Her lavender scent clung to my clothes hours later. I was able to use the scent and the vision of Sasha wrapped in a blanket on a chair in my office to keep my temper.
She had nearly fallen into that damned pit.
“A fucking temple,” I grumbled over and over as I looked over the artifacts that kept coming up from the hole.
Luckily, Herb had been just fine, though he was still crossing himself every time he went back down to bring more religious artifacts to the surface.
Moldy, disintegrating books, pottery shards, tattered vestments, and ceremonial tools now littered my desk–the most intact pieces, anyway.
“The Lycaon Church is going to be all up our asses if they find out about this,” Reece the foreman spat, kicking a dented bronze plate across the floor of my trailer for good measure.
I sighed and nodded. “I can’t believe they didn’t know that was down there.”
“Maybe they did. What we should do–build over the fucker and not tell anyone?” Reece suggested darkly.