an organic feel to the blade, full of eyes, noses and mouths that constantly move as if the blade were alive. It has a light blue glow.
Making the sword transform in my hand. I prepare to test it skills.
"Yikes! What is this sword? So creepy!" Shimura-san says disgusted.
But the reaction of others...
"This sword... This sword... So cool!" Banjo-san says.
"Indeed. What cool sword." En-san adds nodding his head.
I wield the sword and make a dimensional fissure appear, stepping on it I appear 5 meters away.
"Wow! Did it cut space?! Damn, best sword ever." Banjo-san continues.
All of One For All users are around me as I tested the sword.
"Does it do more things?" Yoichi-san asks, strangely excited.
"It was made to harm magical beings and beings in their astral forms. Which normal attacks would not affect." I say.
"Magic? Like Wingardium Leviosa magic?" Banjo-san speaks.
"More like Lord of the Rings magic with demonism" I reply.
Wait. There's Harry Potter and Star Wars in this world, right? I remember class 1-B made a play as a parody.
"Check this" I say taking two lightsabers out of my inventory.
"Ooh! Lightsabers"
"Wow. So cool."
"Nice. Quick, cut that tree!"
Me and all the BOIS love lightsabers.
"Can't you do something similar with fire quirks? Do you even need this thing?" Shimura-san speaks.
"...Did she really say that?"
"Women... They don't understand."
Even the second and third users seem to agree.
"Lightsaber are a man romance and dream, Shimuraa!!" banjo screams.
"Ignore her. Now cut that rock." En-san says.
"No. Make the two clash with each other"
"Can you use force lightning?" Wait. This one is All For One talking?
"Throw and pull back, like a Jedi."
In the corner of my eye I can see Shimura-san with his hand over her face muttering something like "Boys and their toys…"
The next day.
"You've been training here every day. This seems a little different from your cautious personality, Hector-Kun." Shinomori-san talks to me.
With the days will stay together, they know me better and I know them better too, I can say that my relationship with all of them is very good. Even with All For One. Although he is still in prison. I don't let my guard down around the bastard. But he has a certain evil charisma, which makes you like him. Maybe because he never did anything to me directly, so I don't hate his guts like the One For All users.
"I'm trying to catch a big fish, Shinomori-san" I say mysteriously.
Before he can ask any more. It happens. A drone approaches my position carrying a smartphone. When it is close enough the smartphone starts ringing.
heh. It's about damn time, Meta Liberation Army.
3rd person P.O.V.
Meta Liberation Army
"Did you find him Sketch?" Asks a man to another man on the top floor of a tall building.
Rikiya, or Re-destro is a tall, odd-looking, middle-aged man with a prominently long, pointed nose and obtruding chin, as well as small, dark eyes. He has short, orange-brown hair, set noticeably far up his forehead, a widow's peak pointing downwards in the center, and he wears it swept back around his head. He doesn't have any visible eyebrows, and also possesses two dark moles on the left of his forehead.
The man he talks to is Tomoyasu Chikazoku, or Sketch, a tall and lanky man with shiny black hair that reaches his waist, worn down with a neat fringe hanging over his eyes.
"Yeaa. We located him by satellite. He looks like he's training in the woods 30 miles from here. He's making a lot of noise and changes in scenery, strange for someone who's hiding." Sketch responds.
"It's because he has nothing to fear, he's arrogant. He is individually the strongest man on the planet." Re-destro answers. "Be in plain sight sometimes is the same of hiding, no ones would think in looking for him in a place so exposed like that."
"True. The drone is approaching. He will answer." Sketch speaks. And as expected a voice answers the other end's call.
"Moshi Moshi Dis here. Your are calling a extremely dangerous supervillain. If you want your quirk removed press 1. If you want to submit to me press 2. If you want to die press 3" an arrogant voice speaks.
"Dis... So nice to be able to talk to you." Re-destro says calmly.
"And who would be the idiot?"
Ignoring the offenses Re-destro responds.
"We are the Meta Liberation Army. We would like to invite you to our headquarters for a chat."
"Ah. The Meta Liberation Army? I never heard of it. Anyway, I don't want to buy encyclopedias. Bye" *click*
He hung up.
Sketch can see a black color spreading across Re-destro's forehead, proof that he is angry and his quirk is manifesting.
Re-destro feigning calm calls again.
"Moshi Moshi. Keisatsu desu ka? Officer, there's a stalker calling me all the time. Please help me."
"Dis… you wouldn't want your location disclosed to the heroes, would you? I'm sure even you would be inconvenient to be surrounded by heroes." Re-destro speaks through gritted teeth.
"Ohoh... are you threatening me, dear?"
"Just stating a fact."
"I don't advise starting a fight with me, Meta Liberation Army... Are you sure you want to proceed with that plan of yours?"
"Huh. Fine. Let's make a bet. Say the location and time. Me and mine VS. You and your group. If I win, I will take your quirks, your lives, your money... Be prepared to forfeit everything to me." Dis speaks ominously,
"And if we win?" Re-destro asks smiling.
"I'll give you what you really want... All for One." Says seriously.
"So... say the hour and location..."
"Are you serious? We have over 100k members on our side."
"Even a million ants can't threaten a dragon."
"Okay then. Your arrogant little fella. Deika city, in one hour." Re-destro accepted.
"Okay. And one more thing... With your army there. Only call whoever is absolutely prepared to DIE!"
The office was silent for a while.
"Notify Curious, trumpet and Geten. The Meta Liberation Army is going to WAR." Re-destro says with his entire face was covered in black from his quirk.
Hector P.O.V.
Hook, line and sinker.
Making the smartphone decay with Tomura quirk I send an air cannon at the drone destroying it.
"Are you sure about this, Hector?" Shimura-san asks me worriedly.
"Yes. The Meta Army is a problem for this world. They grew absurdly in numbers while staying hidden. And it has fingers in various sectors of society: Press, support items, politics..."
"Do they really have 100,000 members?" Shinomori-san asks me.
"Yes. And they all trained with their quirks, apparently They are a organization that follows the philosophy that the free usage of Quirks is a basic human right and emphasizes liberation over regulation. They believe that the stronger you are with your quirks, your social standing must be equally high too" I say giving a small summary of the Meta Liberation Army.
Honestly, I somewhat agree with their philosophy. And I think I'm going to implement some of it when I get back to the Marvel Universe. Not all about the weak being lower in society. But that all metas can use their powers freely, and have practice with them. To avoid accidents. And seek self-improvement to improve the Society as a whole.
"100,000 villains hidden in plain sight... This present is full of problems." The third user says.
"This is All Might's fault." I say without thinking too much. And when I see Shimura-san's head turning quickly towards me I feel like I have to explain myself.
"Okay…All Might did a great job. It brought peace and order to society. But the system is not perfect, it is too closed off with its dogmas to maintain this fragile peace carried on the back of a single person. It restricts people and rejects the different ones. Also, All Might is very strong. Villains aren't stupid, they'll hide well... It's hard to punch an enemy you don't even know exists. So the more dangerous ones will stay hidden amassing strength like that, meanwhile All Might and society in general is blissfully unaware" I say.
The One For All users are silent. Not everything can be solved by punching, that I can agree with All For One...
"Changing the subject, why do you act like a third-rate villain when you're in your Dis persona?" Banjo asks me out of the blue.
I shrug. "I act as different as possible from my real self. Let them chase someone who doesn't exist and far from 'Hector' as possible"
After answering I head towards the place where Machia and Eri are. Eri is drawing on Machia's skin as he takes care of her.
"Eri, Machia!" I call and they turn to me.
"Eri, I'm going to fight some bad guys now. I need you to be a good girl and wait for me in your room. Behave, okay? I'll be back soon." And I say kneeling down to keep eye level with Eri.
"Machia, wait for me here. Let's go together against the enemy" I say as I take Eri in my arms and walk through the portal I opened.
After putting Eri in the room with some anime I go back, but I'm surprised when the second user talks to me.
"Are you going to kill them?" he asks me.
"Most of them" I answer simply.
"Good." This surprises me.
"Such a large number of villains is a problem even if they are arrested. It will be good if you resolve this before you leave." He says.
Some seem uncomfortable with the possible massacre that I will do now. But I don't care, I've already warned the enemy, and they are ready to die.
"Hector... We're talking about over 100,000 lives. You can't trivialize them like that. I'm afraid of what you might become. IF you walk this path of no return. Think about your own life and try to weigh it against others." She tries to advise me, but my resolve is already made.
"Tsc Tsc Shimura-san, I've been prepared to die since the day I decided to walk in this path. Do you think I started all this thinking it is all a game? Like the children of this world hero course? AS IF. I know very well that I can die at any moment, really... I won't even be angry. I have already taken many lives, what right do I have to be angry if someone tries to take my life?" I say seriously and something in my eyes must have shocked her. Because she is mute.
"Make no mistake. My life is the most important thig to me. Is the ultimate gift give by my parents. I will do anything to survive. But I'm not so hypocritical as not to conjure up the possibility of my death. I have a vision for the future Shimura-san. But if I act like a hero, considering all life equally precious. Sacrificing myself for others... Others that aren't worth it.. I won't be able to accomplish my objective. The changes for the better that I want to my world."
"I'm sorry. I'm no hero material. I will try to uphold you guys teachings the maximum possible. But at the end of it all. I am a selfish human. The Meta Liberation Army plans to bring chaos to all of Japan to make their thinking the only solution to an unprecedented crisis. Ending millions of lives for this. I will stop them. I will stop them for the people of this world. So that the real heroes don't have to make that hard choice." Trees began to be pushed by an unseen force with me at the center. A force that represents my will. Haoshouku no Haki.
With that I put on my cloak and float onto Gigantomachia's back.
"Machia… Southeast. You can go slowly, we're not in a hurry. Let the enemies savor their last day in this world." I say.
As Machia moves I pull a smartphone out of my inventory and make a call. Changing my voice I start to speak.
"Moshi Moshi, keiatsu desu ka? I'd like to make an anonymous report... I'm from the Meta Liberation Army. And I hear just now that we're going to be attacked by the villain DIS. Yes... This one. Actually the Meta Liberation Army is an organization of villains... Please help me.. I don't want to fight Dis, he scares me... Please. In Deika city. In one hour." *Click*
Destroying the smartphone I focus forward.
Principal Nezu must be planning some trap for me. Why can't I make him use this trap on my terms? Heh
3rd person P.O.V.
"We have a clue about Dis" Naomasa Tsukauchi a detective from the police force announces as he enters an office with several other individuals.
"Apparently he will come into conflict with the Meta Liberation Army. This army actually appears to be a villainous organization with many trained members. Your hunch is right Principal." Naomasa finishes, looking at the mouse-bear-dog in the room.
"I thought he would go after the Meta Liberation Army at some point, but I didn't think they would be a criminal organization. They advertised as a group to help you control quirks and gain a better understanding of yourself. So they will make a good prey to Dis." Principal Nezu speaks from where he is sitting on Aizawa's shoulder, the hero Eraserhead.
"Thanks to Hawks sharing his informations after his retirement, we can be sure that this lead is true." Aizawa adds.
"It's sooner than I expected, but we can put the plan into action. All characters of this play are here. Are you guys ready?" The Principal speaks looking at two figure seated further away, next to All might in his skinny form.
"You need me. And here I am! I owe Japan a lot, I will not back down now." A muscular man speaks.
"I can't deny a request from All Might. Let's tackle this villain!" Another tall, muscular woman responds.
Those two are Captain Celebrity and Star and Stripe. The two top heroes in America.
Deika City, One Hour Later.
Third Person P.O.V.
Two people approach the city of Deika via a deserted route. Arriving at a point where it is possible to see the whole city, they are accosted by a hero.
The hero Slidin' GO is secretly a member of the Meta Liberation Army and will be Dis and Gigantomachia's Guide to the stage of confrontation between the two groups.
"Greetings Dis. Please follow me. You should be surprised that a pro her-"
"Just lead the way traitor." Dis interrupts him still on Gigantomachia's shoulders, he doesn't even look at the hero.
"... Okay."
After a few minutes, they approach the entrance to the city.
"Every city is the battlefield, right?" Dis question.
"Exactly. This is the base of the Meta Liberation Army. All citizens are part of our great group." Slidin' GO responds by making an "L" with his fingers in front of his forehead.
"I see. And have all the children and old people, people who cannot and do not want to fight, been evacuated?" Dis question the hero.
"There is no one who didn't want to fight. But we do evacuate children and people who cannot fight." The traitorous hero responds.
"I understand. That's good... You can start by being the first causality" he says and disappears from where he is.
The hero was not unprepared. He's trained for it. He hasn't let his guard down, but Dis is just too fast. He has no chance.
Grabbing Slidin' GO by the head, Dis steals his quirk in an instant and then decay him in the next.
"A quirk that eliminates the user friction with surfaces is very useful"
As he says this, several figures begin to float in the sky of the city of Deika. All these figures were invisible until now. And all of them are Dis.
The clones made by the quirk [Twice] extend one arm each and point towards the city. From each arm an Electromagnetic Pulse is emitted, boosted by [Air Cannon] and other quirks. All electronics in the city, with the exception of a few more protected ones, were disabled.
The massacre begins now.
Hector P.O.V.
Seeing all electronics disabled I prepare for the fight. I don't believe all the electronics were destroyed, they sure must have some protection againt E.M.P.. But it's already a plus.
"You can use large scale attacks. Using [Decay], [Cremation] or [Twice] all this will be over in an instant." The second user says, he is being surprisingly helpful in this mission. He seems to be the "the ends justify the means" type of guy.
"Nah. Time to train." I say while jumping on the roof of a house. Desert, huh? Planning an ambush...
"They could be hiding underground, inside houses further down the road or even above the clouds. Stay alert." The third user speaks.
"Yes... Let's start big then, since they don't want to get out of their holes..." I readied my arm.
My body alone is far superior to that of a normal person. So I can use a stolen quirk much better than the original user. If I combine with other quirks the power will increase even more. And if I use One For All...
Using a combination of quirks I target the Detnerat Company building, which I know from my meta knowledge is the headquarters.
Let's see how strong I really am.
Flexing my muscles I aim the [Air Cannon] at the building.
The air mass launched by me goes unimpeded halfway, destroying houses, uprooting trees, flattening the terrain. But a giant ice wall rises to prevent the air mass from flowing into the building. Geten... One of the top fighters and ice user.
Not that it can stop much. The ice wall is also thrown away and my attack continues its way, weakened but still continues.
But another ice wall rises right in front of the building again. But this time tilted. And finally the air mass is diverted to the sky.
"Um, that building appears to be reinforced too." I say thinking that the building only swayed a little. "Oh~ Look! Did the little rats come out of their holes?" I talk in a condescending tone to annoy them.
And more people show up. And more. And more.
It doesn't stop until a mass of people get in my way between the tower.
"Huh. Like little ants protecting the anthill~" I say looking at them joining together. I can recognize some executives, but Re-destro isn't here...
"Why don't I filter the weaklings first?" I speak before releasing my Haoshoku no Haki.
It's the first time I've used it on this scale. After just one wave I stop giving off my pressure. And they start to fall...
"What is happening?!"
"Is this a quirk?!"
"Oy Oy. Wake up"
Two-thirds of them fell.
And my Katakuri card is still at 51%, even with all the spars with Machia.
Let's resolve this stagnation. And I launch myself towards the mass of enemies.
"Machia. Destroy." I say pointing to the tower.
"YESSSS" he yells and grows, and starts moving forward ignoring all the little ants in his path.
3rd person P.O.V.
Close to Deika City
"It's amazing that so many heroes were gathered so quickly." Cathleen Bate, Hero Name: Star and Stripe, the top 1 hero of America comments after seeing the large numbers of heroes moving to the city of Deika.
"They were all ordered to be 24/7 ready to be called" Principal Nezu responds. "This is the greatest heroic mobilization in history. We have to win."
Most of Japan's heroes along with the police force and America's top 2 heroes are coming together to face a single villain.
"Satellite images already point the conflict between the two groups" Tsukauchi warns. "Time to go."
A.N: We are aproaching the conclusion.
Nothing to add here.
Thanks to reading. Any feedback is appreciated.
Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to made the history better to everyone. Stay good you all.
Till next time.
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