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74.84% Fanfiction Recommendations / Chapter 474: The Lazy Devil by Not A Toad (NarutoxDxD)

Bab 474: The Lazy Devil by Not A Toad (NarutoxDxD)

Latest Update:August 3, 2022

Summary: Lord Bael wanted a heir worthy of the Bael name, but his eldest ended up being a complete failure. His youngest barely worthy of the name much less become the heir. All that left him was his middle child, Naruto, the oddly named, good for nothing bastard that rather spend his day napping and eating his body weight in junk. Just what sort of personal hell was he living?

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13560845/1/The-Lazy-Devil

Word Count:45k


Chapter 1: The Oddly Named Devil

Sona Sitri sat in contemplation as she thought about how her Peerage was coming so far. For the most part everything was going as planned, many members of her Peerage were training and improving on their designated skills. Since the acquisition of her new Pawn, Saji Genshirou, she had increased the amount of training every member of her Peerage gone through and continued to develop her weaker members hoping to unlock there potential soon enough. She built her Peerage strategically each member had their respective purposes all complimenting one another on the battlefield. Something she would face in the near future.

Muttering softly to herself, Sona continued to stroll further down the lonely street she currently occupied. A sudden call quickly snapped her out of her thoughts, turning her head to the voice calling out her name Sona spotted the familiar figure of Naruto Bael standing on the other side of the street. Standing considerably taller than she had last seen him with his spiky blond hair swept into a unruly mess, he was garbed in a pair of dark pants and boots with a bright out of place orange jacket covering his frame.

"Naruto what are you doing here?" Sona asked her brow raised in question. Though she did not mind the blond Bael his sudden appearance in Kuoh raised some alarms, what could possibly make the unmotivated Bael journey to Kuoh of all places. Since Naruto had been given his Evil Pieces he left the Underworld in order to gather a Peerage and only made appearances when he needed to be. Though she only assumed Lord Bael forced him to do so, knowing Naruto he would have slipped away and took a nap somewhere.

"I got hungry and decided to find some ramen." Naruto said rubbing the back of his head when he spotted the pointed stare Sona sent his way.

Sighing at his response Sona shook her heads and crossed her arms. "Naruto why are you in Kuoh? Last time I heard Lord Zekram and Lord Bael have been training you."

Nodding his head Naruto motioned to the small ramen stand located just ahead of the road and smiled. "I'll tell you if you joined me for a ramen date, So-chan."

Fighting off her exasperation as she massaged her forehead in mild annoyance, Sona gave Naruto a frown and sighed once again. Accepting his offer with a single nod of her head, Sona allowed Naruto to guide her to the ramen stand as she listened politely to his pointless rambling making sure to note each and every question that came to her mind for the upcoming questioning session. As she and Naruto ordered their lunch and watched the chef prepare their meal, Sona coughed slightly catching Naruto's attention and stopping his barely coherent stream of words.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Sona said her voice sharp and demanding.

Staring at Sona for a moment his usual cheeriness gone, Naruto's seriousness erupted a large grin. "You look cute when you're serious So-chan!~"

"Take this seriously!" Sona snapped back her cheeks flushed in embarrassment. No matter how many times she spoke with the blond she could never get used to his flirtatious teasing, it was possibly worse than her sister, Serafall's. Shuddering at the thought of Naruto and Serafall in the same room together, she muttered something softly to herself low enough for Naruto to not hear her. Her train of thought was quickly derailed when loud slurps filled the air, Naruto currently sat on hi seat seemingly inhaling the noodles completely ignoring the chewing process entirely. Studying him with an avid fascination, Sona looked on in a disgusted display of noodle consumption. "You should chew your food Naruto."

"Come on So-chan this ramen is just so delicious! I can't help myself." Naruto replied grinning from ear to ear at her statement. His grin dropped somewhat when he spotted the frown directed his way. Clasping his hands together in a pleading fashion, he thought over her previous question and decided to answer it in order to keep one of his oldest friends from getting angry. "I'm here because I heard Rias got a new Pawn and being the good friend I am I wanted to personally greet him."

"So you left the Underworld without Lord Zekram or Lord Bael knowing and decided to come here in order to hide from them." Sona all but stated a grin of her own surfacing when she spotted the pout lingering on Naruto's expression. She had practically grown up with the blond idiot they became fast friends during one of the many ceremonies the Sitri Clan and the Bael Clan attended to which a majority of heirs and heiress's joined their parents. Their bond caused a considerable amount of stir in the Underworld at that time, rumors of an arranged marriage between any member of the 72 Pillars created attention but this rumor included the Bael Clan the most influential member of the entire Underworld more so than even the Four Great Satans themselves.

Chuckling slightly to himself, Naruto nodded his head at her and rested his chopsticks down now content with his horribly secret now spilt. Ever since his consummation his father and Zekram had a dictating force in his life, both of them were keen on grooming him to take over as the heir from his elder brother Sairaorg. Since he showed talent for the Power of Destruction, his education and training regime doubled with the best tutors in the Underworld hired to teach him a variety of topics, from politics to manners. While his ancestor and his father were more than happy to push both his training and education further all he wanted to do was find a nice patch of grass in the Bael Castle's luxurious gardens and take a nap.

"They just want me to learn about boring politics." Naruto groaned out a pain filled sigh escaping his lips. "All I want to do is take a long nap or eat some food."

Almost palming her face at Naruto's uninterested drawl towards the workings of the Underworld Sona fought back the incoming headache. No matter how many years passed Naruto would still be the same. Before their conversation could progress a large magic circle appeared on the ground next to the small ramen stand and out came Zekram Bael. Though nearly reaching the twilight of his life the progenitor of the Bael Clan stood tall his calculating purple eyes narrowing in thought at the sight of Naruto and Sona.

"Do you mind telling me why you left the castle so swiftly?" Zekram questioned his narrowed eyes bearing down onto the bored figure of his descendant. Giving Sona a single glance, Zekram nodded his head in greeting to the Sitri heiress and took a seat to Naruto's unoccupied right.

"I should leave, it was good seeing you again Naruto." Sona said bowing her head slightly to the Great King before she turned and left the two Baels alone.

When Sona was out of ear shot, Naruto gave Zekram a small shrug of his shoulders. "You know I'm not interested in politics or even the role as the heir."

"We had an agreement, Naruto, you would become the next Lord Bael and I would help you find out how you were reincarnated into this world."

A pregnant silence filled the air as Naruto frowned slightly at the mention of their agreement. Sighing in defeat, he nodded to Zekram and accepted the words with a grain of salt he never broke a promise before like hell his reincarnated self would be breaking any. "Do you have to bring that up every time?"

"Yes, as the next head of the Bael Clan you must be keen on politics. Since the Great War we Devils have been in a decline the Civil War between the current Satans and the descendants of the old Satans did not help our dwindling numbers. We managed to obtain a very delicate form of a cease fire for quite some time now and it is our job to maintain it."

"Sounds like Konoha after the Third Great Shinobi War and when Kurama was released when I was born, my village lost a ton of Shinobi. But when Obito and Zetsu came around to start the Fourth Great War all of the villages came together to kick their ass."

Grunting somewhat at words Zekram pondered on the idea of coming together with the Angels and the Fallens all before snorting at the very thought. No matter what the bad blood between the three Biblical Factions ran deep and while Naruto's idea was welcomed it would never work when each Faction was the antithesis of the other. The very idea was entirely too far fetched for him to even believe, yet, here he was thinking over the foolish idea and the benefits it could potentially reap. Heh, if anyone could snap the Factions out of their bloody standstill then, the latest addition to the Bael Clan would. Something about the blond made him believe in the impossibilities he spoke of, if Naruto managed to convince him of all people then perhaps with the Great Kings influence the Underworld could prosper once more.

"Very well then, there is a gathering between the Bael Clan Elders I will be present. Do as you wish for the week, I have other business with your father just make sure you don't cause too much trouble. My influence can only go so far."

"Heh, don't lie now gramps I know you're the single most powerful person in the entire Underworld."

Making sure to hide the pleased smile threatening to break out in full force, Zekram left Naruto to his own devices his mind racing with plans for the future many of them now in need to be changed to accommodate more information he gathered today. Ever since he found out his 'descendants' little secret he managed to convince the current Lord Bael to allow him to train the boy, Naruto was an unknown factor after all.

A Few Days Later

Naruto enjoyed many things in his life, but his favorite activity in the world other than consuming ramen in a frightening level was taking a much needed nap. He currently laid down on the roof of some building resting against the warm sun a content smile stretched across his lips. Though night was fast approaching and streets lights were pre-lit in anticipation for the coming darkness, Naruto enjoyed the soft breeze that occasionally brushed against his resting form, his perfect day however did not last. His intrusion was in the form of a smiling teenager with long vermillion hair tied into a bun and dressed like in a traditional Chinese martial arts jacket with sleeves to boot.

"Oi Master are you still alive?"

Groaning aloud at his Rook, Naruto opened his eyes and stared pointedly at the smiling martial-artist all before sighing in defeat. Ever since he had reincarnated him into his Peerage his long naps were no longer available. "What is it Kamui do I have to kick your ass again."

"Mo, Master why are you so mean to me." The newly named Kamui said a pout appearing on his normally smiling face. "Your loyal servant only came to tell you about the interesting fight happening in Kuoh Academy."

"I sensed the little scuffle from here, remember Kamui a hero shows up at the last minute."

Nodding his head in understanding, Kamui quickly produced a small notebook and pencil jotting down the words of his Master in vigor. "But Master, can't I go and have some fun while you finish your nap? I saw some Fallen Angel there and I want to tear his wings apart."

Thinking over the deranged comment, Naruto muttered something to himself and turned to Kamui a nod of approval followed. "Just make sure you don't hurt him too badly."

Saluting in response, Kamui quickly shot into the air as he sprinted towards the school his eyes burning with anticipation. Landing softly against the concrete ground, Kamui spotted the barrier erected around the school and sighed at the Devils maintaining it. Giving them a pleasant wave followed by a big smile on his face, Kamui's eyes landed on the frowning figure of Sona Sitri. "Yo, Lady Sona names Kamui. My Master ordered me to help out with your little crow problem."

"And who exactly is your Master?" Sona demanded her bespectacled gaze narrowing in thought.

"Naruto Bael."

Sighing at the mention of her friend she quickly ordered her Peerage to lessen their magical flow and allowed Kamui to stroll inside the barrier with relative ease. Though she wanted to ask more questions about Naruto's mysterious Peerage she refrained and motioned for Kamui to join the battle where the Gremory Peerage were already busy attempting to stop Kokabiel. Her mind lingered on Naruto and Kamui until she ordered for her Peerage to return to maintaining the barrier hopefully Naruto's reinforcement would be enough to hold Kokabiel off until more help came along.

Kamui dashed to the battlefield a grin fully formed on his face, landing beside the members of the Gremory Peerage he waved to them greeting. Before they could ask any more questions he ran forward at the Fallen Angel his smile widening at the massive light spear launched by Kokabiel. Cocking his fist back and slamming it against the large projectile he shattered it into harmless shards. Kamui did not have much time to move as Kokabiel's wings protruded from his back and attempted to pierce his still form. Moving gracefully around the deadly attacks, he managed to grab onto a single wing and he ripped with all of his might. Blood and feathers cascaded onto the dirt ground as Kokabiel roared in pain recoiling from his now missing wing.

"I'll kill you! Do you hear me!" Kokabiel howled in rage his beady eyes locked onto Kamui's smile. Raising both of his hands and forming a massive light spear, Kokabiel did not have time to even launch his premature weapon when Kamui slammed his fist against his exposed chest sending him crashing into the school's main building.

Gripping Kokabiel's face with an outstretched arm, Kamui used his free hand and punched the Fallen Angel with all of his might. Keeping him pinned to the hole he had made, Kamui continued to pelt Kokabiel with various punches until his eyes spotted the light spear forming in the Cadre's hands. Releasing his opponent and jumping back into a safe distance, Kamui watched onwards as Kokabiel's bloodied face twisted into a hideous smile. Motivated by the Fallen's own smile, Kamui fell into a quick stance awaiting his opponent to charge.

"Mo, that was mean you know? You almost ruined my favorite shirt." Kamui chided much to Kokabiel's annoyance. Making a dramatic fashion of brushing off the dust on his shirt, Kamui quickly dodged an incoming light spear. "Come on Mr. Crow, no need to be so angry."

"Filthy Devil!"

Kokabiel bolted towards Kamui slashing at the Rook in a crazed uncoordinated fashion, but no matter how many times he tried to slice the smiling Kamui in half Kokabiel's attacks were either parried or dodged in an effortless fashion. With each miss the Fallen Angel grew angrier and angrier until the point logic flew out the window and he was just trying to land a single hit on Kamui. In his anger driven haze however, Kokabiel outstretched his arm in an attempt to stab Kamui leaving his limb exposed for a counter attack.

Kamui being the monstrous individual he was locked Kokabiel's wrist in a vice grip and applied enough pressure to break the bone. As Kokabiel screamed in pain Kamui smiled in appreciation all before pulling the Fallen Angel towards him. Once he was in range, Kamui reeled his free hand backwards and pummeled his opponent on the shoulder breaking another series of bones. Chuckling at the damaged form of Kokabiel, he readied to strike again but Kokabiel quickly unleashed his wings and used them to block the incoming punch.

Roaring at Kamui's unsuspecting face, Kokabiel used his only working arm and knocked the Rook backwards. Not giving Kamui a chance to recover, Kokabiel sent a flurry of light spears towards him and scurried to the air. "Now you die! AHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!"

Watching the battle rage on, Naruto whistled at Kamui's sadistic attacks and smiled somewhat at the shit eating grin his Rook was wearing. Turning his attention to the haunting aura next to him, the blond Bael motioned to Kuoh Academy in the distance. "Thanks for agreeing to let Kamui have his fun, Vali, I appreciate it."

Smirking at Naruto's cheery voice, Vali Lucifer merely nodded in kind his attention lingering on Kamui and Kokabiel. Naruto's Rook was making short work of the Cadre and Vali enjoyed every second of it, he never liked the bastard and watching him get effortlessly pummeled only made Vali's day more enjoyable. That and he found a new opponent worthy of his attention. Even if Naruto hid it well, Vali's battle hardened instincts told him opposite of the weak unassuming mask Naruto put on. Heh, even now he could sense the Power of Destruction oozing off of the blond.

"No problem, Naruto but it looks like Kokabiel is preparing to activate that seal of his." Vali mused pointing a finger at the glowing sigil illuminating the ground.

"How boring he has to resort to using a spell to beat my cute little Rook." Naruto said disappointment evident in his voice. "Come on Vali let's go stop the bastard from doing something stupid."

As the duo flew towards the excitement, Kokabiel was laughing in a crazed manner his crooked smile only widening at the annoyed expression now firmly plastered on Kamui's face. "I will start another Great War here! You were a worthy opponent but you will die like everyone of these filthy Devils! With the destruction of Kuoh another war will-"

His long annoying monologue ended just like that when Vali and Naruto flew downwards from the air interrupting the crazed Fallen Angel. In his stupor, Vali flew towards Kokabiel in an impressive amount of speed landing a solid punch on him. Using his Sacred Gear to launch Kokabiel away and preventing him from activating his spell, Naruto on the other hand merely flicked his wrist and launched a paltry wave of demonic power into the glowing seal eradicating it from the world. Vali lifted the battered form of Kokabiel and some beaten priest nodding his thanks to Naruto. However their would be conversation never came up when the intimidating voice escaped the gauntlet of the Boosted Gear.

"Are you ignoring me White One."

Vali turned his attention over to the surprised Issei and stayed silent allowing his Longinus to do the talking. "So you were alive, Red One. But this isn't the best time to meet."

"Agreed we are destined to battle one another but this is not the time. See you later then, Albion."


"And I will meet you when I want to test your Power of Destruction, Naruto." Vali declared nodding his head in goodbye.

Watching Vali rocket to the air and leave in a speck of light, Naruto turned to the somewhat bloodied form of Kamui and smiled. "Good work there Kamui! You kicked Kokabiel's ass, now lets go get some ramen you deserve it!"

"O-Oi just who the hell are you two!" The loud demanding voice of Issei Hyoudou rang to life as he pointed an accusatory finger at Naruto and Kamui alike.

"I'm hurt Rias, you never told your Peerage members about me." Naruto said dramatically clutching his chest as if he had been struck.

Sighing at the commotion, Rias rubbed her nose and gave Naruto a pleasant smile. "It never came up, Naruto. But thank you for the help."

"No problem, I couldn't let the big bad Kokashit over here hurt my Ri-chan and So-chan now."

Walking into the battlefield with a hand on her hip, Sona scowled at Naruto's nickname. "I told you to never call me that in public."

"You're so serious So-chan." Naruto said giving the unamused Sitri his best smile. He then turned to Tsubaki Shinra Sona's Queen and gave her a flirtatious wink and clasped her hands and kneeled. "Tsu-chan it's been forever have you considered marrying me yet?"

"Naruto!" Sona snapped grabbing hold of his ear and yanking the blond to his feet. "Stop flirting with my Peerage."

Wincing in pain, Naruto gave Sona a cheeky grin and leaned in close their faces a mere inch apart. "So-chan are you jealous? You don't have to be, you're my number one!~"


A Day Later

"I can't believe she actually tried to kill me." Naruto muttered as he clutched onto the large bruise on his head courtesy of Sona. In these instances he wished he still had Kurama in him, that healing factor of his was godsend. He currently sat on a patch of grass overlooking a large portion of Dragon Moutain where Kamui currently trained with an imposing dragon as his sparring partner.

Chuckling at his half brothers expense, Sairaorg Bael smiled at Naruto's pouting expression enjoying the situation a little too much. "You'll live, Naruto, just make sure you avoid Sona until she has calmed down."

"You worry too much Sairaorg now why did you wake me up from my nap." Naruto asked.

"I've been busy training and I heard you participated in the battle against Kokabiel I just wanted to know how strong he was." Sairarog answered shrugging his shoulders somewhat. Turning away from the spar, he turned to Naruto and sighed at the boredom well documented on his expression. Coughing to catch Naruto's attention he gave his younger brother a serious look. "Naruto I want to challenge you for the position as heir."

"Eh? You can have it. I just want to spend my time napping and eating good food, the only reason I haven't pawned it off to Magdaran or you is cause of the wrinkly bastard."

Grinning at Naruto's frank response, Sairarog shook his head as he continued. "You're right, Naruto father and the Elders won't accept it if you just gave me the title. I purpose we decide it through a Rating Game, what do you say Naruto?"

Staring at Sairaorg's outstretched hand and the overly determined expression to boot, Naruto took in a sharp breath and gave his brother an equally serious look before it shifted in a full blown grin. "Pass."


"Sorry Sairaorg but I'm just not interested."

"Then why do you have a Peerage?"

Sairaorg's statement was sound, Evil Pieces were created in order to help the Devil's stop their dwindling birthrates but since their creation, they were more or utilized to form Peerages which in turn allowed High-Class Devils to participate in Rating Games. Since Rating Games were the fastest ways to gain prestige and fame in the Underworld, everyone participated in them, but to Naruto, he could not give a damn if he were famous or not. "I just make my Peerage handle my responsibilities. You should try that sometime."

Sighing in defeat, Sairaorg nodded his head and accepted Naruto's half assed response. Shifting his attention towards his Queen, Kushia Abbadon, some distance away chatting with Naruto's Knight he beckoned her over. "Kushia we're leaving, goodbye for now Naruto."

"See ya, Sairaorg." Naruto responded in kind waving to the duo as they left in a quick teleportation circle.

"Master." A soft voice greeted.

Turning to the direction of the voice, Naruto smiled brightly at his Knight, Shiki Ryougi. Her normally cold expression softened at the sight of her King, taking a seat beside him under the shade, Shiki pushed back some loose strands of black hair backwards and smiled gently. Shiki's grey eyes glimmered at the sight of Kamui and Tannin's brawl and she returned her attention to Naruto. "Master, do you want something to eat?"

Eyes narrowing mischievously, Naruto pulled in close to his Knight and whispered. "Some of your fabulous thighs?"

"Not on the menu, Master."

"How about your delicious rump?"

"Master, please refrain from stooping to such a behavior unworthy of someone of your stature." Shiki said as she gave Naruto a well timed smack on the head. Her lips twitching in amusement at Naruto's audible groans. "How about some Bento?"

"Sounds good." Naruto muttered whimpering at his latest injury.

It did not take Shiki long to return with a large stack of Bento boxes, with the addition of food the trio sat in the shade all of them enjoying their meals. Tannin had left them after lodging Kamui into the face of a mountain forcing Naruto to retrieve his very annoyed Rook. With his injuries healed from a vial of Phoenix Tears, Kamui was enjoying Shiki's expertly prepared meals. Knowing how the two of them ate Shiki had prepared enough food to feed an entire village which were being devoured in record time.

"Ha! This is my sixth box Master, try and keep up!" Kamui cheerily goaded.

Finding no humor in the taunting, Shiki gave Kamui a hearty bonk on the head her brows furrowed. "Don't talk with your mouth full, Kamui."

"Sorry big sis, your cooking is just so good!"

"You have something on your cheek, Kamui. Here."

Watching the exchange, Naruto mused to himself as Kamui attempted to escape Shiki's doting hand. Maybe being reincarnated wasn't so bad.


Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13560845/1/The-Lazy-Devil

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