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97.97% Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun / Chapter 143: Chapter 140: Versus Durge

Bab 143: Chapter 140: Versus Durge

(3rd Person: POV)

Dressed in her battle armor, Komari wore an irritated and worried expression on her face as she moved through the streets of of Sneeve's capital city, Snive.

A full platoon of ADF marines following right behind her as she did.

The groups destination, the embassy building were the state dinner for their delegation, and the delegation from the Galactic Republic was being hosted tonight.

Since 15 minutes Komari and the others had lost all contact with the protection detail assigned to the state dinner. Right after they had call in a major threat, and requested immediate support and evacuation.

Komari and everyone else knowing exactly what major threat they were referring to. Since a few moments before the senators protection detail contacted them, they had been contacted by the Sneeve government to help deal with the aftermath of a series of explosions all across Snive.

Which had caused massive collateral damage. 

Either to infrastructure or to people.

Naturally those from the alliance chose to help the people of Sneeve.

But they also knew the senators and their protection detail were in trouble.

Thus it was quickly decided Komari would lead a group of reinforcements to aid them in whatever they were dealing with.

As Komari, and the marines following her rounded a corner, the Jedaii master suddenly sensed a presence of pure evil. One which took absolute delight in the pain, terror, and suffering of others.

Sensing this Komari picked up her pace. "Come on, move it!" She yelled at the marines.

Who also increased their pace to match her own.

'Please don't let us be too late.' Komari thought.

Hoping the Force was on the side of those in the senatorial protection detail.


Inside one of the largest rooms of the Sneeve embassy building, blaster bolts raced through the air.

One side having only blue blaster bolts coming from it, while the other side only had red blaster bolts coming from it.

The former were shots from the ADF marines who were protecting the senators from their own government, and those of the Galactic Republic. While the latter were shots being fired at the senators and the ADF marines by a number of IG-86 assassin droids who were trying to kill all of them.

All under the orders of Durge.

Who was currently engaging Yennali, Kento, Nahdar, Shaak Ti, and Sar Labooda all by himself.

A situation both the Jedaii and the Jedi present couldn't truly believe.

Despite this they still continued to fight.

For they all knew that if they stopped then Durge would kill them, and then everyone else present.

Which is something none of them could allow.

Both coming at Durge with overhead swings from their lightsabers Nahdar attacked at him from the left, while Kento attacked at him from the right.

Reaching their armored opponent at the same time both Jedaii knights swung their blades down at his arms simultaneously.

But before either of their attacks could make contact a hexagonal energy shield on both of Durge's arms and stopped the lightsabers cold.

Shocking both Nahdar and Kento.

For ever since their fight with Durge had begun a few moments ago, all the armored man did was dodge their attacks. Implementing both speed and dexterity that most would not expect from one his size. Yet now, in a split second, he had just completely changed his defensive posture.

Leaving Kento and Nahdar with one question on their minds.

'Why?' They both thought at the same time.

"Well, these last few moments have been fun. Thanks for the warm-up. Now that that's out of the way let's move on to the main event." Durge casually spoke.

Shocking both Nahdar and Kento.

Since it told them Durge had not taken the fight they, and the others, were engaging in him seriously thus far.

Yet now he was about too.

Which filled both men with a horrible sense of foreboding.

"Oh, I like that look in your eyes Jedaii." Durge said. "But don't despair too quickly. Entertain me a bit more." He spoke.

"My, you do love to hear yourself talk, don't you? Well we don't, so you can shut the hell up." Yennali said.

Running straight at Durge, her lightsaber positioned to stab him straight in his chest.

Seeing this Durge jumped back, breaking the clash between his shields and Kento and Nahdar's lightsabers.

Ignoring this Yennali continued her charge toward Durge.

Then after closing the distance she stopped in her tracks and moved her lightsaber in an upward trajectory, aiming to cut Durges' head in two from the chin to the top.

Yet before this could happen Durge lashed out with a kick toward Yennali using his left leg.

Seeing this she stopped her attack and took several steps back to evade the attack.

As Yennali did Durge quickly returned his foot to the ground and then charged after Yennali, now putting her in a defensive position.

Rearing back his right arm Durge moved to punch Yennali straight in her face.

But before he could Nahdar closed the distance and moved to cut off Durge's right arm.

However he sensed this. As such Durge removed his left blaster pistol from his holster and took a shot straight at Nahdar.

Seeing this the Mon Calamari Jedaii quickly shifted his footing, and used his momentum to dodge the blaster bolt Durge had fired in his direction.

Which he did.

But just barely.

As Nahdar's left side was scrapped by the shot.

"You'll have to do much better than that if you want to take me down, Jedaii." Durge cockily spoke.

As he did Shaak Ti and Sar Labooda both performed Force-assisted jumps and leapt into the air. Beginning to come down towards Durge with overhanded swings as their began their descent.

Noticing this Durge quickly removed his other blaster pistol from its holster, raised them up at the two Jedi, and then began firing without any hesitation.

Seeing the incoming shots both Shaak Ti and Sar Labooda began using the blades of their lightsabers to deflect them

As they did Yennali raised her free hand in the direction of Durge's left blaster pistol and used her telekinesis to mangle and crush it. Meanwhile Kento used his own telekinesis and did the exact same thing to Durge's right blaster pistol.

Allowing Shaak Ti and Sar Labooda to resume the positions for their powerful swings as they continued their descent.

Not worried at all by this development Durge lightly chuckled, as he had been doing the entire fight, and raised both his arms in the direction of Nahdar, Kento, and Yennali.

A second after Durge did this two miniature gatling guns rose out of compartments on his armored forearms. While two other miniature gatling guns appeared from compartments near his shoulders.

"Incoming!" Yennali shouted at the top of her lungs upon seeing Durge's new weaponry.

She. Kento, and Nahdar then quickly moved back in front of the marines and the senators and threw up a Force barrier.

Barely a second after they did Durge's miniature gatling guns went off.

Releasing shot after shot Durge used his miniature gatling guns to shoot up the entire room. No space was safe from his wrath.


Releasing a loud and hearty laugh Durge continued blasting everything around him.

His blasts destroying the IG-86 assassin droids that were assisting him.

Not that he actually cared.

Enhancing their bodies with the Force as much as both of them could Shaak Ti and Sar Labooda used their lightsaber blades to deflect all shots from Durge that came at them.

Having done so since he started firing seconds after they landed on the ground from their failed attack against him.

Keeping their focus, and knowing if they gave even in inch they, and those they were protecting, would die Yennali, Kento, and Nahdar concentrated to keep the Force barrier they had thrown up together strong and stable.

A barrier which was holding up just as they attended against Durge's onslaught.

After a few moments, noticing that he had only killed the droids that had been assigned to assist him in his mission, Durge stopped firing all of his miniature gatling guns. Re-calling them back into his armor.

A second after he did he then activated his jet-pack and raced at incredible speed directly towards senator Aks Moe.

Before anyone could react Durge reached the Gran senator and grabbed hold of him.

He also managed to grabbed hold of Yennali, who was standing in the vicinity of the senator.

"Senator Gran/Yennali/Commander!"

Several shouts rang out in the room at once as Durge took hold of Yennali and Aks Moe.

Then after he did so he kept flying, dragging the two down a nearby corridor. Moving them away from their group within seconds.

"Marines, Nahdar, remain and protect the senators. I'm going after Yennali!" Kento commanded.

No one argued with his words.

Seeing that they didn't Kento empowered his body with the Force and started making his way down the corridor that Durge had just flown down with Aks Moe and Yennali in tow.

Shaak Ti bringing up the rear.

Kento spared her a glance.

"That beast. Whatever he is, cannot be defeated by a single Jedi or Jedaii alone. Thus I asked Sar Labooda to remain behind and have decided to assist you." Shaak Ti quickly explained.

"Thanks." Kento curtly replied.

The two then continued after their target in silence.

Kento ready to rip Durge apart the second he laid eyes on him again.


Flying out of the corridor, he had forcefully taken Aks Moe and Yennali down, Durge flew at and crashed through a pair of doors.

Taking the three outside.

Right in front of the embassy building.

For Durge had just crashed through the embassy buildings front entrance.

Landing in front of the steps of the embassy building Durge de-activated his jetpack.

He then grabbed Aks Moe's neck using his left hand, while he moved to grabb Yennali using his right hand.

Only to find himself stabbed in the chest with her lightsaber.

"Take that you piece of shit." Yennali spoke.

Feeling accomplished at having taken down Durge.

Only for that accomplished feeling to vanish entirely a second later, when she realized something was very very wrong.

"Hehehe. Good. You got a strike in. I knew you in particular wouldn't disappointment Jedaii." Durge spoke. Chuckling lighty in between his words.

"What the-" Yennali started to say.

Only to stop in her tracks when Durge took hold of her at her waist and then violently slammed her into the ground, right on her back. He then stood up and stomped on her right arm, using his right leg.


Breaking Yennali's right arm in several places with his action.

"Agh!!!!" She cried at the top of her lungs.

"Yes, give me more." Durge spoke. Grinding his foot against Yennalis' already destroyed right arm.

"Aghhhh!!!" Yennali continued crying at the top of her lungs, the pain she was in currently being the only thing occupying her mind.

"Music to my ears." Durge said. Having stopped grinding Yennalis' right arm with his right foot.

"Ha...ha...ha..." Yennali raggedly breathed. Looking at Durge standing above her.

Her lightsaber still firmly planted in his chest.

Yet he was moving around as if nothing was wrong.

"How...are you...." Yennali choppily spoke.

"Still alive?" Durge finished. "That's my little secret." He told her. "Moving on, I heard you're the lover of a very capable warrior named Van Sunrider. Who also has a connection of the current head of the Mandalorians. I can't wait to see what sort of challenge he brings against me when he finds out I killed you. I'm sure it will be glorious."

"You monster!" Aks Moe shouted. "Forget the Jedaii, the Republic will-"


Aks Moe didn't get to say another word.

Since before he could Durge squeezed his left hand and crushed his neck. Killing the Gran senator in an instant.

Once he did Durge casually tossed his body aside.

"Finally that whiny old man is gone." Durge said. He then focused all his attention on Yennali. "Now, back to the main event." He spoke.

"Kriff...you..." Yennali managed to say.

"Still fiesty even now. You truly were the worthiest prey I've encountered in a very long time." Durge spoke. "But with your death I'll obtain an even greater challenge. Which I can already taste." He said.

Durge then got ready to finish Yennali.

Only to stop in his tracks when several blaster bolts were fired in his direction.

"Get off of her you bastard!"

Komari shouted at the top of her lungs.

Her two lightsabers ignited as she ran behind the blaster bolts just fired at Durge by marines from her platoon.

Seems they had arrived just on time.

"Tch!" Durge clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Jumping away from Yennali right after he did.

As this happened Yennali worked to fight through the pain and focus on the hilt of her lightsaber sticking out of Durge's chest. Taking hold of it with telekinesis she pulled it out, and brought her weapon back to her side.

Just after she did so Durge activated his jet-pack and took out into the night sky.

Disappearing into nothing but a dot before anyone could truly stop him.

"Dammit!" Komari shouted.

Not only at Durge escpaing, but at the mess he had created.

Especially the death of a Republic senator.

Needless to say shit was definitely about to hit the fan.

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