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10.31% Fanfiction Recommendations / Chapter 61: The Journey of the Guardian by dragonwolf12 (Pokémon)

Bab 61: The Journey of the Guardian by dragonwolf12 (Pokémon)

Summary: Rewrite of The Chosen One's Journey. Ash learns of the many paths that one can lead in the world of Pokemon, changing the path of his destiny forever. Read how Ash travels around the regions with a more progressive look on Pokemon training. Aura! Rayshipping! I don't own Pokemon.

Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12051581/1/The-Journey-of-the-Guardian

Word count:151k


Chapter 1

It was a beautiful and sunny day in Pallet Town. Many of the residents could be seen working in their gardens, tending to their lawn, or taking care of their Pokémon. It was on this beautiful day that the future of the Pokémon World changed into something else.

The Pokémon Ranger Corps. A group of individuals who have dedicated their lives to the aid of Pokémon. Armed only with a Capture Styler, and occasionally aided by a single Pokémon companion, the Rangers utilize the strength of wild Pokémon to avert natural disasters, aid Pokémon in peril, and protect the environment. In order to become a Pokémon Ranger, one must be at the peak of physical fitness, have a natural inclination to Pokémon, and the will to do good.

The Pokémon Ranger Corps was created based off of the historical accounts of the Aura Guardians. Incredible individuals who were able to utilize the aura to do their will, in most accounts they had a single Pokémon Partner, often a Lucario. There are very few Aura Guardians alive today, but those that do exist are made honorary members of the Pokémon Ranger Corps. Of course, they don't get a Capture Styler, but some say that an Aura Guardian's aura can do everything a Capture Styler can and more.

Aura Guardian's are very secretive about their knowledge. But what has been garnered is it is a largely self-taught discipline. Primarily, an aura adept (someone who has the potential to learn aura manipulation) would somehow gain the friendship of a Pokémon that can instinctively manipulate aura, such as a Riolu. This Pokémon would be able to teach its human companion how to manipulate their aura, then together they would expand their abilities.

There have been some cases of other Pokémon being born with the ability to manipulate aura. The Aura Guardian Jack Spencer, who was known to have sealed a rogue Spiritomb within a stone tower, had a Pikachu for a partner.

Seven year old Ash Ketchum sat under a large tree on the outskirts of town. Resting in his lap was a thin volume titled Pokémon Professions. It had been a gift from Professor Oak on his recent seventh birthday, as a thank you gift for participating in his Pokémon Summer Camp.

Normally, Ash wouldn't have anything to do with a book like this. Normally, he wouldn't have anything to do with a book period. Ash knew he was going to be a Pokémon Master, and anything else was just background.

But Ash's mother, Delia, had put her foot down. She had ordered Ash to read the book or she would forbid him from getting his Trainer's license on his tenth birthday. So here Ash was, making his way through the book.

Ash had to admit, some of these jobs looked really cool. Being a Pokémon Ranger in particular looked awesome, the only problem with that was that he couldn't have more than one Pokémon. Ash suddenly frowned, was he really ready to give up on his dream already?

Turning his attention back to the book, he skimmed through the pages until he found what he was looking for.

Pokémon Master.

A Pokémon Master is a dream that many young trainers pursue, but many do not truly understand what it means to be a Pokémon Master.

The title of Pokémon Master is a title very few are able to achieve, but once it is achieved one's name will go down in history. Every twenty years, a tournament is held on Mastery Island, hosted by the Pokémon League. A select of group of notable individuals are invited to attend each tournament, and the winner is then placed in the hall of fame and granted the title Pokémon Master. League Champions, Elite four Members, Pokémon Researchers, League winners, Top Coordinator's, high level Gym Leader's, are all included in the list of possible candidates.

On rare occasions, individuals who have done incredible deeds in defense of Pokémon or have proven to have an unbeatable connection to Pokémon are offered the title of Honorary Pokémon Master. Notable Pokémon Researcher Professor Samuel Oak, for his many discoveries in Pokémon, is currently being considered as an Honorary Pokémon Master.

Ash slowly closed his book and sat back against the tree, lost in thought.

-Three years later-

Ash gave a groan as he dug yet another hole for the newest fence Professor Oak was putting up in his pasture. Some idiotic trainer had thought it was a good idea to go to the Safari Zone and capture thirty Tauros. Now the whole herd was stampeding through the ranch until they could make a new enclosure for them.

Ash had been working for Professor Oak for nearly three years now. After finishing his Pokémon Professions book he'd had gone to the Professor and begged for the chance to learn from him. Oak had decided that the best way to learn was by doing, so he gave Ash a job working at his ranch. Indeed, Ash learned quite a bit about Pokémon, helping the researcher taking care of the many species that populate his ranch.

Tomorrow however was Ash's tenth birthday, the day he would get his trainer's license, and ironically the day Professor Oak would get his latest shipment of Starter Pokémon for the new trainers. The next morning, Ash would join the other beginning trainers to get his official starter Pokémon.

Finally, Ash put the last post in place. The fence was far from finished, but it would be someone else's problem now. With a sigh, he packed up his stuff and started making his way back to the house. It took ten minutes to get there, and when he did Ash walked into the building and made his way towards the Professor's workstation.

"I've finished with the fence Professor," Ash announced as he entered the room.

"Ah, thank you Ash," Oak said as he turned from his computer, "I'll have the contractor come in tomorrow to finish it."

Ash nodded, "Is there anything else?"

"Yes as a matter of fact," Oak said. He stood up and pulled a small box from within his desk. "I've taken the liberty of getting you a little going away present."

Ash was stunned. "Thank you Professor," he said. Taking the box, he pulled it open and took out a square laptop-like device. Opening it, he saw that the top half was comprised of a large screen, and the bottom half had two buttons with a blue dome in the center.

"This is a Pokénav plus," Oak explained, "Fully upgraded with map functions, a radio chip, and a video phone."

"Wow, thanks Professor," Ash said.

"I've also taken the liberty of modifying it with a special wireless link to my computer system," Oak said with a smile on his face.

Ash nearly dropped the device in surprise. "But professor," he stuttered.

"Please Ash," he interrupted, "I think we're close enough that you can drop the formalities. Just call me Sam."

Ash choked slightly, "Um, ok...Sam, thats really wierd, are you sure you want to do that? What if someone steals it? This could be used to completely bypass your security system!"

"Oh don't worry about that Ash," Sam waved it away, "I trust you'll be able to keep it safe."

Ash just stared at him. "I'm honored," he finally managed, "But, why would you give this to me? Why not Gary?"

Sam sighed at the mention of his grandson, "Gary is letting his relation to me go to his head," he explained, "He needs to learn more before I grant him this privilege. You on the other hand have proven to me beyond a doubt that you can put this information to good use.

"However, I expect something in return," he continued, "I'm getting too old to go out into the field anymore. You are going to be my new eyes and ears. I'm expecting frequent reports of your findings."

Ash squared his shoulders and nodded, "I won't let you down sir," he said.

"Hmm good, now be off with you," Sam shooed him out the door, "I'll see you in the morning."

Ash raced through the streets of Pallet, struggling to get to the Ranch in time for the starter Pokémon giveaway. He'd gotten up with plenty of time to spare, then he'd had to deal with a seemingly unending series of delays.

First he couldn't find his left shoe, then his mother burned breakfast (something he hadn't thought possible when she was cooking), then Delia had fussed over him for fifteen minutes before letting him leave.

There was a huge crowd of people surrounding the front gate to the ranch. Ash let out a sigh, probably Gary's entourage, he thought ruefully. Instead of trying to fight his way through the crowd, Ash just hopped the fence and slipped in the side door. He made his way to Oak's primary lab space where he kept the Starter's.

Walking in, Ash was surprised to see three kids already there. He'd thought there were only two others. He knew that Oak had only gotten three starters. Each of the three kids were holding a Poké Ball, meaning they'd already chosen.

Knowing there was nothing he could do, Ash leant against the wall and waited as Sam gave his speech.

"You are only allowed to carry six Pokémon with you at one time. Any other's will automatically be sent to me until you call me and rotate your team. Here is your Pokédex and some extra Poké Balls, good luck."

"Thanks Gramps," Gary said with a smirk. He turned to walk out, and caught sight of Ash. "Well, look what we have here? Ashy-boy finally decided to show up huh? Well too bad, all of the Starters are gone." He laughed and walked out. Ash ignored him.

The other two thanked the professor and left as well.

Ash straightened and walked over, "Sorry I'm late Prof...Sam," he hastily corrected at the man's glare, "You wouldn't believe the morning I had."

"Think nothing of it Ash," he replied, "however, we had an unexpected guest asking for a starter and since you weren't here I couldn't deny him."

Ash nodded, he knew the rules. "I don't suppose you have another Pokémon I can use as a starter do you?"

Sam considered for a moment, before a smile grew on his face. "I just might. Wait right here."

Ash waited as the Professor left the room. He came back a few minutes later holding a Poké ball in his hand. "An acquaintance sent this to me a couple months ago for study. However he has been rather restless here at the lab. I believe he would be better off as your Pokémon."

Curious, Ash took the Poké ball and tossed it into the air. It burst open and released a small Pokémon. It was about two feet tall, bipedal, with blue and black fur and red eyes.

"Ri?" It said, looking up at Ash curiously.

"A Riolu," Ash breathed in shock. He looked up at Sam, "You're giving me a Riolu?"

"I am," he said, "like I told you yesterday, you have more than earned it."

"I...I don't know what to say," Ash stuttered, "thank you!"

"You're most welcome Ash," Sam said.

Ash crouched down so that he was eye level with Riolu. "Hi, my name is Ash. I'm your new trainer."

Riolu's eyes widened, "Rio Riolu ri," he said.

Grinning Ash continued, "It's my dream to become the world's greatest Pokémon Master, will you help me?"

"Ri!" Riolu nodded resolutely.

"Great, then let's get started!"

Ash walked down Route 1 with Riolu at his side, having decided to let the Pokémon stay out for the time being.

"Let's see," Ash mumbled to himself as he fiddled with his new Pokédex. Finally, he figured out the scan function and pointed it at Riolu.

"Riolu, the Emanation Pokémon. When sad or scared, Riolu's aura becomes stronger as a way of signaling its allies."

Type: Fighting

Ability: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Moves: Foresight, Quick Attack, Endure, Force Palm

Ash nodded to himself as he looked over the list. "It's a good moveset, but with plenty of room for improvement."

"Riolu!" The Pokémon suddenly perked up and stared out into the bushes.

Frowning Ash asked, "What is it Riolu?"

Riolu didn't answer, instead he broke into a run racing out into the forest.

"Riolu, wait!" Ash shouted, running after him.

"Ri riolu ri," Riolu called over his shoulder as he leapt over a low branch.

"Riol...ah!" Ash yelled as he tripped over the branch. Ignoring the pain in his toe, Ash jumped back up and kept running.

They soon arrived at a small clearing. Ash came skidding to a stop and gasped at the sight before him. Lying in the middle of the clearing was a small brown Pokémon, one Ash recognized immediately. "An Eevee," he said in shock.

It was then that he noticed that the Eevee was injured. It whined piteously, wincing from all of the cuts along its body. A purple haze also surrounded it.

"We have to help," Ash said urgently. He whipped his backpack off and started rummaging through it, searching for the first aid kit his mother had packed for him. "Aha!" he announced, pulling the box from a small pocket on the side.

First, he pulled a small booklet and opened it to a picture of a Pecha Berry. "Riolu, find a berry that looks like this," he ordered, showing the Pokémon the picture. Riolu nodded and ran off into the woods.

Grabbing a few bandages and some disinfectant, Ash started crawling towards Eevee.

"It's ok," he said soothingly, "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm gonna make you feel better."

Eevee looked at him warily, but didn't move. Ash slowly started dressing the various wounds on it's body. The Normal type stayed mostly still, but still winced and cried out every time he sprayed the disinfectant.

Riolu came back carrying the berry. "Ri," he offered it to Ash.

"Thanks Riolu," Ash said, taking the berry. He offered it to Eevee, "Here, eat this Eevee," he said, "It will help with the poison."

Struggling, Eevee sniffed the berry then gently ate it from his hand. Slowly, the purple haze disappeared. Ash smiled widely. He turned to Riolu, "Now I need you to find an Oran Berry." He showed him a picture. Riolu nodded and ran off again.

Ash finished wrapping the bandages and sat down to wait for Riolu to return. The Fighting Type returned after only a minute and gave Ash the Berry. He in turn offered it to Eevee, who ate it gratefully.

Sighing Ash sat back against a nearby tree. "That's all I can do Eevee, I wish I could do more though."

Riolu came up and grabbed Ash's hand. "Ri ri, riol lu ri ri lu rio." He dragged Ash over to Eevee and pressed his hand against the Pokémon's flank.

"Riolu?" Ash said in confusion.

Riolu closed his eyes in concentration. The two baubles hanging from his head rose into the air. Ash gasped as he suddenly felt something travel up his arm and to the very core of his being.

"What...what's going on?" Ash asked, a little wary.

He felt a pulling sensation, and a stream of energy flowed through his body, down his arm, and into Eevee. A bright blue glow enveloped his hand, then spread across Eevee. All of the injuries on Eevee shone through the bandages. As Ash watched, they seemed to shrink slightly.

The glow faded and Ash nearly collapsed from a wave of exhaustion. Panting heavily, he looked up at Riolu. His mind was racing. "Was that aura?" he asked, stunned.

Riolu nodded, a smile on his face.

"I..." Ash gulped, "I can use aura?"

Again, Riolu nodded.

Slowly, a grin broke across Ash's face. "That is so awesome!" he shouted.

He picked up Riolu in a hug, swinging him around. "This is so cool! Riolu, will you help me? We can work together and become Aura Guardians!"

Riolu yipped excitedly, nodding his agreement.

Eevee yipped. Ash turned to see him struggling to his feet. He rushed over to help him. "Easy there," he mumbled, putting a hand on his side. "Don't get up yet. I'll help you get better, I promise. For now, just stay still."

Eevee struggled for a moment, then seemed to sigh and lay back down.

Ash frowned, whatever he and Riolu had done with their Aura, it wasn't enough. He really needed to get Eevee to Nurse Joy. He sighed and reached into his pocket, producing an empty Poké ball. "Eevee, I really need to get you to Nurse Joy. She can heal you much better and faster than I ever could, but I need to capture you so I can get you to her quickly. Will you let me?"

Eevee looked at him for a couple of moments, before slowly nodding. Ash tapped the poké ball against Eevee's side, it popped open and absorbed Eevee in a flash of red light. It rocked back and forth in Ash's hand once...twice...then let out a dinging sound and released a burst of sparks. Eevee was caught.

Standing Ash turned to Riolu, "Come on buddy, we need to get to Viridian City fast."

Riolu nodded.

They jogged back to the main path and started making their way on to Viridian City as fast as they could. Unfortunately, it seemed that nature itself was against them. Storm clouds began gathering in the sky, blocking out the sun and flashing with lightning.

Soon enough it began to rain. Ash and Riolu rushed to take cover under a nearby tree. Ash pulled a tarp from his backpack and they huddled underneath it together, waiting for the rain to stop.

The rain didn't stop until just dusk. As the sky began to clear, the Ash and Riolu emerged from the tarp and gazed around at the soaked land. Ash gave a sigh as he saw the sun beginning to set, "Well, I guess we'll be camping here tonight. Eevee will just have to wait until tomorrow."

Riolu gave a whine in agreement.

A beautiful cry suddenly caught both of their attention. Looking up they saw a beautiful Pokémon flying across the sky. It was a massive multicolored bird that seemed to glow golden, and had a rainbow forming in it's wake.

"Ho-Oh!" Ash said in shocked awe, recognizing the Pokémon from descriptions provided in his studies on Legendary Pokémon. Ho-Oh was said to have disappeared millennia ago, travelling the world in search of a pure-hearted trainer.

Soon the bird flew out of sight, but in its place a single multicolored feather floated down. Ash reached up and caught it, staring at the feather in awe. He shared a glance with Riolu, who seemed equally surprised, before removing his hat and tucking it into the flap inside it's rim.

After a simple dinner, Ash spread out his sleeping bag and climbed in. Riolu curled up next to him and they fell into a peaceful slumber.

The next morning Ash cleaned up camp quickly and they set off once again towards Viridian City. However, half an hour into their jog a scream up ahead drew their attention.

Breaking into a run, they duo crested the next hill and looked down. About halfway down the hill was the smoking body of a girl. Next to her lay the ruined remains of a bicycle and there was a small yellow form near her feet.

Rushing down the hill, Ash skidded to a halt next to the girl and checked her. She groaned as his hand felt her forehead and Ash felt a tingling of electricity on his skin. She must have been electrocuted, he realized.

He then turned his attention to the Pokémon, quickly recognizing it as a Pikachu. It had a purple haze around it, and appeared to have similar injuries to Eevee, making Ash wonder if they'd been attacked by the same thing.

The girl gave a groan and Ash moved back over to her. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine," the girl responded, "I lost control going down this hill. I thought that Pokémon would be able to move, I guess not."

"He's been beaten up and poisoned," Ash said, "We need to get him to a Pokémon Center. Do you think you can move?"

"I think so," the girl stumbled slightly to her feet and walked over, "Oh my gosh," she gasped, catching sight of the Pikachu, "No wonder he couldn't dodge me. Now I feel terrible."

Ash pulled out a Poké ball to capture it but the girl stopped him, "No let me, this is my fault." She pulled a Poké ball of her own out and tapped it against the Pokémon's side, capturing it instantly. "We need to get to Viridian City," she said definitevly.

"What about your bike?" Ash asked, looking at the charred remains of the bicycle.

She looked sadly at her bike but said, "I'll have to leave it. It'll slow me down and this Pikachu needs attention right away. Let's go."

They broke into a run, heading for Viridian City. "I'm Ash Ketchum by the way," Ash said, "and this is my Riolu. Who are you?"

"The names Misty," she replied, "Nice to meet you."

It took a good several hours to reach the city, and another half an hour to find the Pokémon Center. However, when they arrived it was to find the Center completely cordoned off by yellow tape. The building itself had a massive hole in the roof, and more rubble around what Ash assumed used to be the front doors.

"Oh no, what happened here?" Misty gasped.

Ash spotted a blue haired woman in a policeman's uniform and walked over to ask. "Excuse me officer, what happened here?" he asked.

The woman turned to him with a raised eyebrow, glancing down at Riolu. After a moment she said, "A group of thieves broke into the Pokémon Center and tried to steal the Pokémon being cared for. A young trainer staying managed to fight them off, but not without damaging the building. Why do you ask? Are you two trainers?"

"Yes ma'am," Ash replied.

The girl said , "I found a heavily injured Pikachu on Route 1 and I captured him to bring him here."

"And I have an Eevee that needs treatment as well," Ash added.

The officer's eyes softened, "Well, I can't let you in until our investigation is done but if you give me the Pokemon and your trainer ID's I'll be happy to bring them to Nurse Joy."

They didn't hesitate to pull out the Poké balls and respective IDs and hand them over. Ash was surprised when he noticed that Misty's was a special Gym badge, made to identify Gym Leaders. It was shaped like a blue teardrop, meaning that she was from the Cerulean City Gym.

"I'll be right back," the officer said.

Ash sat down on the curb, "I can't believe someone would be sick enough to try and steal injured Pokémon," he said.

"It's just despicable," Misty agreed.

Looking up at her Ash said, "So, you're a Gym Leader?"

She stiffened before sighing, "Truthfully I was hoping you wouldn't notice that. Yes I'm one of the Cerulean City Gym Leaders. I left on a quest to become a Water Pokémon Master and I've sworn not to return until I am." She spoke in a tone that clearly stated that this line of conversation was finished.

Ash wisely didn't pursue the subject. He gently rubbed Riolu between his ears, eliciting a happy "Ri!" from the Pokémon.

After about five minutes, the officer returned and handed them back their IDs. "Nurse Joy says she'll have Pikachu and Eevee fixed up in a couple of hours, and I should have this investigation wrapped up by then."

"Oh thank goodness," Misty said with relief.

"Thank you so much Officer Jenny," Ash said gratefully.

"You're welcome kids, good luck on your journeys," Officer Jenny said before returning to her job.

"Bye," Ash and Misty called.

Ash looked around, "I guess we haven't much to do right now. I'm gonna go exploring, would you like to join me?"

She shrugged, "Sure."

They wandered around Viridian City for several hours, stopping at the Pokemart for some supplies, and getting dinner at a restaurant. Eventually, they returned to the Pokémon Center to find that the cops had cleared out and a construction crew of men and Machamp were already hard at work rebuilding the damaged building.

Ash and Misty entered the building and walked up to the desk where a pink haired woman sat typing at a computer.

"Hello," she greeted, "Welcome to the Pokémon Center, how may I help you?"

"I'm the one who found that Pikachu," Misty said, "Is he alright?"

"And what about Eevee?" Ash asked.

"They will both be just fine," she said, "Officer Jenny explained that you found them out on Route 1?"

"That's right," Ash said

She nodded with a sigh, "Those are the fifth Pokémon with those injuries this week. Whatever is attacking Pokémon on Route 1, I'm just glad no trainers have been hurt yet."

"Do you know what it is?" Misty asked worriedly.

"No," Nurse Joy said, "But since all of the Pokémon brought to me are poisoned I would assume it's a poison type. I've already sent a request to the Pokémon League to hire a trainer to find and capture it."

She shook her head, "Anyway I expect Pikachu and Eevee to be fully rested and healed by morning. Are there any more Pokémon you'd like me to examine?"

Misty shook her head, "Mine haven't been in any battles lately."

"Same here," Ash said, "but I think we need a couple of rooms for the night."

"Of course," Nurse Joy replied, producing two room keys and handing them to the two young trainers.

"Thanks Nurse Joy," Misty said.

"Thank you," Ash said.

They left the counter and made their way into the back of the Center where the overnight rooms lay.

"So, where are you heading now?" Ash asked Misty.

"Oh, I don't know," Misty replied, "I'm sort of just wandering."

"Well you're welcome to join me," Ash said a bit impulsively. "I'll be leaving for Pewter City tomorrow," he continued, "I'm planning on taking the Gym Challenge."

Misty raised her eyebrow, considering him for a moment. Then she said shrugged and said, "Sure."

This made Ash smile, inexplicably happy that she'd agreed. "Great, I ah...I guess I'll see you in the morning."

She smiled, "okay. Good night Ash."

"Good night Misty," Ash replied.

Viridian Forest was a veritable jungle of greenery. A thick canopy cast the trail they were following into shadow making it difficult to see at all times.


Ash sighed for the hundredth time. If he'd known that Misty was a total insectophobe me might have reconsidered asking her come with him. Riolu whined as he shook his head in pain. Even Misty's new Pikachu, who was now riding on her shoulder since he hated Poké balls, was covering his ears.

They all winced as Misty screamed yet again at the sight of a Weedle climbing a tree they were passing.

"Misty please," Ash begged, "Can you stop screaming every two minutes?"

"No!" Misty snapped, "I have bugs! I hate 'em, I hate 'em, I hate 'em!"

Ash sighed, he could only hope they got out of the forest soon.

"AAAAAH!" Misty screamed yet again, "It's a Scyther! Get away!"

Ash perked up, "A Scyther? Those are rare!" He looked around and spotted the Mantis Pokémon crouching in the foliage several yards off the trail.

Grinning he said to Riolu, "let's go buddy!"

"Rio!" He agreed and leapt out to challenge the Scyther.

"Quick Attack, let's go!" Ash ordered.

Riolu broke into a sprint, a white glow enveloping his body as he rushed at the Scyther and slammed hard into it.

"Scy!" it cried out in pain, before reacting and slashing at Riolu with it's scythes.

"Look out!" Ash cried.

Riolu managed to dodge the slice before coming back in with a tackle.

"Force Palm!" Ash ordered.

"Ri!" his Pokémon confirmed before pressing his palm against Scyther's Thorax. There was a flash of light as the attack ignited, a shockwave of force erupting from Riolu's palm and blasting Scyther clear across the clearing.

"Now use Quick Attack again," Ash ordered.

Riolu dashed at Scyther again and crashed into it. It cried out in surprise and pain. "Alright, Poké ball go!" Ash shouted, lobbing the ball at the downed form. It impacted against Scyther's thorax and absorbed the Pokémon in a surge of red light. The Poké ball rocked back and forth as Ash and Riolu watched. Misty was nervously biting her nails and looking around for more bug types.

The Poké ball let out a soft ding to signify a successful capture.

"All right," Ash cheered, running over and picking the Poké ball up. Turning to Riolu he said, "You did awesome buddy, thank you."

"Ri!" he said happily, his tail wagging.

"Alright," Ash said, holding up his new Scyther's Poké ball.

"Wait wait," Misty yelped, "You're not going to let that thing out are you?"

Ash looked at her like she was crazy. "Misty, I'm a Pokémon Trainer. This is my Pokémon, of course I'm going to let it out. How am I expected to train it inside of its Poké ball?"

Misty swallowed, subconsciously grabbing her Pikachu and holding him in her arms. "Oh...okay, I'll just um...wait over here." She backed up a hundred yards and hid behind a tree.

Ash sighed before tossing the Poké ball into the air, "Come on out Scyther!"

The Poké ball soared into the air and burst open, releasing Scyther with a flash of light.

Scyther quickly looked around, taking in the situation. It quickly realized that it had lost and sighed.

Ash walked over and knelt so he was eye level with Scyther. "Hi Scyther, I'm your new trainer, Ash. It's my dream to be the world's greatest Pokémon Master. Will you help me? And I can make you the strongest Scyther, or even Scizor ever."

Scyther eyed him for a long minute while Ash waited patiently for his decision. Finally it nodded.

Ash grinned, "Awesome." He pulled out his Pokédex to scan Scyther.

"Scyther, the Mantis Pokémon. It's blindingly fast speed adds to the sharpness of its twin forearm scythes. The scythes can slice through thick logs in one wicked stroke."

Type: Bug/Flying

Ability: Technician

Gender: Male

Moves: Slash, Swords Dance, Quick Attack, Leer.


Ash groaned. A Caterpie had crawled up Misty's leg.

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