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28.57% Reincarnated in Twilight as Bella Swan (with a twist) / Chapter 2: Awakening and Hunting - in that order.

Bab 2: Awakening and Hunting - in that order.

Emerald green eyes snapped open with a small gasp in the otherwise quiet of the Swan household. Pins and Needles danced along her skin as she wrapped her arms tighter around the small bodies beside her.

Teagan couldn't contain her quiet huff of laughter when she realized that while two bodies were tucked into either side; one tiny body was upside down on her stomach and she had a little foot nearly poking her in the face.

'It' had been correct to an extent; she had awoken when her triplets were one year old. In fact, Teagan felt an odd sense of loss that she had only just 'missed' their birthday....and her own.

What 'It' had failed to mention was that Bella had been diagnosed with amnesia when the girls were four months old; to everyone, including her babies, Teagan had existed for eleven months now. Even though her consciousness had only just awoken. 'It' had also failed to mention how strong the bond between the four of them would be. Teagan could feel their life coursing through her, their emotions, their health…. They were not just hers in mind, body, and soul; they were part of her.

A rush of affection could be felt through the four of them from Teagan and it caused tiny little purrs to be heard in the quiet of the room; Teagan held them tighter still.

In a way she was grateful that the bond was already in place and that her life had taken on a sort of 'Time Skip' – it saved her time. However, it seemed that while Teagan had in fact been in place, since her consciousness was missing, so too were many of the benefits and knowledge she should have possessed. And in a surprising turn of events, she had not fed her babies, yet.

She could feel they were hungry though healthy. 'It' had been correct in 'Its' assurance that not drinking blood or eating an abundance of meat would not be detrimental to them in anyway though she knew she had 'It' to thank for that; it simply became an unfulfilled craving that was put on the back burner but was coming back with a vengeance. 'It' wanted her to prove she was not all 'bark' and no 'bite'.

"Alright, Bez tváre." She whispered quietly to herself. "I'll play your game." Since at the moment Brielle, Callie and Daniela were all peacefully asleep; she chose to focus on absorbing the last eleven months of knowledge. {Faceless.}

Whether because of some assistance from 'It' or not, it had been a relief more than a concern when 'Bella' had awoken from her comatose state and been diagnosed with amnesia; accompanied with a personality shift and complete one eighty in behavior. With her hyper-activity with the triplets also came their ability to leave the incubators. Given what she learned about their bond; Teagan was sure their lack of health had been more sympathetic to her plight than actual unwellness on their end.

Charlie, unsurprisingly, had been the most accepting of her name and personality change. As 'It' predicted, Charlie was relieved she was alive and could care less what she called herself. At Renee's insistence, though Teagan was surprised that her opinion was even acknowledged given that she gave it through the phone, it had been attempted for the first month to try to get her to 'remember' her name was Bella.

It was quickly and abruptly brought to a halt when Teagan uttered one sneered and rather cold sentence. "Bella Swan is Dead." Eventually, everyone came to know and accept her as Teagan Morningstar. The relief the town felt that the Chief's daughter and granddaughters were alive and well overcame everything else. As Teagan predicted, while Renee communicated; rather vocally, via phone, she never once showed her face. It wasn't until she realized that 'Bella' was well and truly gone that she stopped calling all together.

Teagan found herself pleasantly surprised that she and Charlie actually got on well. She was not close to her family; she hadn't had her 'father' in her life since she was a young girl. While she didn't see Charlie as a father, she saw him as more of an older brother figure; even if she called him Dad to keep up appearances. He was protective, passionate and it was obvious he viewed this as a sort of second chance for the two of them.

To Teagan's astonishment and never-ending amusement, to the entirety; as small as it was, of Forks, Washington… the 'Cullens' as a collective were 'persona non grata'. She was under no illusions that was because of her…well, because of Bella. The town had actively come together, and no one spoke about them to or around Teagan. As far as anyone was concerned; it was best if she did not remember them lest she be triggered with a relapse. Charlie was, unsurprisingly, the most vocal about it and the town rallied to provide support for Teagan, Charlie, and the triplets.

Teagan had no problem keeping up with the 'amnesia' – in a way it wasn't a lie. She did not remember any of Bella's life before she moved to Forks and what she knew was only from what she remembered from the book; it was easy for her to keep away from anything and everything Cullen. She held nothing against them which meant that she also didn't truly care about them one way or another. Though, if she was being honest, a small callous part of her hoped they returned. If only to see how far they had fallen in the eyes of everyone around them.

Unfortunately, while no one spoke about them around Teagan or the girls; rumors were rumors and Forks was not a stranger to them.

No one truly knew just what happened the night of September 16th; the very last night Edward Cullen was known to be in Forks. If it were not for Teagan's newly enhanced hearing, she wouldn't have even known about the rumors. Charlie had kept them carefully concealed from her; though as it were, she knew, and the town was split. Albeit unevenly.

Those who assumed what transpired that night was consensual and those who assumed it wasn't; though those who assumed it was consensual were far and few between and only advocated on behalf of Carlisle, not Edward. Teagan couldn't honestly fault those who assumed it wasn't consensual; even with the details that she held, it did not make the situation or Edward look any better.

To the people of Forks, Bella had gone to school that day while the Cullen family had left town, minus Edward. Bella had driven home with Edward as she usually did. A note was found on Charlie's kitchen counter when he returned home from work at seven that night; it stated how Bella had chosen to go for a walk in the woods after school and to expect her home soon. It wasn't written in her handwriting.

She was still missing at eight and by that time Charlie had amassed a search party. It was freezing, the temperature had dropped, and a heavy rain fall had started. The only information anyone had while the search was on was that the Cullens had left town, Bella was last seen with Edward and a note – not written by her – was left stating she was in the woods though everyone knew she was clumsy and not the type to go for a casual walk, anywhere.

It took them three hours to find her and when they did she was half naked, delirious, hypothermic with signs of sexual trauma and, to add insult to injury, she was pregnant. Though Teagan knew the 'signs of sexual trauma' simply came from sex with a vampire and her fragile human body was showing the wear and tear that came from his advanced strength…she couldn't tell anyone nor would she have if she could have.

Despite the fact that Charlie had lived in Forks his entire life, the scare of nearly losing his daughter and grandchildren ensured that not only did he no longer think highly of any of the Cullens; he no longer wanted to stay where he worried, they would one day return. He searched hard to find another Sheriff's position in another state or county and finally found one in Denali, Alaska.

Teagan silently sent her thanks to 'It' for that.

**************** {Line Break} *****************

Teagan rearranged and tucked her children into her bed while she got up and dressed in simple clothing with a pair of simple heels. Glancing at the desk in the corner she noticed several color-coded folders that she made a note to look at when she arrives back home; she did not remember them from her 'memories' which piqued her curiosity, but she could also feel that whatever had repressed the girls' hunger had indeed worn off. It was only two in the morning but she worried that if she waited any longer, they would attack Charlie.

Making it out of the house without waking the girls or the, quite loudly, snoring Charlie, was surprisingly easy when her feet made little to no sound as she walked; it was interesting that even in heels there was a distinct lack of the 'click' 'clack' she was accustomed too. Her movements were effortless and completely silent.

Teagan had yet to find any list or hidden knowledge of just what she was capable of as a Nephalem though she felt decently confident in her assumption that she should be superior to any 'earthly' being, including vampires. Supremacy was part of the package which would include enhancement of all senses, speed, agility, durability and, as she already knew, hearing. As such, it came as no surprise to her that she could run at speeds she could not before her 'awakening'.

Teagan was no stranger to adrenaline; she felt a rush every day at work. Many assumed being a paralegal was simpler than being a lawyer and in ways they were correct but in others they weren't. In the end, it was a shark eat shark world and Teagan found one simple solution to surviving. When you could be a shark among sharks choose to be a Killer Whale, instead.

The adrenaline that came with running at speeds she wasn't sure even vampires could achieve? That was unlike anything she had ever felt in her twenty-five years of life. There was no feeling she could think to describe it; no word that felt adequate enough to compare. She was not made of marble or hard as rock as the vampire's were and as a result she half expected the wind to feel biting; but it didn't.

It flowed across her skin and through her hair and while she could not see it; she felt as if it was running beside her. Encouraging, motivating, and in an odd way, comforting. Time seemed to slow while she was running; the world around her nearly frozen in a lackadaisical state. She could see every flap of the butterflies' wings, every drop of rain as it landed on blades of grass. She could evade the water before it even completed its fall onto her skin.

It was exhilarating, intoxicating, and most of all, addicting.

Teagan couldn't tell you how long it took her to get from Charlie's house to deep in the heart of Port Angeles, but she was sure it was mere seconds. The area was mostly deserted considering the time but Teagan knew looks were deceiving.

She could hear those who were at home, asleep in their beds. Hearts beating with a steady rhythm and blissfully unaware of just how close an Apex predator was to their family.

She could hear, miles in the distance, where traffic was still going strong in Seattle.

She could hear music in startling clarity from all four clubs in Port Angeles. The clash of different beats and genres made her wince.

Arguing. Crying. Laughing. Sex. Drugs. Drinking. Grinding. Walking. Running. Driving. Scraping. Honking. Swearing. Assault. Fear. Pleasure. Terror. Lust. ... and more.

Teagan could not only hear it all. She could smell it all. To sum it up; it was overwhelming and overbearing.

To try and center herself, Teagan closed her eyes and attempted to focus on her breathing. In through her nose, and hold. Out through her mouth, and hold. Thankfully, tuning out most of the sounds and smells from around her proved to be a lot like selective hearing. Tuning out the 'angelic' parts of her that nearly demanded she check on those that were 'afraid' or ' hurting' further helped relax her.

Call her heartless but those people were not her responsibility; at least not now. Priorities.

As if her instincts were trying to help her; her eyes snapped open on their own accord. Glowing a neon green in the darkness they illuminated the energy she had not otherwise been able to see. It flowed through the air like slow moving water, leading back toward the human it belonged too.

'Souls', she realized belatedly.

As Bez tváre stated when she first met 'It', there were those whose soul was much more light than darkness; though their soul was a bright and pure white, different shimmering 'blobs' of darkness swirled inside of them. Each differed in size revealing exactly how much 'darkness' threatened to corrupt their light.

Turning her attention to the opposite side of the spectrum; she saw those whose soul was as dark as night with shimmering 'blobs' of light swirling around in them. Again, they differentiated in size per soul revealing how much 'light' existed inside of them... if any.

Contrary to what 'It' had previously stated, there were not as many like her as she expected though maybe that had more to do with the difference in year. Those like her did not have a pure white nor a shimmering dark soul. Their darkness and light swirled together, peacefully co-existing but not co-mingling; like oil and water they lived around each other, but they did not mix or cross paths.

Teagan had no qualms about taking lives; especially now that it was essential to her and her children's health but, on the off chance that she would feel some sort of 'morality' at the last minute; she chose three dark souls as her first target.

They weren't just dark; they had the smallest 'blob' of white she had seen as of yet. Removing them from the land of the living would be more a civic duty than blatant murder; even her 'angelic' side seemed to purr its agreement. Listening to the many foul and tasteless things that left their mouths as they laughed at their own misogyny only further affirmed her choice.

The closer she got to them; the louder the blood pumping through their veins became. Teagan stretched her neck when a tingling in her jaw turned into a biting pressure; her fangs descending to accompany the intensity of her sudden hunger.

A low, much too low for them to hear, and ravenous growl rumbled through her chest as she ran her tongue along them. Three piercingly sharp fangs were on either side of her mouth; each slightly shorter than the rest with her elongated canines being the longest. Smoldering green eyes watched the three men with a laser focus.

They had stopped walking; choosing to lean against a random building while they prattled on.

Teagan could easily tell the male leaning against the wall had recently been with a woman. Adam was his name. Not only could she smell her on him, but her lipstick was still staining his neck. His 'blob' of light was the smallest in the group. An unpleasant aroma of Arousal and cologne hung to the black male beside him, Jerome; by the sounds of it, he had hidden in a closet and watched Adam and his conquest though she had been unaware of his presence. His 'blob' was only just bigger than Adam's. Finally, Marcus, he smelled of guilt and self-loathing. He didn't approve of whatever they had done as a collective to the woman Adam was previously with but he had not stopped or protested and despite his inner turmoil, laughed along with his friends. He had the biggest 'blob' though she felt no sympathy for a coward.

She was now standing mere feet from them; though they still had yet to notice her in the dark of the night. Teagan could not seem to taper off the rumble in her chest and it only increased in intensity when the scent of their blood flooded her senses. Whether purely coincidental or 'It' chose to play to her tastes; each inhale was overwhelmed with the scent of Jasmine, Ginger, Honey, and Strawberries with underlying hints of Vanilla and Cream.

Her mouth was watering by the time they registered they weren't alone; spikes of fear only adding to the aroma when her growl became audible to their human ears. Teagan identified the moment she let the reigns of her self-control loose. A voracious and animalistic, but unusually sultry snarl was the only warning before Teagan lunged.

Adam barely had time to make a yelp of panic before his head was smashed against the wall beside him. His body fell to the ground with an audible 'thud'. Jerome was the one to turn his head to try to catch a glimpse of his fallen friend. At this point, the other two realized they were in a precarious situation and tried to run. Jerome didn't make it a single step before his neck was snapped.

Teagan had half a mind to let Marcus run. To let the hunter out to play and enjoy the chase. A 'whimper' that she could feel from Daniela rid her of that idea. Teagan's hand covered his mouth and her fangs dug into his neck with a distinct lack of clemency. His skin gave way like the rind of a ripe melon and her mouth was flooded with a mouthful of životná sila. An indecent moan drowned out his scream of panic as the ambrosian liquid flooded her senses. It was succulent, sweet, rich, and savory. Intoxicating and addictive. {life blood}

Teagan could taste the change before he felt it. The second his pain turned into pleasure. His fear turning into lust. It wasn't his fault; she knew. It was a mutual exchange though beneficial only to her; she took but she gave. She had no idea what to call it but her own version of 'venom' was pumping him full of endorphins making him happy, compliant, euphoric, and aroused. His, albeit weak struggles turned into his hips gyrating against air. He tried and failed to turn in her arms to face her though she barely felt or acknowledged his failed attempts. Quite suddenly, he wanted…no, needed her. He begged against the palm of her hand though Teagan wasn't sure even he knew just what he was begging for.

A condescending purr resonated through Teagan's chest at the control that gave her. She could not help but revel in the feeling of his strength gradually leaving his body. The way his breathing came out in shorter and shorter puffs. Her thumb moved until she could feel his heart hammering away against the tip of her finger and desire pooled low in her stomach.

It set all of her nerve endings on fire; she wanted nothing more than to run to Alaska and devour her mate. The stilling of her prey brought her back to reality; his body slumping against her. His heart gave a last strained and weak 'thump' before it gave up all together.

Teagan let him go and watched as he crumpled in a heap on the ground. She could see her breath as the cold nights air cooled her suddenly overheated skin, heavy pants leaving her crimson painted lips. As she licked them clean, she had a fleeting thought…why would anyone give up that sensation for animal blood?

Using the foot of her heel Teagan flipped Adam over so he was lying on his back instead of his face. "Shit." He was alive but had a steady but slow stream of blood leaking from where his head had hit the wall. "At least he's still alive."

**************** {Line Break} *****************

Teagan was relieved but not truly surprised to find that the door was unlocked when she made it back to Forks. Dropping Adam onto the hardwood floor, her emerald eyes scanned the room until she located the light switch. She was slightly exasperated to find that the electric was still on after two years.

The living room was larger than she expected, a long row of windows and open concept with the kitchen. Pictures were left on the walls and a large 'family' portrait sat over the fireplace. The couch, coffee table and TV were covered with large white sheets to protect them from dust but she noted with surprise the piano she expected; was nowhere to be seen.

Taking the time to push the couch and coffee table out of the middle of the room and against the long row of windows, she dragged Adam's body where the couch previously was. Only then did she turn her attention to the rest of the house.

The kitchen was beautifully decorated, fully stocked, and modern. Random objects were stuffed in the drawers like matches, toothpicks, sponges, and tin foil. Under the sink she found a small mop bucket, a plunger, and several cleaning supplies. Tucked in the back behind a bottle of 'drano' she even found a bottle of 'Raid: Ant Killer'. The cabinets and cupboards were filled with plates, bowls, glasses; both plastic, glass, and wine – pots and pans, and storage bowls.

"They are serious about their human façade." She 'tsked' chuckling to herself while she grabbed the bucket and a wine glass then placed them on the coffee table in the living room.

If Teagan didn't know any better; she would assume they had never left. All four bedrooms were completely furnished. They did not take their clothes, beds, make-up, or shoes. TVs were left behind though covered with a sheet and even books and video game systems were still here.

It was in Emmett's nightstand – she identified his side of the bed not only by the 'weightlifting for dummies' book on his nightstand but the copy of 'Diary of Bridget Jones' on the opposite side – that she located the duct tape. She couldn't ask, but in that moment, she decided that she did not want to know. She borrowed a white, long sleeve button up from Emmett, a 'metal buckle corset belt' from Rosalie and a pair of 'black micro high heeled ankle boots' from Alice.

Dropping the duct tape off beside the bucket and wine glass, Teagan stripped her clothes and rid herself of her muddy shoes. Though her clothes were not dirty; they smelled like Adam and Marcus and she didn't want to smell them any longer than she had too. Teagan slipped on Emmett's shirt, as predicted it went to her mid-thigh, easily passing for a shirtdress. As she usually did with button up shirts, she left the top three undone and tucked the collar. She fastened the corset belt around her waist and rolled the sleeves until they were slightly above her wrist.

Piling her discarded clothes and shoes in the corner she ripped the clothes off Adam's body and tossed them into the pile. In the end, she chose to leave his boxers on and simply duct-taped the area around his upper thighs and penis as tight as she could without cutting off his circulation. The rest of the duct tape was used to wrap around his mouth, twice, and bind his wrists behind his back.

**************** {Line Break} *****************

Brielle, Callie, and Daniela were still sleeping when Teagan finally made it back to her room. She hated to bother them but the fact that she could feel how hungry they were becoming meant she had no choice. While they weighed nothing to her and she could carry them all easily; it was slightly awkward and cramped with three of them and one of her.

Judging by the grumbles of discontent and annoyed furrow in her brow, Callie agreed. Without opening her eyes, Callie maneuvered herself out of Teagan's arms and onto her back. She curled her legs up like a cat, wrapped her arms tightly around Teagan's neck and tucked her face into her mother's hair before settling once more.

On the way back to the Cullens house, Teagan ran much slower than she did before. A terrible mental image was stuck in her head of Callie losing her grip and falling. She knew it was hardly a rational fear, Callie was a 'Nephalem' child and was more than capable of holding on. Even if she did manage to fall, she could catch herself or Teagan could catch her long before she hit the ground; but when did a mother ever have rational thoughts when it came to the safety of her children?

Adam was still unconscious when she entered the living room much to her relief. Small noses twitched the moment the scent of his blood reached them. She laid them carefully on the couch, allowing them to wake on their own. Grabbing the wine glass that she had placed on the coffee table; she lifted his bound arms and bit into one of his wrists right below the duct tape.

As soon as her teeth entered his skin and the smell of blood became much more pronounced the girls were alert and attentive, their appetite flaring. She did not look up as she held the glass under his wrist and allowed it to fill, half expecting the girls to lose their patience and indulge in their prey.

Tilting her head as her attention shifted to the girls, she took a sip from her glass while three sets of golden eyes were staring with a fierce intensity at the man on the floor. "Do you want him?" She murmured softly, careful not to startle them from their 'hunt.' She would not rush them though she would encourage them.

Teagan walked slowly toward her daughters, waiting until she received three single nods in unison. "I brought him for you." she coaxed; her eyes drawn to Callie. Small fangs like Teagan's but lacking the addition of the rest of her teeth were peeking out from parted lips. Her chest was rising and falling as she scented the air; panting as she tasted it on her tongue. "He's yours."

While Teagan had directed the statement toward the three of them; Callie was the one to act first. Her upper lip lifted in a snarl as her beautiful features twisted, a guttural growl and she lunged at him. Teagan made a mental note to look into the pump of 'endorphins' she released when she bit into her prey and whether or not the girls possessed it when Adam woke with a muffled scream and a jerk as Callie's fangs tore into the skin of his neck.

Callie did not detach though he was squirming and attempting to move away. If anything, his resisting caused her to become more aggressive, growls of displeasure rumbling in her chest. Though, Teagan could not find any sympathy for the man, she did not want her daughter to kill him before Brielle or Daniela joined her. She pressed the heel of her boot against the back of his neck and pressed her warning; he stilled instantly though she could hear his attempt to hide his sniffling. "It will be over faster if you stop whining and stay still."

When Callie's rumbles of displeasure turned into purrs of gratification, only then did Teagan lift her foot and press down with much more force causing his head to bash against the hardwood and his consciousness to leave him again.

Shifting her attention to her other two children now that Callie was settled, Teagan realized that Brielle was sitting rigid and tense. She wanted to join Callie; she wanted her prey but she did not want to leave Daniela behind.

"Brielle." Her honey eyes snapped to look at Teagan. "Eat, sweet girl. I'll take care of Daniela."

Brielle caressed the back of Daniela's hand before she returned her focus back to Adam and Callie. Her features twisted and with a low and deep snarl, Brielle was attached to the side of his neck that Callie had not bitten. Though he did not wake this time, he continued to weep and whimper and Teagan found herself sneering. Thankfully, it didn't bother any of her girls.

With one last sip, she placed her glass on the table before she made her way over to Daniela, who looked just as ravenous as her sisters though far more uncertain. If Teagan could not feel what Daniela felt, she would have worried that she was uncomfortable or afraid, though as it were, that was hardly the issue.

Daniela was the youngest, the baby. While she had a burning desire to join her sisters, she didn't feel confident enough to do it without Teagan with her and tears of frustration built in her ember-colored eyes at that fact. "Hush, malá láska. Mommy will help you." {little love}

Teagan ran her fingers soothingly down Daniela's back, offering her the reassurance she needed not only with her presence but through their bond. Kneeling down beside the girls, careful to avoid the pool of blood Callie was leaving behind, she easily ripped the duct tape off his wrists and held his already bleeding wrist up to Daniela in offer. She did not rush her though Daniela wasted no time digging her fangs into his wrist while being securely held against Teagan's chest.

When a purr of contentment vibrated through her little body, Teagan took to whispering soft words of encouragement and reassurance in her ears with a promise that she would be right over on the couch if Daniela truly needed her. It took several minutes to get her to agree but eventually she settled next to her sisters though kept Teagan in her line of sight. As promised, after she grabbed her glass, she settled on the couch.

Getting comfortable she crossed her legs, one arm resting on her thigh and the other on the back of the couch as she observed her children and sipped slowly from her glass. Her leg gently bouncing as she did so.

Teagan knew she had triplets before she 'woke'.

Teagan knew just why 'It' had chosen to entice her with triplets to begin with.

What she had not known was that 'It' would take her base desire and run with it.

Brielle was immensely beautiful though all three of her children were. Teagan was sure they could surpass Rosalie and even Heidi in looks. Though she had asked them to grow naturally, she was confident it was their 'Nephalem' physiology that made them stand out from any 'normal' human one year old. Brielle had a dimpled smile with high cheekbones, perfect eyebrows, a straight nose, and a strong jawline. Her hair reached her waist in natural and slightly curly waves like Teagan's though the unexplained difference was she had golden blonde hair. Her skin had the same natural sun kissed glow of Teagan's with a rosy, pink blush on her cheeks and shell-pink lips. Brielle was quiet and preferred to communicate using her 'thought projection' when around anyone that wasn't Teagan or her sisters. Those who knew her, assumed she was shy, though that could not be further from the truth. Brielle chose to listen, learn, watch and most of all, judge. She took her time to get to know a person's intentions and whether she deemed them a threat to her family or not. Only then would her sladké dievča show you just what she thought about you. Brielle loved goldfish, grapes, and strangely enough, caviar. She liked dressing up like Teagan in dresses and skirts, she loved wearing earrings and dress shoes. She absolutely hated any kind of baby formula, human or vampire; her favorite juice was the 'Azure Berry' or she would prefer to breastfeed, though, she had a habit of only eating after she knew her sisters were taken care of. {sweet girl}

Callie like Brielle was immensely beautiful and again, Teagan was sure that Rosalie would lose to her children in a beauty contest. Like Brielle she had a dimpled smile with high cheekbones, perfect eyebrows, a straight nose, and a strong jawline. Her hair also reached her waist in natural and slightly curly waves though unlike her sister; Callie had dark brown hair. Her skin had the same sun kissed glow as Teagan's and Brielle's with a rosy, pink blush on her cheeks and shell-pink lips. She was fiercely protective of not only her sisters but Teagan. Unlike Brielle, who appeared deceivingly shy; Callie did not like strangers and made it clear with the glare she wore and occasionally the low growl she would emit. It's why Teagan referred to her as her malý vlk. Callie made anyone aside from Teagan, her sisters, and Charlie work for her affection. She loved watermelon, sapote and cheese puffs; similar to Brielle, she detested any baby formula, be it vampire or human. Unlike Brielle, Callie liked to dress up with outfits containing pants or shorts, jumpsuits, and rompers. She also adored earrings but liked sandals. She would only drink 'Crimson Rose' and hasn't breast fed since her first few days out of the hospital. {little wolf}

Like her sisters, Daniela was immensely beautiful. She had a dimpled smile with high cheekbones, perfect eyebrows, a straight nose, and a strong jawline. Her hair reached her waist in natural and slightly curly waves though she had fiery red hair that shined in the sunlight. Her skin had the same sun kissed glow as the rest of her family though her rosy, pink blush was more pronounced than her sisters and her lips were blood red. While Brielle had gentle golden eyes that shined like the sun and Callie had hard golden eyes that gave way to a piercing stare; Daniela's golden eyes glowed like the embers of a fire. It was that reason alone that her nickname was žeravý uhlík. Daniela loved everyone as soon as she met them, she was simply ecstatic for a new friend. She was happy, excitable, and though she could only speak a few words, she loved those words. She was a mommy's girl; first and foremost. She loved to be held and while she liked to try and keep up with her sisters, she did not enjoy when Teagan left her sight. She would drink 'Azure Berry' or 'Crimson Rose' like her sisters, though she preferred to breastfeed and would make that preference known nine times out of ten. Daniela would eat almost anything Teagan or her sisters would eat, though she hated goldfish and her favorite food was undoubtedly scrambled eggs with milk and yellow American cheese only, French toast and chewy bacon. Daniela liked it when Teagan would match their outfits and it didn't matter to her whether that outfit was a skirt, dress, or otherwise. {Ember}

The second Adam's heart finally stopped beating, Teagan's attention was pulled out of her observations and back onto her children. Callie pulled her fangs out of his body with a giggle then wasted no time using them to actually detach a piece of his skin from his body. While it gave way easily, Teagan knew that the next time she chose to feed her children human; she would undoubtedly cook it. It resembled a fatty piece of turkey skin and though Callie did not seem to mind that, Teagan was sure it would taste even better crispy.

Daniela's ember-eyes looked up at Teagan for support but after receiving an encouraging smile; she quickly followed Callie's lead. Brielle, true to character, waited until she saw both of her sisters eating before she joined them.

Teagan couldn't help but find the entire situation disgustingly adorable. With poorly concealed mirth and a laugh she hid with a sip from her glass; Teagan noted even the way the girls ate was indicative of their personalities.

Callie was surrounded by a pool of blood; If Teagan could not feel that her appetite was indeed being sated, she would assume that more got on the floor than in her mouth. She was lost in her meal, ripping into him on her hands and knees barely even coming up for air. Callie loved to eat and sleep according to Teagan's 'memories' – if she could eat while sleeping, she would and vice versa. Without a doubt, Callie would eat her fill and then slip into a food coma.

Brielle ate slower and much neater than her younger sister. She sat cross legged and while she had blood on her fingers and some around her face; it had so far avoided the rest of her. She held his arm in her tiny hands while she took small and delicate bites; she was very elegant in her movements. Every few seconds her eyes would flick between her mother and sisters assuring they were okay.

Teagan could not help the burst of love and adoration that warmed her entire being when she watched Daniela. Her little Ember simply looked extremely happy to be included. While overall her attention was on her meal, every so often she would look up, ensuring that Teagan was where she said she would be. When she saw that her mother had indeed remained seated right where she could see her; a wide dimpled smile would light up her face. Daniela did not care where she bit into him and after each bite, she would hum softly to herself while she chewed and swayed from side to side.

Teagan could not help but cherish the three of them with her entire being and she hoped that Tanya and the Denali's loved them as much as she did.

**************** {Line Break} *****************

Daniela was the first to finish though she tried to keep up with her sisters, her chewing became slower and her eyes began to droop. When she had yawned for the third time and rubbed at her eyes with her hands (thankfully, the blood had long since dried) for the fifth; she gave up. By this point, Teagan was nursing her nearly emptied glass.

Daniela put her hands flat on the floor and used them to push herself up on unsteady legs. She wobbled and pushed her long hair out of her face but managed to stay upright. It was when she lifted one of her legs to take her first step that she fell right back down. Her lower lip began to quiver. Tear filled ember eyes looking up at her imploringly from behind thick, slightly wet eyelashes.

"Mommy…" There was a quiver in her angelic and slightly whimsical voice as she extended grabby hands out toward Teagan who wasted no time scooping her into her arms and placing a few kisses across her cheeks, on her nose and over both of her eyes. The tears dried instantly, replaced with bell-like high pitched giggles but they melted into another yawn soon after.

"Sleep, my love. I'll be here when you wake up." Teagan promised, tightening her hold on Daniela who was curled against her chest. Mere seconds later, a mixture of purrs interspersed with light snores left her youngest.

Brielle was the next to reach her limit. She also used the palms of her hands to push herself into a standing position though she did not wobble or fall. While her steps were slow and precise, she successfully made it to where Teagan and Daniela were without difficulty. Upon reaching the couch, a tiny furrow appeared between sunshine eyes that had hardened in determination. She used her small fingers to grab tightly onto the sheet near where Teagan sat and used it to pull herself up. Teagan did not want to disrupt her focus to point out that she could have just jumped. When Brielle finally managed to pull herself up, her smile was so proud that Teagan was reassured that she had done the right thing in letting her do it on her own.

"Excellent job, sladké dievča." Teagan whispered into her hair with a kiss on her head while Brielle curled up into her side, a bashful but proud and content smile on her face at the praise. {sweet girl}

Predictably, Callie took the longest and ate the most. When she was finished, she pulled away from what was left of Adam with a groan and several pats to her slightly bulging belly.

The three of them had eaten a good amount of him. His right and left arm to his mid bicep; his calves, chest and stomach. Both of his feet with bites littering his neck and what could be seen of his right thigh. It was both discomforting and disconcerting to see his skeleton peeking out from where they had left bits and pieces of flesh but mostly ate directly down to the bone. A snort of bemusement left her when she realized that even the tip of his nose had been bitten off.

Callie stood much like Daniela had done, wobbly and unsteady though that could have been due to how stuffed she was. She managed to take three small steps before she fell back down. Teagan was prepared to comfort her, but unlike Daniela; Callie did not cry. Instead, she gave an annoyed huff, pushed her hair behind her ear, rolled her eyes and stood once more. She fell several more times though would simply huff, roll her eyes and stand again. When she finally reached the couch, Teagan saw the moment that Callie decided she wanted her help. She turned puppy dog eyes (she did not need) onto Teagan and jutted her lower lip out. She reached grabby and a lot bloodier fingers out toward her mother. "Up, mommy?" Her voice was just as whimsical and angelic as Daniela's.

Teagan easily managed to lean forward without jostling either Daniela or Brielle, scoop Callie up into her free arm and place her into her free side. Teagan laughed quietly to herself when she realized Callie had fallen asleep before Teagan had even laid her down.

**************** {Line Break} *****************

Teagan allowed her girls to sleep on her for a bit longer while she switched between looking out the window behind her and admiring the mess they had made. Eventually, she realized they could not stay. It would be much too easy to get caught. She did not know if Victoria was a threat or even where she was, but the shifters would patrol this area now that the Cullens were no longer here; if they found Adam, Teagan would ensure they assumed either an animal or vampire got ahold of him.

Shifting Callie and Brielle so they were lying against the couch and not her; she began to strip Daniela of her bloody clothes. When she had tossed her ruined sleeper into the pile with the rest of the bloody clothing; she moved onto removing the clothes from Callie and Brielle. How Teagan managed to avoid getting blood on Emmett's shirt was a mystery she chose not to solve.

She placed the now empty wine glass upside down in the kitchen sink and filled the mop bucket with warm water and honey scented soap from the hallway bathroom upstairs. Just like the rest of the house, they had left all soap, shampoo, conditioner, towels, and wash cloths behind. Teagan grabbed a washcloth and three towels before making her way back to the living room.

Brielle was the least bloodied of the three so Teagan chose to wash her off first. Lying the towel across her lap, she laid Brielle on her legs and took the time to wipe off her mouth and fingers which were truly the only parts of her that needed to be wiped down. Even so, Teagan swaddled her in the towel when she was finished and laid her back down.

She repeated the process with Daniela; though her little Ember also had some on her chest. It had dried quicker seeing as she was the first to finish but came off easily with the warm water. After she was swaddled, she was laid beside her sister and Teagan turned her attention to Callie.

Shaking her head with a sigh, Teagan changed the water and refilled the bucket before she began to wipe down Callie who looked as if she had bathed in his blood. Her hands and face were messy like her sisters but she also had some on her feet, behind her ear and in her hair. As soon as every last drop had been washed off, Teagan swaddled her middle child and laid her beside her sisters.

Grabbing an unused blanket from the hallway upstairs, Teagan wrapped it around the three of them securely before she quickly ran them home and tucked them into their crib.

When she returned to the Cullens; Teagan emptied the bucket and put it back under the sink before she grabbed the matches. Gathering all of the bloodied clothes and rags, she brought them into the large back garden and tossed them into the fire pit. She tossed several lit matches on them, waiting until they had successfully caught flame before she left it to burn away the evidence.

Grabbing the unopened bottle of bleach, she found under the sink in the bathroom upstairs; she took the time to douse Adam's body. After her sense of smell was overwhelmed and obscured by the overwhelming and unpleasant smell; she continued to leave a long trail of it through each and every room that she had entered hoping at the very least it would confuse the scents enough that no one would recognize her or her children if, and when, they did find the body.

**************** {Line Break} *****************

It was near morning by the time she arrived back at Charlie's. Her girls were still asleep, and Charlie didn't need to be to work until seven. Checking her watch, she realized it was nearly five. Placing a kiss on each of the girl's foreheads, she grabbed the folders off her desk, and made her way to the kitchen to start the coffee maker.

She didn't know what was in these folders, exactly, but she had a feeling that it was going to be a long day.

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