Unduh Aplikasi
83.59% Fanfiction Recommendations / Chapter 530: I, Devil by Musashi The Samurai Cheem (DxD)

Bab 530: I, Devil by Musashi The Samurai Cheem (DxD)

Latest update:September 26, 2023

Summary:Low Class Devil. Bottom rung of Devil Society. The rejects and trash that nobody wants. That everybody mocks. That's what i am. No Clan Trait, last member of an 'extinct' Pillar House. It's me against the Nobility, and the odds aren't in my favour... But on the good news, i got magic! And science! I need no cheat powers. I make my own. Slight Harem/Possibly, Male MC. Heavy AU.


Word count:54k


"This is the last chance, Zagan boy." I drop my chin on my gloved hand and rap my fingers on the table, my eyes falling upon the pudgy man sitting before me.

And stinking like a fucking pig house.

I sigh and scrunch up my nose at the stench he releases. "Again, Sir Balam, the remainder of my land and the Zagan Palace aren't for sale." I lift my hand and cross my hands over the table.

"So, like I've told the many others who wanted to buy my land and home, I'm kindly telling you to fuck off." I smile brightly while he flushes up in anger.

He stands while slamming his fat hands on the table, then start squealing like a pig to the slaughter, spittle flying every-damn-where. Looks like I have to burn the table now.

"How dare a mere Low Class piece of filth treat a Lord such as I int his manner?!" His fat fingers jabs at me repeatedly, but I merely lean back against my comfy chair. "You son of a disgusting, lowly concubine whore from the Branch Family! You clearly lack manners!"

"Talks the guy spitting everywhere while screaming like a banshee." I drawl out without a care, fixing my white gloves with a sigh, then giving the fat man another look.

Not even the Supernatural Charm Devils have can save him from his ugly ass face. Fuckin' hell…

I wave my hand in the air, stopping the pig from ruining my ears even further. "I already said no to your rather poor and stupid offer, so please get out of my property."

His face couldn't get any redder, and he finally releases a snort that makes him look and sound even more like a pig. How can he even see with all that fat over his eyes?

"We'll see for how long you can keep being cocky, you lowly trash." He growls out, and I perk up at that.

"Oh~? That a threat I hear, mister?" I ask, leaning forward with a smirk on my face.

A cruel, crooked grin spreads across his face, revealing his yellow crooked teeth to me. "You bet it is, trash! What?! Scared now?! Heh! It's too late!"

"We'll see for how long you can keep being cocky, you lowly trash."

"Oh? That a threat I hear, mister?"

"You bet it is, trash! What?! Scared now!? Heh! It's too late!"

"Aaand save." I click on my phone and lean back with a satisfied smile. "And send on the Devil Net for all to hear, just like the previous four morons." The pigs face goes so white that for a second I believe he died on the spot.

But then he stumbles back. "T-That means n-nothing!" He squeals, wagging his fat fingers covered in expensive jewelry at me once more. "N-Nobody will care about the death of some lowly Low Class filth!"

I shrug and put away my phone before crossing my hands over my lap. "They won't care about me until I die, that is."

"If I do die, there is proof on the Devil Net of who threatened me." I smirk and drop my cheek on my closed fist. "And since murder is very much illegal here, the Satans will surely fall down on your houses like the Hammer of Dawn, and you'll face very bad consequences."

He ran out of my office, then out of the massive Zagan Palace in just a few seconds. I wasn't even done talking.

Still, look at those fat legs go. Damn.

And here I thought he could go faster by running downhill…

I shake my head and sigh, dropping my cheek on my open gloved palm.

Being an isekaied dude in an anime world is a pain in the ass.

Young me should have truly not wished for such a thing on my fourteenth birthday.

Though Truck-Kun did come a bit late.

And in the form of dying from overworking. And probably far too much caffeine.

Being a scientist can do that to you. But it's also because I was an idiot.

I was sent to this world around two weeks ago, in the body of Lyon Zagan, a Low Class Devil from the Zagan House.

In the world of High School DxD, where squeezing and poking tits gives a brain-dead protagonist OP plot armor.

And I was sent here without cheat powers. Not even a Clan Trait.

Though, to be fair, I don't want either of those.

I had my fill of Cheats with GTA San Andreas. Those slips of paper will always be worshiped, and so will my old man for introducing me to that game.

Very irresponsible of him to do that, but who cares.

I hum and stand, then exit my office and start walking down the very empty halls of my massive mansion/palace.

I am the last surviving member of the Zagan House, a once massive house that joined the wrong side during the Devil Civil War and got their asses handed to them by a certain Magical Girl Devil.

So since then, the Zagan House has been declared extinct due to the Clan Trait having disappeared, and from the Main House having been slaughtered.

The Branch house only had my father, then a few more Devils left.

Dunno what happened to those Devils, but my old man kicked the bucket several months ago, which led the previous Lyon into a depressive spiral.

To the point I am fairly sure that I took over his body after he killed himself.

The noose around my neck when I awakened was quite the big clue towards that.

So now I have been dealing with morons wanting to buy off the rest of my land and the Zagan family home, and other minor things that are just starting to get annoying.

Well, at least I am kind-off rich.

On the better side of this whole thing; I have fucking Magic! Childhood dream come true!

Human Magic would have fit me well too due to it's need of calculations, something that I enjoy… But Devil Magic is busted.

It's not Imagination, but Visualization.

As long as I can visualize something, I can bring it to life and shape it.

And by mixing the Human Magic system in the mix, that step becomes so much easier.

The Devils focus their very existence – their very worth! – around their Clan Traits when they have such a powerful tool right at their fingertips.

And that's exactly why I am a Low Class Devil, even as the last descendant of a very much extinct Pillar House.

Because I don't have the Zagan Clan Trait.

Hence, I am worth nothing.

And I am not the only one, as far as I have seen on the Devil Net.

Hell, there's a whole secret group chat on the Devil Net filled with those tossed aside by their Families.

Remnants of extinct Houses made Low Class Devils due to their lack of Clan Trait, no matter how strong they are.

Sons and daughters born in Branch Families, or from concubines and maids.

It disgusts me so much.

A society run like this reminds me too much of Home, back on Earth, where the rich ignored the poor and lived great lives, and no one tried to make a great change.

Where a government turned a blind eye and deaf ear to their struggling people.

I want to change things, walk up to the Satans, and slap the shit out of them.

Why? Because the solution they came up for the struggling birth rates of Devils is fucking Slavery.

Because they turn a blind eye to all the abuse the Slaves/Reincarnated Devils go through.

Because they can't even see that they are slowly building an army that is gathering strength so to butcher them all from the inside out.

So many Stray Devils hiding around the poor areas of Devil cities, all just waiting and biding their time to strike.

I want to make a change, but I need strength and connections.

I have an idea on how to gather strength, but for connections… I really have nothing on that for now.

To gather allies and connections, first things first I need power. It's an assurance that I mean business.

Resources will come with connections, and connections can be made with power or through sheer luck.

Once I have that, gathering even more people will be easy. Strength attracts others, and resources grant them a sense of security, making them admit that it was indeed a good choice to join my side.

There's a lot of steps to this, and I'll need a while to get started on the second step and so on.

First, as I said before, is Strength.

I've trained a bit these past weeks. Found the limitation of Devil Magic and what I can do with it, and how crazy strong it actually is.

But of course training won't get me anywhere. I plan to go against centuries old monsters like Sirzechs and Ajuka, so training won't do me any good against those blessed from birth.

I've always sucked at pretty much everything in life, and the only way I get good at something is by spending an unhealthy amount of time by doing it over and over again.

The definition of insanity, but things do change when I expect them too.

It's sheer hardwork, but that won't be enough here.

So I have another plan to cheese my growth, since I am not blessed with talent or great powers here either.


Such a simple daily thing for so many Devils… Yet such a powerful weapon that they are too fucking stupid to even realize is within their hands.

As expected from a long lived race.

Contracts are broken because it allows a Devil to ask for anything and actually receive it, not matter what it is, once the contract has been fulfilled, and if the person requesting for help has actually signed it of course.

And what do Devils ask as reward? A tiny bit of Life Force, which actually makes them stronger bit by bit.

Life Force is basically a person's daily stamina, so what if I made a contract whose reward spanned for days, months or even years?

That right there is a constant source of growth, especially if I add more stipulations to it.

The gains I will have by making dozens, if not hundreds of contracts Worldwide will me immense, and if it does indeed work then I'll have a constant source of growth at my fingertips.

I've already spread my summoning fliers across the web in all existing languages, even paid for a few ads to be shown for them so to bolster the chances of more people seeing them.

Why? Because it's the most effective way to get the attention of shut-in's or people with their faces on the phones constantly.

Why waste paper and have a familiar spread them around a city when you can spread them around the world?

Get your money up, not your funny u-

"Hn?" I pause in my steps when I feel a certain something, then raise my right hand and stare at the back of my glow and to the blackish-gold magical circle that appeared there.


After an entire week, finally someone is summoning me!

I swiftly fix my clothes and hair, then activate the magic circle, allowing it to expand beneath my feet and engulf me whole.

It swallows me in a burst of light, and I soon reappear in a… bedroom?

I blink, look around, then my gaze finally lands on my summoner.

A beautiful woman clearly fresh out of the shower and with a loose bathrobe on her.

I blink again, then slowly turn around. "You really shouldn't summon Devils while fresh out of the shower." I advise with a cough into my fist.

"I didn't think it would work…" She whispers softly from behind me, and I shrug minutely.

That's to be expected, I guess.

Is this going to be a dick summon or what?

"May I step outside while you change?" I offer, waving my gloved hand towards the door of her room.

"A-Ah, yes, of course." Okay, so not a dick summon. That would have been a weird way to start off.

I nod and slowly step outside, shutting the door behind me before looking around the hallway.

The way the home is styled is very Japanese, so perhaps I've been summoned to Japan.

I can't really tell by the woman speaking due to the Translator bullshit all Devils have, so I hear her speaking in perfect English.

There's a few pics hanging on the walls of the hallway, so I move slightly closer to inspect them and see if I can get a feel of the woman who summoned me.

She's tall, with long silver pink hair and deep red eyes. Very anime-ish.

She's also quite curvaceous and the beauty, with fair if not slightly pale skin.

And from the looks of it, she's also a nurse, given the picture of her standing with other women dressed in a nurse garb.

I'm bought out of my musings by the door to the woman's bedroom slowly creaking open, so I plaster a smile on my face as she comes into view.

I don't fail to notice the slight bags under her hair, or the way there was a certain gloom around her.

Her clothing was heavy and baggy, perhaps to avoid showing her curves, and she seemed to be quite nervous too.

"I hope the rather embarrassing first meeting hasn't made you want to turn away my services." I speak up with a small smile on my face, and a faint dusting of red appears on her cheeks.

She shakes her head and fully opens the door to her room and steps out, her hair still a bit wet. "No, I still intend on making my request." I nod and heave an internal sigh of relief, then offer her my hand.

"Lyon Zagan, a pleasure." She blinks, then gingerly takes my hand in hers and gives it a light shake.

"Florence." She curtly replies, voice still faint and light. And she's quite private too.

Or more like guarded.

She turns and leads the way downstairs and into the living room after introducing herself, and I take notice that the place is quite cozy… if not covered in a bit of dust.

It feels cold, lonely, secluded.

I take a seat by the table together with Florence, ignoring the faint bit of dust on it.

"I already know about the Supernatural." Florence starts, hands cupped together above the table. "And I need help to deal with a… stalker. A Fallen Angel." I raise a brow at that, then lean forward out of curiosity.

Well, this is an interesting first contract…

"Start from the beginning, please." I request, and Florence nods faintly before breathing in.

"It was a month ago when I ran into him, right after my morning shift. He was… weird. Too friendly and took too many liberties."

"After I refused his… advances and left, I became aware of him following me through the days."

"And this past week it got worse. He's been hanging around my house, and I saw him flying away with his black feathery wings a few times." Her right hand comes up to rub at her left forearm, making me understand why she is so on guard and nervous.

Being stalked would do that to someone.

I lean back with narrowed eyes and cup my chin in thought. "Fallen Angels are very lustful creatures, so him approaching a beautiful woman doesn't sound out of place… But stalking her for so long?" I scrunch up my nose. "It's like he's waiting for something. Watching you for something."

Florence pauses at that, her red eyes widening slightly. "Could he be after my Sacred Gear?" I blink at that information, then narrow my eyes.

"It depends on what it is." I muse with a shrug. "Either that, or perhaps your family holds some sort of treasure?" So, which would it be?

Just lust? Just greed? Both?

Plenty of Fallen Angels are rapists, so I wouldn't be surprised. It's a common thing Fallen and Devils do for amusement.

Florence squints her eyes and chews on her lower lip, hands kneading over each other. "What if my Sacred Gear was a Sub-Species?" She offers, and that brings me pause.

I swiftly raise a hand. "First of all, please don't reveal such information so easily." I warn her kindly. "Had it been any other Devil, they wouldn't have hesitated in making you their slave and forcibly turning you into a Reincarnated Devil." Her face pales considerably, but I offer her a kind smile.

"Luckily, I have no interest in that." I wave my hand and lean back on the table. "And again, while the allure of a Sub-Species would be quite great, it depends on what the Gear is."

"Twilight Healing." She reveals, and I give her a deadpan look. Seriously lady?

"Fine, I'll bite." I sigh and cross my arms. "What can you do?" I ask flatly and directly, and Florence slowly raises one of her hands up.

A bright green glow envelops her hand, then surges upward inside her palm and focuses.

And from within the light, a glistening light green liquid forms.

Florence cuts off the light, letting the liquid fall on her palm and disperse in a burst of energy through her body.

She instantly looks much healthier and better, with the bags under her eyes disappearing in a flash.

Holy shit…

"I can create a liquid that can heal any injuries or fatigue near instantaneously, and if I concentrate it and expend my energies, I can even make it regrow limbs." I'd really invoke the Big G's name right now if I could, but I don't want to have a headache.

"Okay, yeah…" I pull back with wide eyes. "That'd do it." I sniff and tap the table a few times. "He either caught you using it, or someone connected to him did. Word travels fast in the Supernatural World."

But why would this guy target her still?


Nah, you gotta be fucking kidding me.

I narrow my eyes and stand up, then inspect her home and the area around the front door.

I walk up to the window right beside the front door and slightly move the blinds to the side so to pick outside.

Florence remains quiet as inspect outside, watching quietly if the coast is clear.

Summoning a Devil can be felt by other supernatural beings in the vicinity, so since no one busted the door down or smashed through the windows and wall means that the guy either wasn't around when she summoned me…

Or he made a run for it to get reinforcements.

How confident am I in taking on a group of Fallen Angels wielding my fatal weakness?

Oh, very.

"Mind telling me where I am?" I ask Florence, earning a confused look from her beautiful face. "Country and city, preferably."

She blinks, but answers nonetheless. "Japan, Kuoh Town."

Yeah, the Universe is having a fuckin' laugh right now.

I swear if I am being dragged into canon events then I will be mad and create a thermonuclear fusion in someone's asshole.

"Right." I sigh deeply and pull away from the window. "This calls for a preemptive strike then." I crack my knuckles and turn to Florence. "Mind giving me the direction to the church in Kuoh?"

Florence pauses. "There's two of them."

"The abandoned one." She blinks, then nods and stands and walks up to me, much to my confusion.

"I'm coming with you." Now it's my turn to blink.

"You are my customer, and I will protect you. So it's best you stay here." Her gaze hardens at my words, and a green glow envelops her hands once more.

"I can heal you in the worst case scenario." She offers, and I sigh deeply before opening the front door for her.

"I'm putting that on your tab, young lady." And for the first time since we met, she finally smiles. "And you should smile more, it suits you." My mouth states before my brain could connect.

Florence walks ahead of me, seemingly not reacting to my words as I shut the door to her home behind me.

Though I don't fail to notice the faint dusting of red over her ears.

"The abandoned church is close." Florence speaks up from ahead of me, not bothered by the chilly evening air. "Just a few streets over." I nod lightly, then wonder if this is the evening a certain guy gets his guts poked out.

Maybe, maybe not. I don't care either way.

I'm someone that cherishes life, but I'm also quite biased.

Me and Florence walk quietly, with me earning a few gazes on the way due to my Supernatural Charm.

I'm very fucking handsome here, that I can admit and flaunt. But I won't because it's a waste of time.

If someone likes me, that's fine. If someone doesn't like me, they can fuck off. Simple as that.

I'm suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by Florence speaking up. "How's it like being a Devil?" She asks softly, and I mull over her question with a light hum.

"Quite disgusting, honestly." She turns a surprised look to me. A faint snort leaves my lips. "It's full of politics, thinly veiled threats and your value being set on your blood purity and inherited powers. Not on personal value or personal capabilities."

She scrunches up her nose cutely at that. "Sounds horrible." I nod in agreement at that, a thin smile on my face.

"What about you?" I ask, mostly to keep the conversation going. "How's it like living as a human?" For me it used to be very repetitive and disappointing.

Being part of the talentless mob did that to you.

"Repetitive and stale." She replies curtly, her voice still holding that slight emotionless and dull tone to it. "Wake up, get dressed, work, go home, clean up, eat, sleep. Rinse and repeat." She sighs deeply at that.

"There's no excitement in it anymore." And as kids we wanted to be adults.

While as adults we want to be kids once more, just without the memories.

I wish I had that young innocence again.

Staring at the world with big dreams of grandeur, then having reality crash down on my head the more I grew up.

I go to speak again, no real thoughts behind my words, but Florence suddenly stops and a feeling of wrongness washes over me.

I stop too and follow her gaze to a dilapidated and old church, the sight alone making my skin crawl and blood boil in disgust.

Man, if my granny saw me now… That chancla of hers would break the fucking sound barrier if she learned that I dare feel disgust towards the house of Big G.

I turn to Florence and give her a hard look. "Wait here." I tell her firmly, earning a slightly flaming look from her red eyes. "And if things go south, run." She chews on her lower lip, but nods when I hold my stare.

I nod and turn away, fixing my clothes and sighing before striding past the rusted fence gates of the church and towards the large and mossy wooden doors.

The feeling of revulsion grows stronger as I reach the door, then becomes a massive wave that makes me frown when I push the doors open with a loud creaking sound.

My gaze instantly falls on the trio inside the church. Two beautiful women clad in slutty bondage clothing that shows far too much tits and ass, and a man dressed in a tuxedo.

Hmm… Blue hair Fallen Angel lady… Yep, she's one of Rayanare's buddies I believe.

"Who the hell are you?" And the black haired chick that is most likely Rayanare questions with a frown on her face.

They all stand as they summon spears of lights, instantly going hostile and on guard.

I scoff at the sight. "Just a passerby Devil wishing to spread a word of advice." I speak up and make a mockery of a bow towards them. "Leave this place before you are hunted and slaughtered by the owners of the territory." Or me.

I'm simply giving them a choice, but of course, as all villains do, they will-

Burst out laughing. Yep.

Ugly ass laugh too, damn…

"I think I'll need to change my ears after that…" I sigh with a shake of my head while the trio of Fallen Angels calm down from their bout of laughter. "Looks like your incoming deaths are quite amusing to you all! I'm happy to oblige!" I state with a bright smile, clapping my hands together quite loudly at that.

Rayanare, or who I believe must be her, shakes her head and points her pink spear at me. "Any last words before I gut you?" Really? Straight to the 'Last words' bit?

Come on lady, some banter! Amusement! Make this fun for me!

I sigh deeply again and drop my arms by my side. "Fine, I'll bite." I shrug then hum and tap my foot on the ground for a few seconds.

Oh, I just know how to deal with them!

"Alright, I have my 'Last Words' lady!" I speak up, and Rayanare scoffs with a mocking smile on her face, then wiggles her spear as if to say 'go on'. "It's more of a question though, a surprise quiz, if you will…"

"Tell me; What do you get if you subject a neutral gas to a strong electromagnetic field?"

Their faces instantly scrunch up in sheer confusion at my big words that their baby brains can't even fathom to understand.

I shake my head and click my tongue. "Truly a bunch of dimwits." I sigh, lift a hand, visualize Neutral Gas in the palm of my hands. "The answer to that is simple, folks."

"It's Plasma." The subject it to a powerful electromagnetic field.

And then the full force and heat of twenty-five-thousand degrees Celsius is released within the church.

Now imagine a Plasma Cutter.

And now imagine that tiny Plasma Blade in the form of a beam the size of a damn car.

Yeah, I put a hole through the fucking church.


The surrounding wood is already on fire, so I gladly and swiftly make my exit through the doors I just came in.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the wonders of Plasma, Science and most important of all…


Ignore the rapidly burning church of course.

"Problem solved." I reveal to Florence with a bright smile on my face, her eyes never leaving the burning church behind me. "I'll be honest, things got out of hand."

I didn't expect for that damn huge ass beam to be released!

Thank the Devil that I kept the damn thing up for just a second and aimed upward, lest I put a hole through… the City!

"I think it's best we leave, quickly…" Florence speaks up, but I don't miss the slightly amused smile on her lips as she turns around and starts speed-walking away.

We make our way back to her home, and that's when the sirens started flashing by, allowing me to release a faint snort.

Yeah, that was fun.

"So…" Florence speaks up, hand coming up to rub at her arm. "The situation is handled?" The hope in her voice can't be missed.

I nod with an encouraging smile, but fish a card out of my pocket and offer it to her.

"In case you are in danger, use the sharp side of the card to cut your finger. It'll instantly summon me to your side." She blinks, then smiles and gently takes the card.

It has my house magic circle on it, and one side of the card is sharp enough to cut flesh with a graze.

I commissioned a bunch of these some time ago, got a few hundred in reserve just in case, so to protect my customers and contracts from being terminated by an outside party.

Plus, it has my number on it for direct contact in case they want to quickly request something else and not go through the summoning ritual like usual.

"Thank you, truly…" She sighs out, her shoulders sagging as I offer her a soft smile.

Must've been hard. I can't even imagine the sheer mental pressure she's been under.

"Now, about the payment." I clap my hands together and conjure a slip of paper inside of them, making Florence perk up. "I've already written the Contract. All I need you to do is just sign it with a drop of your blood after reading through it." She nods with a grateful smile and takes the slip of paper in her hands, then goes to take a seat by the table.

I join her and cross a leg over the other, then wait patiently as she reads through the contents.

It takes her a few minutes, but she finally drops the paper on the table with a slight frown on her face. "Isn't this too little for what you've done for me?" She asks, and I reel back in surprise.

Of all the things she could have said, her being offended that I am taking too little was not one of 'em.

"Miss Florence, I will be taking ten percent of your Life Force, your daily stamina, each day for the next five months." I tell her flatly and plainly. "I believe that's quite big?" She opens her mouth, then closes it and frowns at me.

Which is far too cute for my liking.

"You can take more. I can recover my stamina with my Sacred Gear anyway." That's… true.

I hum and tap my fingers on the table in thought.

And then an idea strikes me.

Could such a thing actually work…?

"Then let's do something." I lean forward and cup my hands together. "I will raise the payment to twenty percent, maybe even stretch the time, and add something else that might or might not work. How about it?" She blinks, then waves her hand to let me go on.

"I'll add a clause to the contract that will allow me to use your Sacred Gear's power ten times each day." I tell her, and she pauses.

"Can that even work?" I smile and slide the contract over to me, then conjure a pen into my hands.

"We're about to find out." I whisper, then start writing the new contract on the back of the paper.

Twenty percent each day, for a whole year, plus ten uses of her Sacred Gear's power each day.

Drop of my blood goes on the paper, she reads through it, nods, then bites her thumb and presses it on the paper right beside mine.

The paper lights up, and the effect is instantaneous.

I feel a surge of energy inside of me while Florence shudders, then releases a long and cute yawn.

Holy smoly, that felt good…

I gulp, flexing my fingers as I feel the energy settle and be digested as my reserves slowly grow more and more as it does.

Yeah, this is game-changing…

But most of all…

I concentrate, and a grin spreads across my face when a light green glow envelops my hands, much to Florence's growing surprise.

Oh my fucking Lucifer…

The Devils are truly so hellishly dumb!

"Looks like that worked then." I muse in satisfaction, then stand and fold the contract paper before giving it to Florence. "Hide this and don't damage it, else the contract will be broken." She nods and gently takes it, a small smile on her beautiful face.

"Thank you again for the help." She states softly, her voice sounding much livelier than before.

I merely smile and shake my head. "It's my job, and the reward was well worth it." Then I grin and give her a wink. "Plus I couldn't let a beautiful lady be taken advantage of when I could do something about it, could I?"

Her cheeks flush slightly at my words. "Would you like to stay over for some coffee? Or dinner?" I blink, then hum slightly at her proposal.

"I'll have to put a rain-check on these very appealing offers." I state after a few seconds of consideration. "I best go meet with the Devils that manage this territory, lest I bring trouble upon my head." She frowns slightly in disappointment at my refusal, but nods nonetheless and leads me to the door.

"If you need anything, I'm just a call or drop of blood away." I tell her as I step outside. "And remember; Stay hidden." I advise her gently. "The Supernatural world ain't all Sunshine and Rainbows."

I wave her goodbye before departing and pulling out my phone, using a simple map app to make my way towards Kuoh Academy.

Might as well give them a heads-up about the Fallen Angels, and those that might be left after my big beam of death.

Hopefully they scattered and left, if not, raising their guard might be good for Florence.

And I hope Rias and Sona are actually competent enough to deal with such a minor thing.

It doesn't take me long to reach Kuoh Academy, the big majestic all girl school that started accepting hormonal driven teenagers so for Rias and Sona to pick and enslave to their choice.

How disgusting.

Feels more like a damn farm than a school.

Sheep ripe for the picking.

I enter the main lobby of the Academy and hum faintly. My eyes instantly land on a nearby worker, a Devil servant.

Easy to recognize from the aura alone.

"Excuse me sir." I speak up as I approach the man sweeping the ground, earning his gaze and making it widen softly. "I'd like to meet with the Devils responsible with this territory. A situation has arisen that will require their attention." His eyes narrow, but the minute servant Devil swiftly nods before departing, leaving me in the lobby.

He doesn't feel that strong, so didn't Zeouticus leave any guards for Rias and her slaves?

I hum, shrug, then lean back and pull out my phone.

Then raise an amused brown when I notice that Florence had left a positive review under my site.

Yes, I have a site too. For reviews and rating of my services, so to attract more attention.

And here I thought it would be useless.

Money well spent indeed.

I pace back and forth as I flick through the web, letting the minutes pass by without a care as I read through the usual Devil Nobility bullshit going on.

This guy sent another marriage request. Got turned down again.

These two young lords had a scuffle in a restaurant, a dick waving contest gone wrong.

A few more Reincarnated Devils went Stray and disappeared.

So on and so forth.

The sound of approaching footsteps draws my gaze away from my phone, and my eyes widen just a bit at the sight of the people that are approaching.

I must admit, the Supernatural Charm does Rias and Akeno wonders. They are truly breathtaking and… Well, thicc.

Sona… Not so much. I just don't like her type that much.

Yuuto stood behind them too, his usual fake-ass smile plastered on his face.

"I hope I did not interrupt anything." I speak up first, putting my phone away and earning a smile from Rias, her bright sky-blue eyes glistening in the light.

"We were just discussing a certain church being on fire." Rias states, then giggles when I raise my hand and give a guilty smile.

"Sorry not sorry. I got in an altercation with a bunch of rowdy Fallen Angels." That makes her and Sona pause, and the two share a quick look. "Ah, but where are my manners."

I step forward and offer them my gloved hand. "Lyon Zagan, a pleasure." Rias's smile comes back full force as she shakes my hand.

"Rias Gremory." She introduces herself, then nods to Akeno by her side as she takes my hand next. "She is my Queen, Akeno Himejima."

Then Yuuto. "And my Knight, Yuuto Kiba."

Then, of course, Sona. "Sona Sitri."

I nod and pull back, then go to speak, but Sona beats me to the punch. "Do you know that entering another Devil's territory without seeking permission first is an offense and insult to us?" She asks, flicking her glasses up while Rias instantly pales nervously.

While I merely smile kindly down at Sona, being much taller than her. "I was summoned here. Didn't have much of a choice, young lady. Do you know the where when someone summons your services?" Sona goes quiet.

"Thought so." I nod, but she speaks up again.

"But spreading summoning contracts around our territory is still against the rules." She states again, pressing down harder, an even bigger frown on her face.

What a pain in the fucking ass.

"Good thing I didn't spread any fliers and whatnot around then." I drawl out lazily, earning a confused look from her and Rias. "And no, I won't elaborate, so I'll get on with the why I came here."

I cough into my gloved fist and pointedly decide to ignore the stuck up brat. "I was summoned here, and my customer requested I deal with their stalker situation."

"I did, but my spell ended up packing too much of a punch and punched a hole through the church and set it on fire. The blast took down three Fallen Angels, who I know have been crawling around Kuoh seeking Sacred Gear users."

"I came here to give you a heads up in case random murders start popping up. It might be them, or it might not be. Just look out for any stray Fallen for the next few days just in case." Rias frowns deeply at that.

"Were they settled down in the church?" She asks, and I nod.

"The abandoned one. I don't know if the other one is being used as a hiding spot too." I elaborate, and Rias nods in thanks.

Then her eyes sparkle slightly. "Thank you for the warning, Lyon. Can I call you that?" I raise an amused brow at her, but she merely plasters a cute innocent smile on her face.

Little vixen. I already know what she's doing.

"So, this customer of yours-"

"Will remain a customer and their identity won't be revealed." I state instantly and flatly, and Rias's cheeks puff up cutely.

Akeno merely giggles behind her palm at her King's antics while Sona's frown still doesn't leave her face.

Not that I care.

"You wish to Reincarnate them yourself?" Sona questions, voice harsh.

I scrunch up my nose in disgust at her. "No thank you. I do not condone slavery." Both heiresses wince at my words.

"My Gremory House is known for treating our servants like family…" Rias probes, still trying to get a lead or something. Anything.

They suspect that my customer is a Sacred Gear wielder, so they want to have their pick at Florence.

And I won't allow that.

"Yeah, treat their servants like family and treat their family like political marriage tools for pumping out kids." Rias winces hard at my jab. "Forgive me if I don't really trust that, young lady."

She finally shakes her head with a minute sigh. "No, that's alright I guess…" And then she goes back to pouting at me.

"That's alright. Forgive my harsh words." I give her a wink, then lean back and smile. "Either way, sorry about the ruckus and the church. And I hope the Fallen won't bother you ladies and ruin your days."

I fish out another card from my pocket and offer it to Rias. "If they do and you want another building to be set on fire, give me a call." Rias giggles and takes the card out of my hands, and I give her and Akeno one last wink before teleporting myself back to the Underworld.

And now I have a connection with Rias. Hopefully that will be a good thing, and not a damn annoyance.

But more importantly…

I create a large ball of light green liquid in my hand, then swiftly procure myself a glass and fill it with it.

It doesn't disappear.

If this works, I have a way to even greater wealth and connections.

Things are truly starting out well for little old me!


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