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38.9% Fanfiction Recommendations / Chapter 244: The Crimson Death by Sapper One (Naruto)

Bab 244: The Crimson Death by Sapper One (Naruto)

Summary: Three years ago, most of Konohagukure no Sato was destroyed. Now Nineteen-year-old Uzumaki Naruto is the most wanted shinobi in the Elemental nations. But when the Shinigami sends him back in time, will he be able to save those he lost? Or will he lose control and allow history to repeat itself… Only time will tell… And it's running out… AU TimeTravel

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7645624/1/The-Crimson-Death

Word count:45k


Chapter 1: Again! With feeling!

It's been three years… Three years since 'it' happened. I had left Konoha all those years ago a naïve fool, but I came back a bona fide killing machine. You gotta give it to Jiraiya, the pervert was an idiot, but he was one hell of a teacher. Kami rest his perverted soul. When I came back I immediately applied to the Hunter corps, passed with flying colors, and lo and behold. I was a sixteen-year-old Hunter-nin. Fuck yeah! Or so I had thought. One S-class mission to kill Orochimaru, and wham! My team was dead, the snake bastard possessed me, and the Kyuubi's powers were somehow under his control. I watched… As the fucker killed them… Ero-Sennin, Baa-chan, the rookie nine, Konoha. As a kid I'd always wanted to be acknowledged, and now I was. Just not in a good hero like way. More of a "You're famous! Let's kill him boys!" kind of way.

But what can I say? It's been a good run, well, excluding the first twelve years of my life… And any and all interaction with Akatsuki… Hunter Corp 'Basic Combat Training'… Those years with the pervert… D-ranked missions… Well fuck me… My life has sucked! Anyway, now I'm on the run from, get this, Konohagukure no Sato, Iwagakure no Sato (Blame daddy for this one. Not like he's screwed me over enough eh? Stupid rock bastards), and fucking Akatsuki! That's two of the Great Five villages and the deadliest group of S-class criminals the world has ever seen all going after little ol' me… I'm so fucking screwed.

Speeding through the forest of Wave Country, Naruto grimaced as a flurry of earth spears decimated the tree he was just on.

"Damn it!" growled Naruto, before flinging several shruiken behind him, "These guys are fucking persistent..."

A group of around five Hunter-nins had followed in Naruto's wake for nearly five minutes, sending a wave of metal and jutsu at the retreating blond.

"Oh that's it!" yelled the shinobi, after a kunai flew uncomfortably close to his crotch, "You're dead!"

Naruto turned in one fluid motion, twisting his body, and landed softly on the forest ground. The Missing-nin laughed darkly as he hefted Kubikiri Hōchō, the former blade of Momochi Zabuza, and held it lightly on his shoulder. The blade had been modified through the soul bonding process, taking on an intimidating new appearance of darkness. The now black sword also had a sinister blood-red kanji for 'Fallen' etched on to the side.

Dressed in a black hooded trench coat, it was left open, exposing his muscled torso and the damaged seal on his navel. Foregoing the headband that once marked him as a Konoha-nin, Naruto let his blond hair hang down. With black cargo pants, a pair of combat boots, the ninja also paid homage to his two sensei's, Zabuza and Kakashi, through the black bandages covering the lower half of his face.

'Iwa Hunter-nins,' thought Naruto, his eyes taking in the enemy nin's Hitai-ate, 'At least it isn't Akatsuki...'

'No worries gaki, just kill them like I taught yah!' said a low voice, chuckling darkly, 'I wanna taste their blood!'

"Still got that blood fetish huh Zabuza-sensei?"

'Well what do you expect? I'm a sword damn it! What am I going to do, fuck a shuriken? Actually... On second thought... That could work.'

It was previously believed that Zabuza's Kubikiri Hōchō was the only blade within the Seven Swordsman that lacked a chakra ability. The real truth of the matter was a small seal hidden on the swords handle. This seal had only one purpose, to confine the soul of the last true user within the blade in order to teach the next person the art of kenjutsu. And it just so happened that when Naruto had taken the Kubikiri Hōchō, Momochi Zabuza, the Demon of the Mist, had appeared to him.

"That was one fucked up image you crazy piece of metal" grimaced the Missing-nin, as he kicked a dying hunter off of his sword, "Kirigakure no jutsu!"

A dense fog quickly materialized covering the surrounding wood.

"Die demon!"

"Yeah that's what I said, fucking Kyuubi and his immortality," muttered Naruto, as he decapitated another Iwa-nin, "Something isn't right. There's no way these guys are real Hunter-nins. That means..."

'Behind you!'

Naruto spun backwards pulling the decapitated body in front of him as a wave of metal cut through the mist. The muffled thuds of various weapons striking the dead body and deflecting off Kubikiri Hōchō echoed throughout the mist.

"Hmm... Thanks man..." said the Missing-nin, looking at the mutilated body, before dropping the corpse at his feet. Quickly running through one-handed seals Naruto mentally thanked Zabuza for teaching him the skill.

'You're welcome!'

"Fūton: Daitoppa!"

Finishing the seals, an enormous gust of wind shot out, dispersing the mist in front of him, and sending blades of wind at his attackers.

Emerging from the forest was a group of around three dozen shinobi, their headbands indicating a joint mission from both Konoha and Iwa. The group separated into teams and spread out around the missing-nin, hands blurring through seals as they prepared to attack him.

"Are you ready to die?" growled Naruto, as the combined bloodlust of Zabuza and 'it' started to pour out of his body in waves, "Because I'm not!"

Malevolent red chakra burst out of the shinobi's body swirling around him in a demonic maelstrom of energy.

"Let's get wild!"

In a crimson flash Naruto disappeared before reappearing next to a Konoha nin, a clawed arm through his chest. Another flash and an Iwa nin fell, his arms desperately trying to keep his innards within him.

An older Iwa Jounin froze in shock at the flash, memories of the past war and a certain other blonde manifesting itself in his mind.

"Hiraishin?" whispered the Shinobi, fear evident on his features, "I-I-Impossible!"

"Don't worry..." whispered a soft voice next to the Iwa nin, "This ain't Hiraishin..."

A gurgle of blood and a fallen body answered him.

"It's much worse..."

'Ha! Excellent monologue my young apprentice!'

"Damn it Zabuza-sensei! You just ruined a perfectly bad ass moment there..." lamented Naruto, as he dove out of the way of a flaming dragon.

"Fūton-dammit!" yelled Naruto, as a shruiken buried itself in his left arm.


Savagely ripping the weapon from his arm, the ninja returned the shruiken to its owner. Unfortunately, the Konoha Jounin could not catch with his face. A pity...

The demonic ninja then lashed out with incredible speed, his enormous blade ripping into the side of an Iwa shinobi, before exiting the other side in a spray of blood. Twisting, the assassin ducked underneath a swinging blade, reversed his grip on the sword and eviscerated the shinobi behind him.

In a deafening crash of steel, Naruto blocked a desperate swing of a Katana, and lashed out with a fist to the face. The Namikaze frowned at the terror in the Konoha shinobi's' eyes, before ramming a kunai through the man's temple.

Once upon a time, Naruto would have never willingly killed a loyal Konoha-nin, but times had changed, emotions had to be locked away. At least this way, killing them reunited the ninjas with their loved ones. It was the least he could do... After all… He was the one who'd killed them.

(Three years prior)

Konoha burned. Unearthly flames danced across the desolate landscape, a clear path of destruction in the wake of a monster. Standing amidst the wreckage a figure wrapped in malevolent red chakra ripped apart anything that crossed its path.

"Naruto-kun!" yelled Iruka, tears falling across his scarred face at the sight of his adopted brother, "Snap out of it! You're stronger than this! Plea-"

"Urrkkk!" coughed the shinobi, blood splattering all over his Chuunin vest, and the clawed arm sticking through it. The former academy teacher looked up with glazed eyes at his killer, shock evident on his face.


Crimson-red eyes stared unmercifully at the shinobi, all traces of the once blue-eyed, Hokage-to-be, carefree boy was nonexistent.

"Kyuubi..." gasped the shinobi with his last breath.

The demon-possessed shinobi only bared his teeth, in a sick parody of a smile. Ripping his blood drenched arm from the Chuunin-sensei's body an unearthly chuckle echoed around the devastated landscape, before erupting into maniacal laughter.

"What have you done?"

Naruto's body turned towards the voice, Kyuubi's eyes gazed upon the Kunoichi, and Orochimaru spoke.

"Having my revenge of course... Tsunade-hime..."

(End flashback)

Shaking the buried memories out of his mind, Naruto felt an ominous presence pass over him. Stretched before the missing-nin stood a dozen and a half remaining shinobi. Nine of which were slowly and in a synchronized fashion doing hand seals.




The remaining nine shinobi took defensive positions around the others, desperate to give them the time they needed.


Naruto could feel his strength leaving him, the Kubikiri Hōchō felt heavy in his hands, and the intoxicating power of the demon, slowly turned into a burning feeling of pain. The crimson flash that he used was a demonic shunshin. Using insane amounts of chakra, the technique literally tore a hole through time and space, instantly transporting the ninja. The chakra intensive jutsu could only be used a few dozen times before the strain of using demonic chakra became too much for the shinobi. On the run for three years, fighting nearly forty Jounin and killing more than half was no easy task and the Nuke-nins famed endurance was finally at an end.


'Any idea on what jutsu that is Zabuza?' asked Naruto mentally.

'No idea gaki, but you better do something about it quick...'


Summoning the last vestiges of his strength Naruto channeled his chakra and yelled, "Katon: Ryuuka no Jutsu!"

An enormous dragon of pure fire blazed a path straight towards the other shinobi, its strength augmented by the trace amounts of demonic chakra, consumed two Konoha-nin before vanishing into steam by a defensive water barricade.


Uzumaki Naruto quickly burst forward in a crimson flash, the demonic chakra propelling the ninja at impossible speeds. In a deafening crash the shinobi reappeared completely destroying the earthen wall that blocked his path. The defending Konoha and Iwa-nin reacted immediately, lunging at the stricken shinobi, and trying desperately to kill the demon.


Twisting violently, and whipping his blade around at an inhuman speed, Naruto decapitated two more shinobi in a single desperate move. Reversing the sword the Namikaze stabbed backwards, gutting an Iwa Jounin. Zabuza howled in glee at the blood running down his 'form'.


Naruto roared in agony as a bloody katana tore itself out of his chest. With ragged breaths Naruto ripped out the offending shinobi's' throat before collapsing to his knees.

In total synchronization the nine shinobi clapped their hands together and yelled out only two words.

"Shiki Fūjin!"

At the edge of his vision, a ghostly figure materialized, and the sickening stench of decay intensified.

Death had arrived...

To Naruto, death had many different faces. Some wore cloaks covered in clouds, one was a sinister snake, another was a bastard fox, but all were various aspects of death to the Namikaze. Even Tsunade-sama herself was one, the time when Naruto walked in on her topless coming to mind. The wonderful image burned into his brain was only offset by the memory of seeing a light at the end of the tunnel afterwards.

However, these faux faces of death paled in comparison to the embodiment of death, Shinigami-sama himself.

The death god was visible to Naruto through the powers of the fox, the demonic chakra coursing through his body allowing him to see the ethereal figure. Unnatural fear wracked the shinobi's body, he had thought that he did not fear dying, but in the presence of death, he knew his time had come.

"Kill the demon!" shrieked a Konoha Jounin, pointing towards the fallen warrior.

The God of the Dead, turned towards the surviving twelve shinobi and slowly raised a skeletal arm, palm open, and pointed it at the soldiers. In a terrifying voice that echoed the voices of the damned, the Death God spoke.

"Come to me."

The bodies of the shinobi suddenly collapsed to the floor, white orbs of light shooting out of the corpses before congregating within the outstretched hand of the God. In a sudden manner the skeletal hand clenched into a fist, causing the white orbs to explode into a burst of red, and dissipate into space.

Naruto shook as he struggled to bring himself to one knee, his wounds and the overwhelming spiritual pressure taking its toll on his body. The Namikaze felt rather than saw the presence of the God appear before him, the black emptiness of the beings eyes gazed into his own violet eyes, penetrating to his very soul.

"It is time," reverberated the Death Gods voice, its arm rising once again.

A sharp burst of pain wracked his skull, and before he knew it, the Kyuubi no kitsune took control.

"Shinigami-sama, the first task is complete," whispered Kyuubi respectfully, as Naruto watched helplessly in horror, "The Guardian is prepared to fulfill his destiny my Lord..."

"Very well... What is this other presence I sense fukataichou?"

"It is the Guardians' Zanpaktou spirit," continued the Kyuubi, "I believe his presence is necessary m'lord..."

"Then it shall remain. It is time..."

White lightning arced from the god's fingertips towards the shinobi, striking the seal on his stomach, and caused red energy to swirl around Naruto. Archaic symbols materialized in mid-air surrounding the shinobi, and a howling wind formed around him.

Naruto screamed in pain as he felt his body rising in the maelstrom, the moment Kyuubi had relinquished control back to him, the agony his body was going through finally registered in his mind. It was as if thousands of knives were running across his entire body, each digging deeper and deeper by the second.

What felt like hours, was in reality a few seconds, where his agony-wracked mind then realized he was hanging fifty feet in the air. Surrounding him was a cyclone of energy, red, black, and white, a wall all around him rising far into the sky. Underneath, the death god looked up, its skeletal features twisted into a smile, and clenched his fist.

A tear in space suddenly appeared under the hanging shinobi, slowly widening into a swirling black portal.

With a single command in an ancient language, the swirling maelstroms of power circling Naruto froze, and then shot inwards into the portal.

"Go forth child... Or is it back?" chuckled the Shinigami, amused, "Fulfill your destiny little mortal and take your rightful place in time… You who have defied Gods and Demons…"

The body of Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto fell silently into the black abyss. Thus history was rewritten…

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7645624/1/The-Crimson-Death

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