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90.62% Fanfiction Recommendations / Chapter 575: Spider-Man and Power Girl by Agent-G (SpidermanxPower Girl)

Bab 575: Spider-Man and Power Girl by Agent-G (SpidermanxPower Girl)

Latest update:July 14, 2023

Summary:Power Girl was ejected out of her universe with the New 52 event and lands in a new universe, alone and unsure what to do. Thankfully a friendly Spider-Man finds her and gives her the help she needs. Spider-Man/Power Girl story.


Word count:61k


Chapter 1: New Girl in Town

There once was a man named Dr. Jonathan Osterman, a brilliant scientist and once a man deeply in love with his whole life in front of him. Then there was an accident, one moment among many in his life that changed everything for him. The man was destroyed, ripped apart but he did not die. Instead he was reborn into a being that was beyond human, he became known as Doctor Manhattan.

For years he tired to 'fit in' with the people of his Earth but they were too small for him, too confining. He saw everything, every moment laid out before him and behind him each moment aware of the other. The thing with knowing everything about your life is…it's so boring.

There were no surprises, life and people started to matter less and less to him, he found it harder to care, so he just went through the motions because that was what he would do, what he was doing, what he had always done. He was trapped in a script that was his life unable to make changes to it, just reading his lines and going from scene to scene.

Then it all came to a head with Adrian and his plan to save the world, he couldn't fault the logic behind it, despite how horrible it was. Sacrifice a few to save the world and the fact that it had worked, he couldn't fault him for it. After that he knew he couldn't stay there anymore, his part was done and maybe it was time to finally see if he could break free of the script and so he left and never looked back.

After that he left and in his travels he found something else, a whole new reality. One where there were there others with powers. In his home reality heroes were just people but here there were literal gods among them or those close to it. For the first time in so long Manhattan felt a sense of wonder and excitement.

But then he saw it, how a meta-human arms race would lead to yet another WWIII, more death and destruction.

So he came up with a plan, he would alter events, just a few pieces here and there and everything would change. He saw people being rewritten before his eyes and some were wipe out of reality entirely or even replaced. It was necessary in his mind, this had to be done and if anything, Adrian showed him that sometimes in order to save the whole you had to sacrifice a few.

However this isn't the his story, this is the catalyst of the story. As one of those people that were wiped out was unique. She was Kara Zor-El AKA Karen Starr AKA Power Girl and she had already been wiped out of existence once before. Once part of the original Earth-Two universe a Crisis wiped out her reality but she survived and it was because of that survival that instead of being wiped out she fell through the cracks of reality.

-Earth Marvel Universe Earth 622-

Karen wasn't sure what happened, she felt pain all around her as her mind was a mess of information. Slowly she felt the rough texture against her face and then her body as sounds started to come in clear. Groaning she pushed herself off the ground and looked around blinking away the bright sunny day.

"What the hell was that?" She muttered. "Why do I feel like I went toe to toe with Darksied and lost?"

Karen took in her soundings, she was on top of some kind of building possibly an apartment complex, she was in a city. Looking around she tried to find some kind of landmarks, but she paused.

"Huh…don't know those buildings," She blinked seeing one tall building with the number 4 on each side and across the way was another with some kind of A symbol on it. "Great what city did I end up in? What the hell was I doing again?"

From the looks of things she guessed she was somewhere in North America given the style of buildings, the weather and from the sounds she was picking up, some of the smells also seemed familiar to her. This wasn't East Coast city, or Central City, Gotham was right out as was Metropolis. So maybe one of the cities she didn't get to see often? It's not like she saw every city in North America after all but those odd buildings, she was sure she would have seen them in a travel guide, commercial or something.

She stood up feeling slightly dizzy but it soon passed as she tried to think. What was the last thing she remembered? She had been with the Justice League International and then…

"Ted!" She shouted in shock remembering. They had been exhuming his body to prove to the rest of the JLI that Ted Kord the original Blue Beatle had existed and that the memory of him had been wiped out from Maxwell Lord.

"JLI come in, JLI?" Power Girl reached for the communicator earpiece tucked away in her ear lobe but all she got was silence. This wasn't good, maybe whatever got her got the others? She still had no idea what happened to her or to the others. One moment she was there and the next…it was hard to describe.

Switching frequencies, she tried the Justice League but no response to that either, she tried JSA but still nothing. Now she was starting to get worried.

"Okay Kara first things first," she said to herself trying to stay calm. "First step, find out what city you're in, then you can fly to the nearest JLI or JL base and go from there. Maybe my comms are just down or something."

It was a plan or at least a course of action. She flew up to get a better look of the city. As soon as she was above the skyscrapers she looked around and paused. This area was family in face it looked a lot like Manhattan Island but there were buildings that didn't…

Then she saw them, she saw the Empire State building, she saw Central Park, the Statue of Liberty and many other key historical places but there were missing buildings. If this was New York then where was her company building? She didn't see the Starrware Industries building where it was supposed to be. In its place was something called Roxxon in a totally different style of building.

Panic was starting to swell up inside of her.

"Okay think, think," she muttered biting her lip. "You're in New York but not your New York? Maybe another dimension? Or was someone messing with time again?"

Both scenarios were equally horrifying to her. Just how many times can someone lose their home before it breaks them? First she lost Krypton, with the exception of Kal she had lost everything that day. Her planet, her people, her family, her culture and history all gone. Then just when she was getting use to Earth and finally feeling like Earth was home it was taken from her.

She didn't even remember her past life on Earth-2 until the memories were unlocked which further messed with her head. All the memories of her new life and her old one, conflicting memories that were confusing even today. She remembered dying in that universe but she had been 'reborn' in the new world after it with no memory of her previous life for decades.

At least she assumed it was decades, was the new Earth she had been one made in that moment and all the 'history' before it false or did history just start over until she was 'caught up' in the current time? It was questions like that, that kept her up at nights.

Still, he had to figure out what was going on, maybe she could find version of the people she knew. Maybe there were versions of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and others she could go to for help. With her super speed she flew through the city looking for places she could hope to get information. Where though that was the question.

Internet café? No wait she wasn't carrying money on her as she had left that with her civilian clothing. Mentally cursing herself for not having emergency bills in her belt. Maybe if she asked nicely she could use a computer there?

'Oh wait!' She paused in mid air mentally slapping herself. 'The public libraries should have what I need.'

She knew where it was as she hoped it was in the same area. She flew to it and there it was, in the old stone style building with the Roman pillars and the two sone lion statues out in front. She remembered how the first time she saw this place was while watching Ghostbusters. The front hasn't changed all that much it would seem.

Floating down gently she could see everyone taking notice of her, a few with cameras as she could hear bits and pieces of conversation. She frowned as not one person called her 'Power Girl', at this point she would be happy if they called her 'Supergirl' but all anyone asked was who she was. That wasn't sitting well with her as she could feel her anxiety starting to build. At least they weren't running for the hills and people asked if that was a new hero or villain, so that told her at least metahumans were in this world.

Walking up to the front desk she saw a young woman looking through her phone.

"Excuse me, I'm hoping you can tell me where I can use a computer here?"

"Sure it's right over…whoa," She blinked looking up. "Uh…"

Karen smiled letting her know she was friendly. "Sorry just need to look something up quickly and this," she gestured to her outfit. "Doesn't exactly have a place to hold my phone."

The woman blushed a bit before recomposing herself. "Oh yeah, they're right over there miss…"

"Power Girl," Karen hoped the name might get a reaction but the blank look in return told her all she needed to know.

"Right Power Girl, it's over there, you can't miss them," she pointed.

"Okay, thanks." Karen walked on and couldn't help but pick up 'God damn what I wouldn't give for a figure like that.' From the woman.

Power Girl easily found the row of computers and while ignoring the obvious stares sat down at an empty one and started searching. She started with searching the hero teams she knew but nothing showed up. So she started with just typing in 'super hero' and went from there. For an hour she searched and searched trying to cut through nonimportant results like 'super hero costumes' or blog sites talking about them but when she found actual information about the heroes and villains of this world, not one of them looked like home to her.

She even looked up certain historical events and found that as far as she knew the history was drastically different from her own Earth. The more she read the more and more despair she felt. She felt more and more alone as she read on. This was not an alternate timeline she learned this was a totally different reality.

The sinking feeling she had felt all day was swelling up inside of her.

It happened again.

She had lost everything again, she had been displaced again to another world only this time without the nice little history she could enjoy. She was alone on a totally different Earth with no allies, no friends, no one she could turn to for help with literally the cloths on her back.

She never felt so alone in her entire life until that moment hit her.

Karen felt the world was turning, she felt like she wanted to throw up. Quickly she got up and left at a quick walk. She ignored the woman at the desk asking if she found what she was looking for, Karen felt her eyes watering as she quickly flew up into the sky when she was far enough away from it all she felt herself shaking. She wrapped her arms around herself trying to keep it together.

"No no no no no, please not again, please Rao if you exist in this place don't let this happen to me again," Karen begged feeling the tears starting to fall. She didn't know she could go through this a third time.

She couldn't hold it in anymore and just screamed.


Peter Parker in costume as Spider-Man was doing a usual patrol of the city. Honestly he was doing it if only to get his mind off things. Mainly being his breakup with Carlie Cooper, he thought things were going well but after she found out about him being Spider-Man, well that didn't go well. It wasn't that she hated Spider-Man, hell she was a fan, but it was the fact he kept that from her for so long that really hurt her.

It was mainly that he lied to her about things like being the guy behind Spider-Man's tech (which while technically true was still a lie) and she had figured out his identity. Maybe he should have told her the truth?

'Well Peter chalk this up to one more relationship broken up because of secrets' He thought to himself. You'd think he'd learn by now how to have a stable relationship. He kept his secret and Gwen died, he told his secret and MJ and him were happy but that eventually ended. He tried to tell Black Cat once but she didn't want to know the man under the mask. So, he went back to trying to keep it secret and Carlie found out and ended things anyway.

"I swear sometimes if feels like you can't win no matter what choice you make." Peter sighed as she pulled a high swing over the cities when a huge scream jerked him out of his thoughts.

"What the-!? Where did that come from?" Peter pulled himself to the nearest building and looked around. He was too high up to hear it from the streets so he looked around. He caught a blur landing on another tall building.

"Well, I guess I better check it out," Peter fired a web line and swung himself over to the building. It looked to be one of the older style with the gargoyles on it. As he got closer, he could see someone sitting on one of them. He took one last large swing and flung himself onto the building. Landing he started to climb up but as he got closer enough that's when he heard it.


Someone was having a bad day as Peter crawled up and saw who it was. It was a woman in a white custom with his red cape that looked to be held on to one shoulder. She had her legs pulled up and her face buried into her knees. He could see the matching blue gloves and boots and the short cut blonde hair.

He didn't recognize her, she wasn't dressed like a villain and his spider sense wasn't giving any warning signs. So, he gently got close to her and in a soft voice trying not to scare her asked.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Karen was so deep in her pain she hadn't even noticed someone with her. She jerked up to see someone sitting on the wall closer to her in a blue and red costume with web design all over it and a spider symbol on his chest.

"Hey hey, easy there, I'm here to help if I can, are you okay?" He gently asked her.

Power Girl wanted to say 'no' that she was horrible but the lump in her throat prevented it. Peter could see the red eyes and tear-stained face, whoever this woman was she was hurting. He moved just a little closer.

"Do you need help?" He asked her and reaching out to touch her shoulder.

Karen did need help she needed a lot of things, she hadn't felt this emotionally vulnerable since she found out about her locked away memories and her lost past. She wasn't sure who this man was but he was offering to help, he seemed kind and honestly? She felt like she was drowning in her pain and needed something or someone to latch onto before she drowned in them.

So without warning she pulled herself into him sobbing. Peter was surprised by her speed but quickly realized she needed someone, anyone in that moment. He gently hugged her trying to tell her that it would be okay, that they would figure things out together. He honestly didn't know what her problem is but she needed to hear something, anything positive.

Karen just sat there crying into his chest letting out all the pain that had been building up inside of her. For the first time since waking up she didn't feel so alone in that moment.

It was a good ten minutes before she gently pushed herself away wiping away the tear with her blue gloves. "Sorry," she croaked out.

"Hey it's okay I was going to put this in the wash later tonight anyway," Peter told her.

"Gods I must look like a mess," She sniffed.

"Lady if that's a mess you should see me when I wake up in the morning, I don't look half as good as you do now."

She actually smiled a little at that.

"I didn't get your name," Peter asked.

"It's…" she paused on her hero name or her real name but decided with the hero name they just met and she would like to get to know someone more before going all in. "Power Girl."

"Any relations to Power Man or Wonder Man?" He asked.

"What?" She hadn't seen that in her research, but then again it was a large subject to look through.

"Never mind, guess not, I'm Spider-Man." He offered his hand which she gently took.

There was an awkward moment of silence before he decided to try and break it. "Soooo…about you being up here and all?"

"You could say I'm having the worst day," She sniffed resting her chin on her knees looking out.

"Trust me we all get horrible days."

She shook her head. "Not like this. I'm from a different Earth and I don't know how I got here."

Peter paused at that, okay yeah that wasn't good. "Wait do you mean other dimension Earth or is there another Earth copy back in the solar system?"

She quickly looked at him with a raise eyebrow.

"Right alternate Earth then, long story about the other one, it involves a mad geneticist playing Dr. Moreau and another with some golden woman calling herself 'Goddess', it all gets really strange."

"And yet…I've heard strange," Power Girl stated but looked out over the city. "I still have no idea how I'm getting home, I don't know if home even exist."

"Well luckily for you I happen to know the smartest guy on the planet," Peter told her. "Actually, I know a few of them but Reed has built time machines to doorways into picket universes. If anyone can get you home it will be him."

Kara looked at him and for the first time she felt hope inside of her. Maybe she could get help to return home, she was worried something had happened to her world and she needed to get there to find out. "Thanks, is this Reed far?"

"Naw, he and his family live in that tower over there."

Power Girl looked at where he was pointing. "The one with the giant fours on it?"

"Yeah I know odd but the Baxter building has that to show that the Fantastic Four live there I guess."

"Fantastic Four?" she tilted her head not the strange name she heard of, actually it did kind of roll off the tongue since it was so simple. Wait didn't she read up on that? She remembered a new article from the library with a picture of four people in blue and white costume fighting some kind of giant monster.

"Long story I can fill you in on the way there."

"I get the feeling there is a lot to fill me in on his place," She stood up.

For the first time Peter got a good look at her, sure her face was really pretty (despite the ugly crying earlier) but god damn. He'd been around some hot women, She-Hulk, Emma Frost, Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, and had dated a literal model with MJ and Black Cat was nothing to sneer at either. But Jesus this woman was built, he wasn't sure but she might be slightly taller than him but she had this figure that looked almost as athletic as She-Hulk but with a slightly more feminine body type.

And her chest was-okay he was looking away now, he was helping this really attractive women not trying to perv on her. He just hoped she wasn't telepathic, that got awkward at times. Then again he was certain Emma Frost enjoyed being looked at given how scantily clad her costumes tended to be.

"So um, yeah, let's go then," He kicked off the building as he started to swing away.

Power Girl smirked, he reminded her a bit of Jimmy Olsen, kind but dorky in his own way. She flew down easily keeping pace with him. "So…what's the story behind this Fantastic Four?"



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